Tongue Cancer

rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member

Hello I'm a new member on this Network. 

I had tongue cancer and went through surgery on my tonuge and also removed lymph node on one side. Now I will be going through Radiation therapy. 

Has any one used MuGard ? Does this help? 

Please advise. 




  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    I Also Have Had Tongue Cancer

    But did not have radiation with that one.

    My first cancer-throat cancer was my heaviest radiation and did not use mugard but others on here will probably respond. I only used the salt and baking soda rinse a lot until the thick mucus stopped. You have to stay on top of it. You may not have a lot depending on your radiation. If nothing else try the mugard and see if it works for you.

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2020 #3
    wbcgaruss said:

    I Also Have Had Tongue Cancer

    But did not have radiation with that one.

    My first cancer-throat cancer was my heaviest radiation and did not use mugard but others on here will probably respond. I only used the salt and baking soda rinse a lot until the thick mucus stopped. You have to stay on top of it. You may not have a lot depending on your radiation. If nothing else try the mugard and see if it works for you.



  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited May 2020 #4

    I had radiation treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer - and even though they warned me about mucus, it never became an issue.

    Everyone reacts differently, of course. I hope your own reaction is tolerable, and if you do have mucus issues, you find something that works well for you.

    I wish you the best possible outcome, from your treatment!


  • DarcyS
    DarcyS Member Posts: 81 Member
    edited May 2020 #5
    Mugard for mouth sores

    My husband was prescribed mugard to help prevent/treat mouth sores during chemotherapy and radiation.  He used it regularly throughout treatment and had very few mouth sores.  


  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    edited May 2020 #6
    DarcyS said:

    Mugard for mouth sores

    My husband was prescribed mugard to help prevent/treat mouth sores during chemotherapy and radiation.  He used it regularly throughout treatment and had very few mouth sores.  



    I didn't have much of a problem with mucus. I did use the baking soda/salt rinse often and had very few mouth sores. I had radiation no chemo.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited May 2020 #7

    Is new to me, but if it works good I sure wish I had it back in 2009. Rad. Dr. prescribed "Hurricane," which is used at Tatoo places. Worked, but only for a short time.

  • TangoWhiskey
    TangoWhiskey Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2020 #8

    I found it to be neither good nor bad. Everyone is different so I would advise to give it a shot and see what happens. I'd definitely stick with the Salt and baking soda rinse though. I also use Biotene mouthwash for dry mouth and it seems to work somewhat. Stay on top of mouth issues. 

  • DarcyS
    DarcyS Member Posts: 81 Member
    edited May 2020 #9
    Logan51 said:


    Is new to me, but if it works good I sure wish I had it back in 2009. Rad. Dr. prescribed "Hurricane," which is used at Tatoo places. Worked, but only for a short time.

    Mugard 2012

    Dave, When my husband used it in 2012 it was relatively new.  I think he maybe even used it as a trial at the University of Chicago.


  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2020 #10


    I had radiation treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer - and even though they warned me about mucus, it never became an issue.

    Everyone reacts differently, of course. I hope your own reaction is tolerable, and if you do have mucus issues, you find something that works well for you.

    I wish you the best possible outcome, from your treatment!


    Thanks MG

    Thanks MG

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    big G said:


    I didn't have much of a problem with mucus. I did use the baking soda/salt rinse often and had very few mouth sores. I had radiation no chemo.

    Thanks big G

    Thanks big G

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    DarcyS said:

    Mugard for mouth sores

    My husband was prescribed mugard to help prevent/treat mouth sores during chemotherapy and radiation.  He used it regularly throughout treatment and had very few mouth sores.  


    Thanks DarcyS.

    Thanks DarcyS.

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2020 #13
    Logan51 said:


    Is new to me, but if it works good I sure wish I had it back in 2009. Rad. Dr. prescribed "Hurricane," which is used at Tatoo places. Worked, but only for a short time.

    Thanks Dave.

    Thanks Dave.

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2020 #14


    I found it to be neither good nor bad. Everyone is different so I would advise to give it a shot and see what happens. I'd definitely stick with the Salt and baking soda rinse though. I also use Biotene mouthwash for dry mouth and it seems to work somewhat. Stay on top of mouth issues. 

    Thanks TangoWhiskey.

    Thanks TangoWhiskey.

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2020 #15
    Radiation Complete


    Finally I have completed my 30 Radiation sessions. Friend of mine gave me very good tips during Radiation, which has really worked and helped me. 

    1) I used Fresh Aloe Vera Gel, right after Radiation session. Applied on skin, Gargle in mouth, which had helped me with minimum skin burn and less pain in mouth.

    2) I also drank good amount of butter milk while driving back home from Radiation session.

    3) Drink fresh coconut water after coming home.

    4) For dryness in mouth, I drank soaked Fennel seeds water. 

    5) Applied layer of Aquaphor on affected area after Radiation and taking shower. (Make sure to remove stickiness for next day session. Your skin has to be dry and clean before Radiation)

    6) I kept eating 2 eggs Omlette for breakfast with Almond milk during my treatment.

    7) During nights when I had coughing etc, I used Baking soda+ Salt water gargle to suppres pain, coughing and dryness. 

    8) Occassionally I also used Biotene for Dry mouth (Use Gentle Oral Rinse which is without Alcohol for less burning)

    9) Keep my exercises and streches regularly suggested by my SST therapist. (No compromise on that) 

    10) Keep up the high spirit. Don't give up. :-) 



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited July 2020 #16
    rocky99 said:

    Radiation Complete


    Finally I have completed my 30 Radiation sessions. Friend of mine gave me very good tips during Radiation, which has really worked and helped me. 

    1) I used Fresh Aloe Vera Gel, right after Radiation session. Applied on skin, Gargle in mouth, which had helped me with minimum skin burn and less pain in mouth.

    2) I also drank good amount of butter milk while driving back home from Radiation session.

    3) Drink fresh coconut water after coming home.

    4) For dryness in mouth, I drank soaked Fennel seeds water. 

    5) Applied layer of Aquaphor on affected area after Radiation and taking shower. (Make sure to remove stickiness for next day session. Your skin has to be dry and clean before Radiation)

    6) I kept eating 2 eggs Omlette for breakfast with Almond milk during my treatment.

    7) During nights when I had coughing etc, I used Baking soda+ Salt water gargle to suppres pain, coughing and dryness. 

    8) Occassionally I also used Biotene for Dry mouth (Use Gentle Oral Rinse which is without Alcohol for less burning)

    9) Keep my exercises and streches regularly suggested by my SST therapist. (No compromise on that) 

    10) Keep up the high spirit. Don't give up. :-) 



    A Hearty Congratulations

    on the completion of radiation treatments. That's a milestone in cancer treatments and we are certainly glad when we hit that last treatment and let the healing begin. It sounds like you are doing well with high spirits and took good care of yourself during treatments. I am so thankful for you-Take Care-God Bless

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2020 #17
    Tightness around the Neck

    Hello all,

    As my Radiation has been completed and I have passed through tough time of two weeks after Radiation, the only issue I am seeing is tightness around the Neck due to swelling. My Dr. and Therapist says that's normal and keep focusing on stretching. Though I am able to eat semi soft food now without taste ofcourse. 

    Is there any tips to reduce this discomfort? 

    Please advise.

    Thanks in advance. 

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited July 2020 #18
    rocky99 said:

    Tightness around the Neck

    Hello all,

    As my Radiation has been completed and I have passed through tough time of two weeks after Radiation, the only issue I am seeing is tightness around the Neck due to swelling. My Dr. and Therapist says that's normal and keep focusing on stretching. Though I am able to eat semi soft food now without taste ofcourse. 

    Is there any tips to reduce this discomfort? 

    Please advise.

    Thanks in advance. 


    Big congratulations on completing treatment! What a relief, and sounds like you are doing well!! My husband finished June 3..... he had a bilateral neck dissection, so has some swelling to his neck area. Worse in the morning when he gets up. Seems to decrease over the course of the day. It doesn’t seem to cause him discomfort. We saw all of his doctors this past Monday, and all three assured him this was normal. But they did put in a referral to the Lymphedema clinic, and said the therapists will show him massages that he or I can do to his neck a few times a week to manage and decrease the swelling. So perhaps that is something that would help you as well. Take care in your recovery. And again, hearty congratulations!

  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    PipLily said:


    Big congratulations on completing treatment! What a relief, and sounds like you are doing well!! My husband finished June 3..... he had a bilateral neck dissection, so has some swelling to his neck area. Worse in the morning when he gets up. Seems to decrease over the course of the day. It doesn’t seem to cause him discomfort. We saw all of his doctors this past Monday, and all three assured him this was normal. But they did put in a referral to the Lymphedema clinic, and said the therapists will show him massages that he or I can do to his neck a few times a week to manage and decrease the swelling. So perhaps that is something that would help you as well. Take care in your recovery. And again, hearty congratulations!

    Tightness around the Neck

    Thank you so much PipLily for your response. Your husband finished on June 3 and I finished on June 30th and I had same kind of surgery (Bilateral neck Dissection to remove Lymh Nodes on Left side)

    I am having exactly same symptoms. Mornings are always tough and as day goes by it reduces, specially after taking shower. My Dr also assured me the same thing that this will improve over the time. I am also  attending SST (Speech and Swallow Therapy) and following streches and exercises he has suggested. Though due to COVID, my therapist shows me through TeleCare. My son and my wife helps me to do massage which gives me some relief. 

    I was little concerned but after hearing from you, I get little relief. (I am not the only one Smile )  

    Please be in touch. 

    Thank you and Good luck for your husband.

    Take care.


  • rocky99
    rocky99 Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2020 #20
    wbcgaruss said:

    A Hearty Congratulations

    on the completion of radiation treatments. That's a milestone in cancer treatments and we are certainly glad when we hit that last treatment and let the healing begin. It sounds like you are doing well with high spirits and took good care of yourself during treatments. I am so thankful for you-Take Care-God Bless

    Thank you

    Thank you so much for you kind wishes and blessings. 

  • Marie Parker
    Marie Parker Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020 #21
    Tongue cancer & scared

    My husband Mike of 33 years was diagnosed Aug 11,2020 with stage 3 oraphanael squamous cell carcinoma . Surgery is scheduled Sept 15th they want to remove half of his tongue , rebuild tongue , neck dissection . He is 55 years old . He is disabled has had a broken back has donor disk , plate & screws.  He is kinda a big man 230 lbs 5'11. Always tries to stay busy. Our 2 grand babies ages 3 & 5 stay with us much of the time.  He is afraid he will loose alot of weight quickly , look and sound like a monster? . He is concerned about the quality of life he will have ? He says he doesn't want to be a burden on the family. I am by his side 100%  Our grand babies are what helps him get up every day .  Any advise ?