How old when dx?

I told you I would be more active in here. Not lying :):):)

How old were you when you were diagnosed the first time? What stage? What type? What treatment?


Diagnosed at 47 in September 2018.

Stage 4B USPC

Spread to fare for surgery so first 3 x Carbo/taxol. Chemo worked so got the massive open surgery. 12” scar. Finished off with 3 x Carbo/taxol. NED for 9 months. Just finished #6 of Carbo/Doxcil. Scan next week.... 



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited May 2020 #2
    Hey Fluff,

    Hey Fluff,

    I hope you are feeling a bit better from you final treatment. Sending positive vibes that your scan reveals a great outcome.

    For me: diagnosed at 58 in May, 2015

    Stage 1A UPSC 

    I had the standard care of 6 Carbo/Taxil and Brachytherapy

    Thankfully, still NED and I hit my 5 year marker post treatment this coming January.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    Quite a history for me

    BC, 1997(57);chemo, rads and 5 years on tamoxifen! 2016(76) UPSC ,1A- chemo, 4 brachy; 2018; Vaginal lesion - chemo, pelvic rads and 4 brachys; 2019 - scan shows sac in vagina- surgery; now on Megace and Tamoxifen!   No metastisis just hangs out in vagina. Doing fine  for now.

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    67 at dx, 2018

    I was 67 at dx, 1a, UPSC, with LVSI. Hysterectomy, BSO. 4 chemos, 3 brachy. Reserving pelvic radiation in case there is a recurrence. Currently NED almost 2 years after dx. Progress! Good luck to you Fluff! 



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    edited May 2020 #5
    49 yo with UPSC stage 1A. 

    49 yo with UPSC stage 1A.  Chemo/radiation/Chemo sandwich treatment

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited May 2020 #6

    I was 59 at diagnosis and still hadn't gone through menopause! My doctored sent me for a regular pelvic ultrasound (not transvaginal) twice after I was 55 before I was diagnosed by a biopsy, so I think she was thinking of the cancer possiblity, but never mentioned it to me.

    If I had known anything about the risk factors for this cancer, I would have known to push for ruling it out sooner than it was found because I had multiple risk factors for it besides the late-onset menopause and would have been worried about it. Instead I only saw when I looked it up that, yes, late-menopause happens and nothing tends to be done about it until you turn 60. Where I read didn't say anything about it being a cancer risk factor. I'm so lucky I wasn't a stage 4 and at death's door when I was finally tested, but adenocarcinoma is usually caught earlier than it was for me, so I'm still really mad at the lack of education there is for women about it like there is for breast and cervical cancer. It's no wonder that rates for this cancer are increasing when they are decreasing for others. Learning about it after the fact is just too da** late!

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    edited May 2020 #7
    I was 55 when diagnosed with

    I was 55 when diagnosed with regular endometrial cancer. 3a, grade 2. Diagnosed Oct 2017. Initially treated with taxol and carbo, but I was very allergic and couldn't desensitize to it. Switched to adriamyacin and carbo. Had my last ct scan about a month ago after a ruptured appendix and all is clear. I am taking letrozole (femara) and have been on it for about 2 years. 

    When I was 50 I went to the dr because my period lasted 2 months. He said its normal don't worry because you're getting older. When we switched insurance and went to Kaiser, I went to the new dr I mentioned it and off I went for tests.  I wish I hadn't accepted the first Dr's nonsense , but bygones.

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    From my own experience and hearing others

    the incompetency or willinginess to downplay or ignore symptoms is staggering. My diagnosing gyne told me and my husband numerous conflicting things. He downplayed cancer, to the point of telling me immediately after my hystersocopy that he got almost all of the fibroids out, so I was good to go, no cancer before ANY pathology had returned. Instead, two days later he calls me with a diagnosis of USPC. So sorry. So rare... What a complete idiot. Who tells their patient before path that they are free and clear? So I am very skeptical of some doctors who either don't care or are so oblivious that they make a dx that has no basis in reality. And this guy is a top rated gyne. I know better. 



  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,029 Member

    I was diagnosed at age 67.  My biopsy was a hysteroscopy and a laparoscopy.  I had a polyp on the outside of my uterus and a mass on my ovary which turned out to be a cyst.  The diagnosis then was Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasm a precusor of endometroid cancer.  About 4 days before my surgery the diagnosis was changed to serous intraepithelia carcinoma.  It was a shock given to me over the phone.  I had scans done and they were clear 3 days before surgery.  I had no idea what they would find.  My post surgery diagnosis was serous intrepithelial carcinoma with no residual malignancy in the hysterectomy specimen.  They found nothing else.  My cells were inside a polyp.   I was told tht I had two choices, treatment or no treatment.  And I could recur whether i had treatment or no.   I chose no treatment.  I am almost 2 years out.  No recurrence yet.  My chances of recurrence are low but still there and still a worry.  

  • LisaPizza
    LisaPizza Member Posts: 358 Member
    edited May 2020 #10
    I was diagnosed at 47, and I

    I was diagnosed at 47, and I'm sure I'd had it for some time. Stage 3a, grade 2, type 1, surgery, chemo, external rads.

  • Theskinnyscot
    Theskinnyscot Member Posts: 36 Member
    age 59. Dx.Oct.19  Stage 1b,

    age 59. Dx.Oct.19  Stage 1b, grade 3 endometrial carcinoma. Open total hysterectomy, 25 rounds IMRT 

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited May 2020 #12
    I was 62 and just felt

    I was 62 and just felt something was wrong but my new doctor ignored me. Changed doctors and she ordered an endometrial biopsy which was positive. Sent me to a oncologist/gynecologist who did a total hysterectomy.  He called and wanted to see me right away. He said I'm sorry but it's UPSC and I should start chemo ASAP. He took no lymph nodes so couldn't accurately stage it but would treat it as Stage III. I only made it through three chemos and believe a fourth one would have killed me - my GP agreed and she stopped them. September 30th, I'll be five years NED.



  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited May 2020 #13
    I was 42

    I was 42

    Dx MMMt uterine cancer stage 2 grade 3

    Was found by a biopsy

    Im four years out from hysterectomy and 3 and a half years from treatment and have been NED the wbole time.

  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member
    edited May 2020 #14
    I was just short of 71

    I received an endometrial biopsy after abnormal bleeding and ultrasound.  It was positive for cancer.  The longest wait I had was for the biopsy to be done. I had a complete hysterectomy (robotic laporoscopy) in September 2019 and was diagnosed with Stage IIIC high grade serous carcinoma.  I went through 6 rounds of carbo/taxol chemotherapy.  I was supposed to have four rounds of brachytherapy during one of the three week breaks between chemo infusions.  The radiation oncololgist felt one node was suspicious and decided it would be best to do full pelvic radiation after I completed chemo.  I had second opinions on both the original treatment plan and the changed one.  I completed my radiation on April 10, 2020.  I have check-ups coming up with all of the physicians.  I am most nervous about the CA125. My risk factors were early menarche and late menopause.  I am also not overweight. None of those factors is really in my control. Fluff, I wish you the best.


  • Tamlen
    Tamlen Member Posts: 343 Member
    I was 55

    I was still getting my period at age 55, sometimes after long lapses of time, and my gynecologist had repeatedly told me not to worry, I was just "going in and out of menopause." When she retired, I took my concerns to my PCP and she immediately ordered an ultrasound, which started the whole thing rolling.

    Endometrioid adenocarcinoma with "likely" LVSI, mis-diagnosed as Stage 2, corrected to 4b a few of months later when CT scan showed extensive nodules in my lungs (and nowhere else), likely there a long time and confirmed as endometrial by biopsy.

    Treatment: Total hysterectomy, taxol and carboplatin, brachytherapy, followed by aromatase inhibitor, which I'm still on. NED for 1.5 years now.

  • teranarmstrong
    teranarmstrong Member Posts: 10

    From my own experience and hearing others

    the incompetency or willinginess to downplay or ignore symptoms is staggering. My diagnosing gyne told me and my husband numerous conflicting things. He downplayed cancer, to the point of telling me immediately after my hystersocopy that he got almost all of the fibroids out, so I was good to go, no cancer before ANY pathology had returned. Instead, two days later he calls me with a diagnosis of USPC. So sorry. So rare... What a complete idiot. Who tells their patient before path that they are free and clear? So I am very skeptical of some doctors who either don't care or are so oblivious that they make a dx that has no basis in reality. And this guy is a top rated gyne. I know better. 



    Same here

    My gyno did the same thing Bluebird One. Told me it was a polyp. Even showed me the picture on her computer. A week later, she calls and says path report is back and it's lots of cancer. Didn't even apologize.

  • teranarmstrong
    teranarmstrong Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2020 #17

    Same here

    My gyno did the same thing Bluebird One. Told me it was a polyp. Even showed me the picture on her computer. A week later, she calls and says path report is back and it's lots of cancer. Didn't even apologize.

    Was 65

    I was diagnosed this year.  Began post-menopausal bleeding Dec 18, 2019, at gyno Jan 6 2020. onc-gyno Jan 27, 2020. Scheduled for surgery early Feb but onc-gyno canceled after CT scan showed distal mets. No diabetes, no overweight, no pain, never smoked, no kidney problems,  no other bleeding, no early menarch or late menopause, no high blood pressure, no missed annual exams. Just BAM! There it is.

    I feel like the grim reaper is my shadow. You ladies inspire me!

  • dgrdalton
    dgrdalton Member Posts: 161 Member
    Age 65 Stage 1A Grade 3 UPSC

    Diagnosed April 19, 2017. Got 2nd opinion Oct 9, 2019 and had 3 chemo Taxol/Carbo and 6 brachytherapy.

    Diagnosed with recurrence August 19, 2019 in multiple lymph nodes in abdomen, chest and thorax. Did 6 more chemo. Spread to pelvic lymph nodes and am currently on Keytruda/Lenvima Since April 6, 2020.

    Thank you for this post, Fluff!

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    Thinking of Donna, Fluff, Cheese,

    DonnaFaye, Teranarmstrong, janaes, and whomever I left out who are fighting so hard. Anyone I missed, sorry for the omission. We are here for you. 




  • cheerful
    cheerful Member Posts: 261 Member
    edited May 2020 #20
    Currently age 68 Stage 1A Grace 3 UPSC

    I was diagnosed with Stage 1A in February of 2011 at the age of 59 so I am 9 years out from being diagnosed.  I had 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol and 3 brachytherapy treatments. I had surgery done by my  GYN and he removed my ovaries, cervix, and fallopian tubes.  I did not have my Omentum or lymph nodes removed as my GYN did not know it was cancer until after my surgery then I was referred to an Oncologist. In the fall of 2017, the cancer came back to my pelvic and splleen areas, however, I did NOT need chemo as the cancer just left me and my CA levels were well over 100. and I was being monitored closely with blood work every month until the spring of 2018, so I did not need chemo and brachy treatments at that time since then I have been NED with just blood work being taken.  I did have a Port put in the spring of 2016, and had the Port removed in the spring of 2018 after the cancer had left me. I did have an Ultrasound of the Abdomen and Pelvis in the spring of 2019, but everything came back clear.  I do see my Oncologist 2x a year and will have to be monitored for the rest of my life as our cancer (UPSC) is very sneaky and cannot be left to chance.    

  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member
    cheerful said:

    Currently age 68 Stage 1A Grace 3 UPSC

    I was diagnosed with Stage 1A in February of 2011 at the age of 59 so I am 9 years out from being diagnosed.  I had 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol and 3 brachytherapy treatments. I had surgery done by my  GYN and he removed my ovaries, cervix, and fallopian tubes.  I did not have my Omentum or lymph nodes removed as my GYN did not know it was cancer until after my surgery then I was referred to an Oncologist. In the fall of 2017, the cancer came back to my pelvic and splleen areas, however, I did NOT need chemo as the cancer just left me and my CA levels were well over 100. and I was being monitored closely with blood work every month until the spring of 2018, so I did not need chemo and brachy treatments at that time since then I have been NED with just blood work being taken.  I did have a Port put in the spring of 2016, and had the Port removed in the spring of 2018 after the cancer had left me. I did have an Ultrasound of the Abdomen and Pelvis in the spring of 2019, but everything came back clear.  I do see my Oncologist 2x a year and will have to be monitored for the rest of my life as our cancer (UPSC) is very sneaky and cannot be left to chance.    


    Hello Cheerful, I just completed my treatment for UPSC and your post brought up some questions.  From what I understood your cancer recurred in 2017 but you did not need chemo because the cancer left you.  I am not sure what that means.  Did it just disappear?  I understand this is personal and you may not wish to reply.  I am trying to understand this horrid disease. Thank you.