It’s my birthday today :) And something about gastritis...

Flufff Member Posts: 67

We all know how important birthdays are. Next year I will be 50, and I can honestly say that I’m looking sooo much forward to that day. Something I use so kind of dread. Getting older. But getting older is GOOD :) So I’m embracing my b-day with all I have :)

Im currently getting carboplatin and doxil. I think the latter is giving me some serious gastritis... Its horrible. I’m loosing weight. I feel so full, when just eating a small portion. Sometimes I have to stick a finger down my throat, because of the fullness that gives me some heavy nausea. 

Have anyone here had this condition? I got some acid suppression pills but thosw make chemo work less effective and is currently being investigated for actually causing cancer. So those are a no go. But my gosh it’s annoying. Especially today as we will eat sushi at home. And I really LOVE sushi. And I just know that I won’t be able to eat very much. I made cake for dessert too. Arghhhh. 

Well. On the good side. Today I’m having blood work done and hopefully I can go ahead on THE LAST GOD DAMN CHEMO on monday.... I hope. This is my first reccurance of stage 4B USPC... We all know what that means... Last chemo was delayed by 2,5 weeks due to low plates.. please send me some good numbers dust my way, all the way in Copenhagen, Denmark. :)

Enjou your day peach sisters :D


  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited May 2020 #2
    Get thee to a good GI

    I would suggest a good gastroenterologist. Mine has been so valuable in this journey. He's at my cancer center so is well-versed in cancer issues. Good luck!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited May 2020 #3
    Happy Birthday to you! Sorry

    Happy Birthday to you! Sorry you are having to deal with the stomach issues. I hope you are able to get that last chemo over with.

    I agree with Cheese to get some help from a gastro doc.

    Love and Hugs,


  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited May 2020 #4
    Happy Birthday!

    I wish I had seen your post earlier. When you said you were having sushi, alarm bells went off!  I don't know what your blood work is like at this point of your chemo, but you need to be careful while in treatment because your immune system is not what it usually is and you are at higher risk should you be exposed to food poisoning. Please read the following:

    I'm not surprised about the other digestive issues you are dealing with. Chemo is certainly hard on the digestive tract! If you have an idea of which foods you ate and then had a problem I'd stay away from those foods till you are done with treatment. You'll still have to get through the last few weeks of misery after the last infusion on Monday, but congratulations on almost being done! If you can get your hands on some watermelon where you are, I highly recommend it as one of the few foods many of us enjoyed during chemo. There's just something about it.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    Happy birthday, Fluff!! I

    Happy birthday, Fluff!! I hope you had at least a decent day! It will be five years on September 30th that I had my hysterectomy. I was Stage II or III (incomplete staging) with UPSC. I only made it through three chemos and ever since then, I have dealt with daily stomach problems.....BUT I'm still alive and kicking! I don't know why chemo affects different people in different ways but it sure does.  I remember the terrible nausea and the pain of esophageal erosion. I still have issues with nausea especially early in the morning but it's manageable. 

    I hope you find some relief and are able to finish your chemo!



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    edited May 2020 #6
    Happy Birthday plus one

    Hope it was a good day. 

    I lost weight during chemo. Just a few bites would fill me up. I didn't have problems with nausea but somehow I seemed to instinctively know what foods I could tolerate. It was a short list but somehow included all the food groups. The 4th week after my last chemo, my appetite was back. Hang on. You are almost there.  

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    edited May 2020 #7
    Happy Birthday, Fluff!

    Good luck with your chemo. You have come so far! 


  • Flufff
    Flufff Member Posts: 67
    edited May 2020 #8
    Thanks all.

    Birthday is over. I managed to eat se sushi so that was great. ;)

    I did my hopefully last chemo this Monday and I feel horrible. I so much hope that I won’t ever have to do chemo again. Yesterday I went to bed at 11 and I woke up at 11:30 the day after. Wow :D I must have been tired.  Stomach is still an issue. Tomorrow I’m having blood work done and Tuesday it’s can time....