Possible Lymphoma?


I was wondering if you guys could help me. I have been dealing with this for months and I have not gotten reassurance at all. Around July 2019, I found an enlarged lymph node on the right side of my neck. I went to get an ultrasound a month later and it all came out normal (even blood work). Months later around December, I felt three more but they were way smaller than the first. Took blood and another ultrasound around January this year. That came out normal too. At this moment, I still feel the lymph nodes in my neck. I deal with slight itchy skin and chest pressure. I took an CT scan of my neck on February and it came out normal. So the doctors don’t want to do a biopsy. The lymph nodes are smaller than 1cm and I’m a skinny person. I just don’t know why I have consistent chest pressure and itchiness. With all this coronavirus issues, I doubt I will be able to go to the doctors again for a while. I’ve been dealing with this problem for months and they haven’t grown larger. However, I could still feel them. It has been going on for so long that I’m scared if it is lymphoma that it could progress. I’m just overall worried. Since all my testing came out normal, should I just stop worrying? 


  • Girlwonder22
    Girlwonder22 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2020 #2
    Also, ive done an ultrasound

    Also, ive done an ultrasound of my heart because of the chest pressure. The doctor who saw me told me if I had any enlarged lymph nodes it would appear in the heart ultrasound? Currently, I don’t know if the neck ct scan even showed the upper half of my chest. I’m just 18 and who suffers with health anxiety. I just don’t know what to do anymore 

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2020 #3
    see a specialist

    I always recommend seeing an oncologist when in doubt. He/she would be more likely to give a correct diagnosis. Stress and worry are bad for body, mind and spirit. If it were me I would try to get a straight answer from an oncologist and resolve the uncertainty. Go have fun! Best of luck.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Nervous type?

    If you end toward being anxious, chest tightness and itchy skin are two indicators. It sounds like you have been poking and probing. That can actually cause the nodes to enlarge. Normally, nodes that small are considered normal and lacking substantial other symptoms (fevers drenching night sweats, anemia, wiehgt loss etc.) you can certainly have one out, but I think I would go in another direction first. 

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2020 #5
    Just because .....

    you are paranoid doesn't mean lymphoma is not really out to get you. Best to find out for sure. I suffered extreme fatigue, RA symptoms and an inflamed pancreas and occasional nightsweats. My spleen and liver were enlarged. Doc said it was "fatty liver" and asked if I drank too much and questioned my diet. I was miserable and could hardly work. Blood work was normal except for borderline low red and white counts - still in normal range. I messed around with GPs for 2 years and almost died before getting diagnosed with stage IV lymphoma by an oncologist. I was told that I "worried too much" and should talk to a counselor and "go live my life" by a GP less than a week before I was diagnosed. A philosopher I guess. If cancer is a strong possibility always see a cancer specialist. ALWAYS. Trust but verify with your doctors. They are not God-like. Medical errors are the number 3 cause of death in America.