Covid-19 Discussion, Support, Etc.



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited April 2020 #22
    No Problem

    Glad to share info if I can find it or help any way I can. As a group, we all do our best to do a great job of supporting each other-Take Care-God Bless

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2020 #23
    Cancer Research On Hold

    In today's Wall Street Journal there is an article that all cancer and other research has been halted due the the virus.  Is this fair?  I don't have an answer for that.  The article cites the conflcit of "deciding who lives and who dies". its not quite there, but really it is in a way.  Our country is in pain and our fellow citizens are suffering.  We must support each other.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited April 2020 #24

    Cancer Research On Hold

    In today's Wall Street Journal there is an article that all cancer and other research has been halted due the the virus.  Is this fair?  I don't have an answer for that.  The article cites the conflcit of "deciding who lives and who dies". its not quite there, but really it is in a way.  Our country is in pain and our fellow citizens are suffering.  We must support each other.

    only research?

    If it's only research, that's not a big problem. If it was treatment, then it would be OUTRAGEOUS!

  • skidog
    skidog Member Posts: 74 Member

    I asked that very question to my onc doc at Mayo Clinic and he said I am not at risk since my treatment was 2 years ago. 

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    I think we can all say that what your Onc Doc told you at Mayo is comforting information. Thank you.

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2020 #27
    Both New Treatment and Research

    From the WSJ article it is no new research treatment, but if one is in a trail program that continues.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Walmart and the world

    One of biggest "ifs"- if we can trust the people at Walmart and grocery stores to be Wuhan-Whammy free...Not only did 2 Walmart employees @ Evergreen Park's Walmart get the Virus, they died due to it! I'm on the other side of Illinois, and the story just broke that they've closed a Tyson pork processing Plant in Columbus Junction Iowa, in Louisa County, because "over 24" workers there came back positive!!! I have no idea if cooking ham kills the Virus, but one would think there would be a recall...but no mention of that in the article. Being FT dependent, don't figure this affects me, but for those of you who can eat and swallow- something to think about. Maybe.

    Me, I do have a N-94 mask that I wear in stores, along with plastic gloves I use to touch everything but the product I am buying for Dad and self. And, I am using my age and FT to qualify for Senior Hour shopping. Like to think I'm doing all I can, but how in the world can anyone know if such as I'm doing is enough to avoid acquiring it?...

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited April 2020 #29
    A good multi-vitamin

    is a good idea, to keep the immune system working well.

    We're limiting gatherings at work, to no more than 10 people, and other than a weekly trip to the store, I stay home at night.

    Keep the hands clean and away from your face. Use sanitizer on hands and surfaces, if you have it.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Dave Sounds Like

    We will not be able to be 100% sure of our food supply for now. It's just part of the times we're in. I just try to have confidence in our society and suppliers that they and we all are doing our best to protect us and others. I salute you, Dave, for being as careful as you can when you have to go to the store and protecting yourself and your father. In these times nothing is sure but we just have to do the best we can, think sensibly and protect ourselves and others as best we can.

    For those that don't have masks, you may just tie a handkerchief around your nose and mouth when you go out that is what I have been doing but we have not been going out very much at all. They say these next two weeks may be pretty bad we will see. I hope it peaks soon and we can get on the downside. I can see that this will affect us in thought and action for a long time to come.

    For those out there that don't have masks to wear below is a link to a video of 2 masks you can make at home and they are (No Sew) mask so you don't need a sewing skill or capability to make them. It is on youtube so on the right there are many other videos on making some sort of mask so you have some protection for yourself and others. So hey folks be safe, be extra carful-Take Care-God Bless





  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276

    My understanding is that cooking does kill the virus.  In any case the virus cannot get you through the mouth and throat, only through breathing.  Not thta I would take a chance.  I wash everyting that I am not cooking, well even the stuff that I am.  Keep the stuff from the store in the gragage for about 6 hours before bringing it in the house.  I live in far northern Michigan and its still cold here.  

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited April 2020 #32
    HobbsDoggy 6 Hours is Not Enough

    According to this video on Safe grocery Shopping.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Senior Hour

    Well, I did go to Senior Hour @ 2 Wally's this 6 AM for my Dad, who turns 99 in August. Lot of Produce, and did not see any of the employees handling said wearing masks! We jumped from 103 to 120 in our Metro area today. Dad doesn't eat anything I might susupect contaminated- unless it is bread.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    edited April 2020 #34
    Immune System

    A few years ago I asked my C doctor if my immune system was weakened due to treatment.  My neck dissection removed 40-50 lymph nodes with 2 being positive.  He said no.  The human body has plenty of lymph nodes to make up for my loss.  My sister in law was told just the opposite.  She had breast cancer and lymph nodes removed too.  My meaning here is to error on the side of caution.  Who's to say which doctor is correct?

    We live in Vegas.  What surprised me was that we didn't get hit as hard as other cities.  Look at all the tourists and people close to each other.  

    My heart goes out to those who are in treatment right now.  It has to be terrible trying to get healed while isolating at the same time.  I only go out for groceries and a walk and even then I feel vulnerable.  The news said this morning that they are now limiting the amount of shoppers in at any given time. 5 shoppers per every 1,000 sq feet.  

    My cousin in San Diego got this virus although they won't test him for it.  He said it was the worst illness he's ever had and wouldn't wish it on anyone.  

    Stay safe my cyber friends!

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2020 #35

    I started wearing a mask.  I wear it for others not so much for me.  My wife pointed out that I could have the virus, but no symptoms, and spread it to others.  Would I want to be responsible for giving it to others, nope!  Also even I am sure, which I am fairly sure, I don't have it I thought my wearing it is sort of joining in my community and "helping" out.  A couple of store clerks who know me (I live in a small town) said thanks, they are scared.  Anyway just my take on the mask deal.  Don't get me wrong, it was at my wife's urging she is the noble one.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited April 2020 #36
    A Wise Lady

    In this situation of Covid-19 days, you can't be overly safe and cautious. The more the better till this things over-Take Care-God Bless

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Checking in

    I hope everyone is holding up in these trying times.

    I also asked my docs about my immune system and whether it is still compromised and the reply I got was "You have fully recovered from your treatments".  I'll take that as a "no".

    The quiet suburb of a small city I live in isn't exactly a hot spot, but I do take the necessary precautions. I admit I have broken a few rules, but I make up for it with thorough cleaning.

    The local grocery store that I shop at has had plenty of produce, seafood and meats.  That works for me since that's pretty much what I live on.  Okay, coffee is very important, too, and sometimes they run out of half-and-half, but I've managerd to stay ahead of that.  The store has implemented all sorts of precautions - moving the card reader to the end of the belt, plexiglas screen between customer and checkout clerk, distancing markers on the floor, etc.  All employees wear rubber gloves, all carts are cleaned when they are brought back in, etc.  Only a few store employees wear masks.  I have not worn a mask while out, but there aren't many people in the store when I go and I keep a good margin of space between me and other customers.  Fortunately we have large suburban stores with wide isles, so it's pretty easy to remain distant from others.

    I hope this virus threat passes sooner than later.  I can keep up this way of life for a while, but many can't and eventually many people will become unglued and begin behaving very badly.  I hope it doesn't come to that.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    edited April 2020 #38
    Decided to get tested today,

    Decided to get tested today, since I'm caring for my 94 year old grandfather. Went to a private clinic. $35 co-pay, a bit of blood and 10 minutes later I was told the test was negative. They do a throat/nasal swab too, but it's just a confirmatory test.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Congratulations I Am Glad

    You tested negative. At least you are not questioning anything now you know for sure.Take Care-God Bless

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited April 2020 #40

    I do wonder about the intellect of so many people. Just this last Friday afternoon I was out for a drive. Stopped at the HyVee grocery store in Davenport. Saw several younger aged (20-40) people walking into the store without masks, so I just sat in my car for awhile. Was around 5 PM, so maybe most had just gotten off work, but I estimate between 40-50% of the people I saw going and coming from the store had no masks/coverings on. Fortunately, I did not need anything, so did not go in. And they wonder why the COVID Positive cases in the Quad City Metro area has jumped from 87 to 393 in the last 14 days! And the danged local TV stations supposedly reporting the News- why don't they just set-up a camera from a distance close enough for the viewers to see how many people are still being dumb by going into a HyVee, Walmart or Target without a facial covering that is a likely contributor? To me- that would be News. Even one of the 4 local TV stations has had all their TV anchors reporting from their homes for the past 2+ weeks...People...


    Hope all is well with everyone in this historic time.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited April 2020 #41
    I Have Seen It Also

    As we went to the local Weis Markets here some were not wearing any protection. I would say around 30% weren't wearing any but a lot of people were. Stores here are required to have their employees wear masks. Now in PA you cannot go to a store without a mask. " Under a new order issued by the Wolf administration this week, employees and customers at essential businesses - including grocery stores and pharmacies - are required to wear face masks. Failure to comply could result in penalties."I know they are annoying and fog up your glasses but for now, we have to be extra cautious till we get through this. And we try to buy what we need and some extra and stay home as much as possible.


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