How is Everyone?

Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

I'm just posting this to see how people are doing through all of this.  If you all get a chance, please let us know how you are feeling, if your family is ok and just a quick update on your condition.

We are both feeling fine, and all of our children (8 and 14 grandchildren) are doing well.  Everyone has stayed in for the most part, except for shopping and most business is closed here in Michigan, except essential workers.

We have been hit hard in the Detroit area, and continue to see cases rise daily.  When we go out for groceries we wear masks and gloves.  Fortunately, my husband had this stuff in his workshop before the shut-in since everyone is out of gloves and masks on-line and in store.

You all are in my prayers daily and hope that we can get back to normal very soon. Wishing all of you safety during this and hope that someone can help those of you that can't get out or is too dangerous to do so.





  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    edited April 2020 #2
    Happy you all are OK and

    Happy you all are OK and taking the precautions.  My family is good.  Everyone is sheltered in as much as possible. I only go out for chemo and IV C and wear a mask at both places.  My son said tonight the covid pandemic is something he hopes to never see again.  He is in his 20's.  Me too son, me too.  

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    Oh my goodness. For some

    Oh my goodness. For some reason I thought you had posted that you didn't see how covid-19 was any worse than the flu. Sorry thought that was you. This past few weeks have been a blur. 

    I am in NYC. It is terrifying here.

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    abita said:

    Oh my goodness. For some

    Oh my goodness. For some reason I thought you had posted that you didn't see how covid-19 was any worse than the flu. Sorry thought that was you. This past few weeks have been a blur. 

    I am in NYC. It is terrifying here.

    You should think about

    You should think about journaling covid and chemo in NYC.  It is history in the making.  Just my thought.

    Hang in there!  Stay safe!!!!!

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    edited April 2020 #5
     My partner of 30 years

     My partner of 30 years passed last Friday and being stuck inside alone is pretty hard to cope with. I wasn't allowed in the nursing hone so couldn't support him in his last few days. I am strong and will cope but it sure is dang hard. Hang in there everyone.

  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member
    So far so good

    I hope for everyone that these scary times will get over soon. 

    My dad is okay. Chemo number 3 was yesterday and he is now at home. CT and tumor board if he can have surgery will be soon. For now in the area where my parents live we have around 100 cases. Most of them at home. I was worried because the oncology and the pulmonology are in the same hospital. But as far as I know they asked for 2 people from Italy. I need to mention we live in the north of Germany. A dufferent situation cause we do have less cases than US.

    My mom takes all precautions. Masks, gloves and desinfection. For weeks you could not get desinfection in drug stores. I dont know why but I had something in my bathroom. Good coincidence!

    Our neighbours were tested for coronavirus but it was negative. We live on a farm, so social distancing is easy. They are only going out for doctor visits and shopping. I think our GP only does chemo patients right now because he has no protective gear. 

    Otherwise grandparents, neighbours and my sister are taking precautions. 

    I am 800km away in another country and will stay here. I had the possibility to go home but plane and train was too risky. Unfortunately half of my year travelled home. I do think med students should know better. We are all young so I think we are more like spreaders than actually getting sick. But even I am as a healthy person scared. I dont want to infect others and young people also died. 

    I have contacts to Italy with an exchange student. I am in between of "I want to help" and "I dont know if I could take it as a doctor right now". 

    I will continue to pray for everyone around the world! Hopefully it will get better!

    Stay safe!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited April 2020 #7
    Ramping up

    I live in a very small, rural town in Northern Nevada, and had our first case last week, and the numbers are climbing. 

    My Army son is doing fine, and my hometown son is also. My husband has a part-time job at Walmart, and I worry about that, but we need the money, so we hope for the best. 

    My part-time job is no more, for now, at least.  I get up my canyon early in the mornings, and walk, walk, walk.  Keeps me alive. has kept me alive these past six years. 

    I am so very sorry, Canadian Sandy, for the loss of your beloved partner.  

    It is a wild ride, for sure. 

    Keep on keeping on.


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited April 2020 #8
    Still healthy

    I currenly live in a retirement facility in the Chigago area.  We don't have any cases of the virus here.  But they are keeping us pretty much isolated so the home remains that way.

    It is sort of like being in jail (solitary confinement) only with nice apts & good meals.  I think they are going overboard, but I can understand their concern to keepp the virus out of our facility!!!

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member

     My partner of 30 years

     My partner of 30 years passed last Friday and being stuck inside alone is pretty hard to cope with. I wasn't allowed in the nursing hone so couldn't support him in his last few days. I am strong and will cope but it sure is dang hard. Hang in there everyone.

    I'm so sorry to hear this,

    I'm so sorry to hear this, that's a big loss for anyone, Sandy, even in normal times. It really hurts to think of people being alone in those last moments, and so many are now. You have my thoughts and sympathy. As for the check-in, we're all good in Southern Cali, had a great bunch of rainy days and now it's warm and sunny. I and the boy are stocked up and set to ride this thing out, and as we're "essential" we get work to do.  Slower than normal, but enough to keep us from going stir crazy. I feel great, had my Onc. phone call appointment, and spend more time talking about his goings on, good for another six months. Stay safe everybody...............................................Dave

  • Banana23
    Banana23 Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2020 #10
    Chemo has been canceled

    I am going to my 9th out of 12 treatment tomorrow. my oncologist called today and recommended we cancel the last 3 the risk of contracting The virus outweighs the benefit of finishing the last 3 treatments. Has anyone else had their treatments canceled or postponed due to the virus? Hoping this is the right decision. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited April 2020 #11
    Banana23 said:

    Chemo has been canceled

    I am going to my 9th out of 12 treatment tomorrow. my oncologist called today and recommended we cancel the last 3 the risk of contracting The virus outweighs the benefit of finishing the last 3 treatments. Has anyone else had their treatments canceled or postponed due to the virus? Hoping this is the right decision. 


    I am sorry your treament has been cancelled.  I am seven years out from chemo, but I only had 9 treatments.

    I am Stage IV and six years (this month) with No Evidence of Disease.   Just wanted to let you know that no going to 12, may not make an impact.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited April 2020 #12

     My partner of 30 years

     My partner of 30 years passed last Friday and being stuck inside alone is pretty hard to cope with. I wasn't allowed in the nursing hone so couldn't support him in his last few days. I am strong and will cope but it sure is dang hard. Hang in there everyone.

    I'm so sorry

    I'm so sorry to hear this, and had to be very hard for you not being able to be with him in his final days. 


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts. 

    Thanks for the thoughts. 

  • AnneO1965
    AnneO1965 Member Posts: 182 Member
    I'm so sorry Sandy, I

    I'm so sorry Sandy, I understand how rough that has to be. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I had my CT and colonoscopy appointments cancelled due to the virus, No reschedule as of yet, as they have no clue when this will all be over. I'm ok with it as I did get the all clear from the bloodwork alone, and the CT was just to calm my nerves. The colonoscopy can wait a little while as it wasn't critical. I'm sure when this is said and done the docs will be playing catch up for all the critical people that had to miss appts.

    I'm going stir crazy. My two grand daughters have been out of school for a month and it's still up in the air if they are done for the year.  Have you ever been trapped with TWO teenage girls? Oh my word... The name calling... The bickering... The DRAMA...  Luckily we live out in the boonies in Louisiana, so they can be threatened with outside chores if they don't settle down. LOL

    Everyone is fine, no signs of the Rona amongst the entire family, and we all count ourselves lucky. My daughter won't let me go anywhere, and I think she's being a little over cautious, but this too shall pass.

    I wish you all good health, stay safe, and lots of virtual hugs and kisses.

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    edited April 2020 #15
    Covid positive here

    We've all got it. I'm doing well, feel fine, but confirmed positive. Husband was hospitalized for 4days, but is home and recovering well. Adult daughter, who was visiting from Nepal,is quite ill, with very severe coughing.

    my chemo is on hold. We are all in formal quarantine indefinitely.  However, wer hanging in there.


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    Banana23 said:

    Chemo has been canceled

    I am going to my 9th out of 12 treatment tomorrow. my oncologist called today and recommended we cancel the last 3 the risk of contracting The virus outweighs the benefit of finishing the last 3 treatments. Has anyone else had their treatments canceled or postponed due to the virus? Hoping this is the right decision. 


    I did less than four months (discontinued because of heart problems) and I have made it three years NED.

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    AnneO1965 said:

    I'm so sorry Sandy, I

    I'm so sorry Sandy, I understand how rough that has to be. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I had my CT and colonoscopy appointments cancelled due to the virus, No reschedule as of yet, as they have no clue when this will all be over. I'm ok with it as I did get the all clear from the bloodwork alone, and the CT was just to calm my nerves. The colonoscopy can wait a little while as it wasn't critical. I'm sure when this is said and done the docs will be playing catch up for all the critical people that had to miss appts.

    I'm going stir crazy. My two grand daughters have been out of school for a month and it's still up in the air if they are done for the year.  Have you ever been trapped with TWO teenage girls? Oh my word... The name calling... The bickering... The DRAMA...  Luckily we live out in the boonies in Louisiana, so they can be threatened with outside chores if they don't settle down. LOL

    Everyone is fine, no signs of the Rona amongst the entire family, and we all count ourselves lucky. My daughter won't let me go anywhere, and I think she's being a little over cautious, but this too shall pass.

    I wish you all good health, stay safe, and lots of virtual hugs and kisses.

    I have a friend from

    Please be considerate of those of us living where people are dying at such a rate that there are refrigerated trucks being used as morgues and everyone is terrified of getting it and dying in a tent hospital, to not refer to covid-19 as "the rona". This isn't a joke to be given a cute nickname.

  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited April 2020 #18
    I’m so sorry Sandy. I can’t

    I’m so sorry Sandy. I can’t imagine. Sending you hugs and love.


  • AnneO1965
    AnneO1965 Member Posts: 182 Member
    edited April 2020 #19
    abita said:

    I have a friend from

    Please be considerate of those of us living where people are dying at such a rate that there are refrigerated trucks being used as morgues and everyone is terrified of getting it and dying in a tent hospital, to not refer to covid-19 as "the rona". This isn't a joke to be given a cute nickname.

    I'm so sorry if you took what

    I'm so sorry if you took what I said to be inconsiderate. "The Rona" is what everyone in my area is calling this virus. It is my natural tendency to find humor in every situation, and I realize that not everyone has the same outlook I do. That being said, my heart goes out to anyone and everyone that has gotten sick from this and who are fighting for thier lives. I say a prayer every day for those that are ill, for those that are considered "essential" workers, and for the doctors, nurses and first responders that are putting their own lives at risk to care for other people.

    Once again, I'm sorry if I offended you.

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    AnneO1965 said:

    I'm so sorry if you took what

    I'm so sorry if you took what I said to be inconsiderate. "The Rona" is what everyone in my area is calling this virus. It is my natural tendency to find humor in every situation, and I realize that not everyone has the same outlook I do. That being said, my heart goes out to anyone and everyone that has gotten sick from this and who are fighting for thier lives. I say a prayer every day for those that are ill, for those that are considered "essential" workers, and for the doctors, nurses and first responders that are putting their own lives at risk to care for other people.

    Once again, I'm sorry if I offended you.

    It is kind of the same as if

    It is kind of the same as if someone were making jokes about Katrina while the storm surges were covering the Gulf Coast. 

    I did make humorous comments about my surgeries so I get keeping humor, but it is just so terrifying. 

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member

     My partner of 30 years

     My partner of 30 years passed last Friday and being stuck inside alone is pretty hard to cope with. I wasn't allowed in the nursing hone so couldn't support him in his last few days. I am strong and will cope but it sure is dang hard. Hang in there everyone.

    Sandy,  my heart breaks for

    Sandy,  my heart breaks for you.  I wish you so much comfort with all the years of wonderful memories to help you thru.