Question about B-cell lymphoma

Helo, i am 38 years old, blood work came back great, no disase, never had the flu, barely catch colds, seems to be i have a good immune system. I have

B-cell lymphoma in my right cheeck and its in my right cheek, its kinda huge right now.

So i am suppose to take RChop cemo for 3 rounds, one round i was told it should kill it and bring the swollen/lymphona down its size, and i have take two more rounds later to make sure or something like that.

My question, why are the odds of me having any side effects, or is it possible or do  you think someone could take chemo without any thing bothering them. sickness, hair loss, etc. Have to admit, I'm really nervious even though i have alot of faith, just curious. I did talk with a nurse who had the same thing, so that did help.



  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    First off ...

    unless you have some reason to not trust that person, follow your doctor's advice. However, getting a second opinion would be a very reasonable thing to do. Good blood work in people with lymphoma is very common, at least in the early stages of the disease. That does not mean it does not need to be treated. You are young and otherwise healthy so you should do well with chemo, especially with only three rounds instead of the usual six. Good luck. Odds are totally in your favor.

  • Supreme101
    Supreme101 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2020 #3
    ShadyGuy said:

    First off ...

    unless you have some reason to not trust that person, follow your doctor's advice. However, getting a second opinion would be a very reasonable thing to do. Good blood work in people with lymphoma is very common, at least in the early stages of the disease. That does not mean it does not need to be treated. You are young and otherwise healthy so you should do well with chemo, especially with only three rounds instead of the usual six. Good luck. Odds are totally in your favor.

    Thank you. The swelling did

    Thank you. The swelling did go down in my face, found out i had bad teeth in the back area that was causing my face to get better. so i had the teeth removed, face looks much better, barely pain. But yea i should be fine, thank you again.

  • Arichburg45
    Arichburg45 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2020 #4
    My experience

    I have B cell lymphoma too.  I am on six rounds of RCHOP therapy.  After my first dose I began losing my hair at two weeks.  I also had fatigue and slight rash.  The nurse that worked with me at my first treatment gave me a lot of information on each medication and the side effects.  Everyone is different and reacts differently.  Ask if they can give you more information, I find that I am more confident as I learn more.  Hopefully your side effects will be mild and your cancer is cured!  

  • marijabeauty
    marijabeauty Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2020 #5
    Hello I hope you are safe.I

    Hello I hope you are safe.I saw your post and the page about Non Hockin Lymphoma.My father has been diagnosed with this type of cancer 2 years ago.We live in Macedonia.He gets ABVD tHERAPIE AND IS FEELING BETTER NOW.bUT THERE IS ONE Problem.He has very bad neurological symptoms.2 are very bad.First he walks similar like a robot and has a very big issue and also his voice is gone.He only talks with whispering or very low voice.Is this consequence from the Lymphoma or there is another disease? Thank you.

  • marijabeauty
    marijabeauty Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2020 #6
    ShadyGuy said:

    First off ...

    unless you have some reason to not trust that person, follow your doctor's advice. However, getting a second opinion would be a very reasonable thing to do. Good blood work in people with lymphoma is very common, at least in the early stages of the disease. That does not mean it does not need to be treated. You are young and otherwise healthy so you should do well with chemo, especially with only three rounds instead of the usual six. Good luck. Odds are totally in your favor.

    neurogical symptoms

    Hello I hope you are safe.I saw your post and the page about Non Hockin Lymphoma.My father has been diagnosed with this type of cancer 2 years ago.We live in Macedonia.He gets ABVD tHERAPIE AND IS FEELING BETTER NOW.bUT THERE IS ONE Problem.He has very bad neurological symptoms.2 are very bad.First he walks similar like a robot and has a very big issue and also his voice is gone.He only talks with whispering or very low voice.Is this consequence from the Lymphoma or there is another disease? Thank you.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2020 #7

    Hello I hope you are safe.I

    Hello I hope you are safe.I saw your post and the page about Non Hockin Lymphoma.My father has been diagnosed with this type of cancer 2 years ago.We live in Macedonia.He gets ABVD tHERAPIE AND IS FEELING BETTER NOW.bUT THERE IS ONE Problem.He has very bad neurological symptoms.2 are very bad.First he walks similar like a robot and has a very big issue and also his voice is gone.He only talks with whispering or very low voice.Is this consequence from the Lymphoma or there is another disease? Thank you.


    What is his age?

    Was he suffering from any other conditions before he was diagnosed with lymphoma? if so is he still taking any drugs from that treatment?


  • dtat67
    dtat67 Member Posts: 32 Member
    Good Luck

    I had DLBCL last year in my right sinus. The tumor filled my sinus, went around my eye and filled the sinus area above my eye. I lost my sense of smell and taste. It was beginning to push on my right eye. I had 6 rounds of R-CHOP. After the first treatment I was able to smell and taste. I had a partial remission after the Chemo with a small area in my sinus still there so had 35 IGRT treatments which lead to a complete remission. They made be a "mask" to secure my face during the radiation treatments which was pretty cool. I did have some bone erosion (which pretty much healed after my treatment) and my right sinus is much larger than it was previously becuase the tumor had expanded the area. I am a little over a year post treatment and am feeling about 90% normal - still have anemia but the Oncologist said that would get better "probably" over time but my immune system is back and my stamina improves daily.

    I considering your age you will do well and be back to normal soon. Hang in there it will pass quickly. I lost all of my hair (it was long) but it has come back and I am keeping it much shorter these days after discovering how easy it is to take care of.

    Peace and Love,
