Esophaguses cancer after 9months clear Mets to brain

Frankjw1964 Member Posts: 7
edited February 2020 in Esophageal Cancer #1

I went through chemo Feb 2019 had esopagectomy in 2019 was doing good until they found a 1.2 cm in the left frontal lobe. Dr recommend cyberknife radiation treatment. Has this happened do any one here. It sounds positive but wanted to make sure.



  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    I have seen post of successful outcomes


    I am so sorry to hear of your recurrence. I have no personal experience, but I have seen posts from other cancer survivors who have had highly focused radiation for brain tumors, and who have had successful outcomes. Hopefully some will come forward here.

    I would also encourage you to post your question on "Smart Patients" esophageal cancer section at . That esophageal cancer forum gets wider readership and more interactive usage.

    Wishing you the best as you put this "bump in the road" behind you.

    Best Regards,


  • Frankjw1964
    Frankjw1964 Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2020 #3
    paul61 said:

    I have seen post of successful outcomes


    I am so sorry to hear of your recurrence. I have no personal experience, but I have seen posts from other cancer survivors who have had highly focused radiation for brain tumors, and who have had successful outcomes. Hopefully some will come forward here.

    I would also encourage you to post your question on "Smart Patients" esophageal cancer section at . That esophageal cancer forum gets wider readership and more interactive usage.

    Wishing you the best as you put this "bump in the road" behind you.

    Best Regards,


    The you sir

    The you sir

  • Frankjw1964
    Frankjw1964 Member Posts: 7
    Change of plans

    The tumor now will be removed as this is the best option and then we will use the edge radiation system for 3 sesssions 15 minutes each. The scans came back and no more Mets other then the one pea size in the left lobe. 

  • Deathorglory
    Deathorglory Member Posts: 364 Member

    Change of plans

    The tumor now will be removed as this is the best option and then we will use the edge radiation system for 3 sesssions 15 minutes each. The scans came back and no more Mets other then the one pea size in the left lobe. 

    Good News


    Well that's good news that there are no more mets and that you're eligible for surgery.  I've had two recurrences, both in a lung.  The first time, surgery & radiation weren't options, it was just strong chemo.  The second time they were able to deal with it surgically.  The surgery was a whole lot easier to take than the chemo.  I hope everything goes as well as possible for you with minimal side effects and a quick recovery.

    Best Wishes,


  • Frankjw1964
    Frankjw1964 Member Posts: 7

    Good News


    Well that's good news that there are no more mets and that you're eligible for surgery.  I've had two recurrences, both in a lung.  The first time, surgery & radiation weren't options, it was just strong chemo.  The second time they were able to deal with it surgically.  The surgery was a whole lot easier to take than the chemo.  I hope everything goes as well as possible for you with minimal side effects and a quick recovery.

    Best Wishes,


    Thank you. My ononcolist

    Thank you. My ononcolist meantion Keytruda and to keep that in my pocket but no dr has said I was Terminal in fact all signs from them was I could beat this. He just assumed it's is Mets from esophageal cancer before the bio. And reading Mets from esophaguses to brain is very rare. everything I read about keytruda basically said it to prolong life for a few years.

  • Deathorglory
    Deathorglory Member Posts: 364 Member

    Thank you. My ononcolist

    Thank you. My ononcolist meantion Keytruda and to keep that in my pocket but no dr has said I was Terminal in fact all signs from them was I could beat this. He just assumed it's is Mets from esophageal cancer before the bio. And reading Mets from esophaguses to brain is very rare. everything I read about keytruda basically said it to prolong life for a few years.


    Hell, my oncologist told me I was terminal in 2011 when I had my first recurrence.  I was given 7-8 months to live, "some people live a little longer, some a little less, but figure on seven to eight months".  Last year, when I had surgery for my second recurrence, my wife asked the surgeon for a prognosis.  He told her, "I don't want to get into that because your husband is such an anomaly." Bad odds can be beaten.  Also, my understanding is that the brain is one of the four places where EC likes to make a new home for itself.  Lungs, liver, bones & brain are where it likes to spread to.  I don't know the numbers on each, but I wouldn't think mets to the brain are rare.  

    Keep on keeping on,


  • Frankjw1964
    Frankjw1964 Member Posts: 7


    Hell, my oncologist told me I was terminal in 2011 when I had my first recurrence.  I was given 7-8 months to live, "some people live a little longer, some a little less, but figure on seven to eight months".  Last year, when I had surgery for my second recurrence, my wife asked the surgeon for a prognosis.  He told her, "I don't want to get into that because your husband is such an anomaly." Bad odds can be beaten.  Also, my understanding is that the brain is one of the four places where EC likes to make a new home for itself.  Lungs, liver, bones & brain are where it likes to spread to.  I don't know the numbers on each, but I wouldn't think mets to the brain are rare.  

    Keep on keeping on,


    Right on, I like my radiation

    Right on, I like my radiation Doc and my neurosurgeon they are all upbeat saying the tumor is small and if it comes beck we fight it more. My onogolist likes his chemicals and me I am not a fan. The edge radiation system looks like something out a star wars. I'm 55 years old I love life my family and my friends so the last things I want to do is go now. 
    I want to beat the odds and tell my stories and give people hope just like you all have given me.