Neck cramp/spasms

kgasmart Member Posts: 64 Member

The fun never ends...


I'm almost exactly 2 years out from surgery for BOT cancer/HPV/right side + full modified radical neck dissection etc.


About 2-3 months ago for the first time I got a few neck cramps or neck spasms. Came on when I yawned; felt like a charley horse in my Adam's apple. Lasted maybe 5-10 seconds, not a huge deal, happened 2 days in a row and didn't happen again...


Until about 3 days ago, and yesterday I got one cramp that lasted well over 20 seconds, didn't want to go away, kind of freaked me out. Then I could feel that it wanted to come back... last time around my ENT had prescribed cyclobenzaprine, so I took one of those and clenched my teeth every time I yawned to ward it off.


I know people on this board have talked about cramps/spasms; my quesiton is, has anyone had something that felt like this, involving the Adam's apple?


And for those who deal with this - what medications do you take or what do you do to prevent or mitigate it?




  • hlrowe
    hlrowe Member Posts: 80
    This happens to me

    If I bend the wrong way, like picking something up under my desk. It is right in the area where I received most of my rads. Left side of neck. I try to do some neck stretching in the morning to help alleviate it.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    not adams apple

    However, both sides of neck- yes. Have been on Clonazepam for some 7 years to limit the severity of the spasms.

  • Jsaul1
    Jsaul1 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2021 #4
    Cramps neck - Adams apple

    Good afternoon  Kgasmart,  I see you made this comment about 1 year ago however, I have been having the exact same symptons. My cramps are around the adams apple/thyroid gland last 20-30 seconds- stops my breath and feels like I am becoming paralized. It tries to come back when I yawn or cough, this has been getting worse for 3 months now. I also get swollen glands mostly on the right side of my neck and this swollen sympton has been happening on and off for 1 1/2 years.   Did you ever confirm what was causing the cramps in the neck??  Also did your neck swell on the sides under the ear down to the shoulder ?

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited January 2021 #5
    Jsaul1 I Was Just

    Wondering what cancer and treatment you had? A bit of info on the type, location, and treatments you received would be helpful. Also if this cramping is lasting half a minute and takes your breath away and is continually getting worse I would not wait to have it checked by the doctor or whoever your care team is. Your neck swelling could just be lymphedema which can be treated but it could also be something more serious. I would not wait and get these checked out by the doc as soon as possible. better safe than sorry. I may be a little antsy but since having cancer more than once I recommend being more proactive. Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Jsaul1
    Jsaul1 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2021 #6
    wbcgaruss said:

    Jsaul1 I Was Just

    Wondering what cancer and treatment you had? A bit of info on the type, location, and treatments you received would be helpful. Also if this cramping is lasting half a minute and takes your breath away and is continually getting worse I would not wait to have it checked by the doctor or whoever your care team is. Your neck swelling could just be lymphedema which can be treated but it could also be something more serious. I would not wait and get these checked out by the doc as soon as possible. better safe than sorry. I may be a little antsy but since having cancer more than once I recommend being more proactive. Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Hi Russ

    Fortunatley, as of today -- no cancer for me.  My mother had it twice and lost her battle also, her brother and a cousin of mine also have lost the battle with lung cancer.  I did see an ENT Friday and have an appt for a CAT scan this Tursday to help them get a better idea of what is going on. I am nervous... I do appreciate your antsy approach and I am sorry to hear you have had cancer multiple times but glad to see you are still fighting !


    Thanks  Please Take Care

  • kgasmart
    kgasmart Member Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2021 #7
    Jsaul1 said:

    Cramps neck - Adams apple

    Good afternoon  Kgasmart,  I see you made this comment about 1 year ago however, I have been having the exact same symptons. My cramps are around the adams apple/thyroid gland last 20-30 seconds- stops my breath and feels like I am becoming paralized. It tries to come back when I yawn or cough, this has been getting worse for 3 months now. I also get swollen glands mostly on the right side of my neck and this swollen sympton has been happening on and off for 1 1/2 years.   Did you ever confirm what was causing the cramps in the neck??  Also did your neck swell on the sides under the ear down to the shoulder ?

    Hi Jsaul1

    The cramps come and go, they're not constant so I've learned to live with them; if they are particular bad or persistent I take the cyclobenzaprine and that seems to relieve things (though woe betide if I forget I've taken the muscle relaxant and have myself a glass off wine...)


    At the time I posted that I was concerned they were going to become an everyday thing. They didn't. I asked my ENT about it and he basically said: take the muscle relaxant.


    I can only think - they cut into my neck muscles and stiched everythig back together, so yeah it's not going to work like it did before.


    If yours persists beyond what you think is reasonable, ask for a muscle relaxant or if you might be referred to a physical therapist. Good luck!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Congrats and Good For You

    I am glad you are getting it checked out and it looks like you have a good ENT getting you a scan right away and we are always nervous about the scans as the results are yet unknown and we are nervous about them showing something bad-we call it scanxiety-Best wishes-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited January 2021 #9

    I certainly hope your scans come out OK - and it's something else. I suppose it's certainly possible that it's not that serious.

    But, I'm glad your getting checked out.

    I had radiation 18 months ago, and about 6 months ago, started experiencing stiffness in my neck. I can usually shake it off in a few seconds. 

    Lifting weights seems to help prvent the stiffness, (and also helps with Neuropathy a little).

    I wish you the best possible outcome!


  • dEEtEk1
    dEEtEk1 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2021 #10
    Neck spasms

    I get bull frog like swelling and neck spasms as a direct result of radiation. Right side voice box area caused by HPV. I've had CT scans, and MRI's. Not even my seasoned ENT doctor doesn't have any answers. It happens a few times a day depending on my head position. And it is as painful as it is concerning. 

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2021 #11
    I wish it was this simple

    I'm one of those rare folks that had double radiation to the neck. 68 rounds. Spasms? That's child's play. My neck has all but shriveled up and tightens daily. No amount of stretching or medication helps at this level. It also damaged my right masseter muscle to the point it tightens and spasms chronically and I must inject 30 units of Botox every 4 months just so I can sorta function throughout the day. It's terrible.

    Sorry to say but it does not get better, only worse. Radiation damage is permanent. Lots of folks here told me that and they were right. I hope they find a less damaging cure for cancer one day.