Checking in

Hi all just wanted to let you all know I'm still here reading your post. I had my last Rituxan treatment in August. Those 2 years seem to have flown by. I had my CT last week of head neck face and chest all clear. New scans again in 6 months. So many changes this past year we sold our home (2400 sq ft) in Oct (raised 6 grandchildren there) all adults now. We decided to move on to a smaller home since only hubby and myself.We are having a new home built however won't be completed till end of February so we bought an RV 24 ft and staying in RV park with our 2 dogs. It's so small compared to our large home we figure the new 1600sq ft home will seem like a mansion lol. Being in something this small and not killing each other ( joking) is really enlightened our marriage of almost 47years. We have to do a lot of compromising. Just wanted to check in and thano you all for the encouragement you all gave me don't know where I would be without you all. Wishing everyone a happier healthy New Year ahead and Merry Christmas...Love and Prayers to all.... Lillian 



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Great news!

    Thanks for checking in. Always good to hear such stories. As to not killing each other, well...Smile

    A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  • dtat67
    dtat67 Member Posts: 32 Member
    Merry Christmas!

    It sounds like you have accomplished a lot the last few years - Congratulations!! Things are going your way and I hope you'll enjoy the change. We need to do a lot of the things you've done. The maintenance on our place is getting to be a challenge. 40 acres and house is not needed. We need to get in our forever home with less maintenance but we haven't been able to make the move yet. Enjoy!!

    Peace and Love!!

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    edited December 2019 #4

    Congratulations. I am now 4 years in remission. The time does go fast. 

    We also have a large house, small lot, but I am one that would rather stay in it. Plus we now have 5 grandkids (14 years to 1 month) although only 4 are ready for sleepovers. I know at some time we will need to downsize so I am trying to cut down on the "stuff" we have. Plus we don't agree on what area we would like to move to. As to the "killing each other" I sstill work whereas my husband has been retired 9 years. I have been home all Christmas week with him.  I can't wait to get back to work on Monday!

  • Rexmax
    Rexmax Member Posts: 55 Member
    lindary I hear ya

    lindary I definitely hear ya lol husband has been off work most of this month had lots of vacation time and I can't wait for him to go back next week! However he plans to retire in July I will definitely be happy to be in our new home where I might be able to find some alone space. Being in this 24ft RV is driving me nuts. Actually I'm thinking of doing some volunteering at the cancer center as I will only be 5 minutes from there. Congrats on your 4 year remission! I heard something about this site being shutdown I really hope not it has so much valuable information and tons of people who truly care and help others I know it certainly helped me...Wishing you and all a very healthy safe New Year....Lillian 

  • kayskids123
    kayskids123 Member Posts: 1
    i too am downsizing to a tiny house on a family farm .

    Illeverything else  have my 3rd year  treatment with mainternance ritauxin , One egg sized lump in groin but  no other changes. I do a plant  based diet baut yonl lot of other things work and especially in other countries