Increasing pain and lack of mobility



  • Bill1958
    Bill1958 Member Posts: 67
    Finally relief

    Hi everybody!  Just wanted to share how I made out and hopefully others can have less stress if they go through my events.  Went on steroids(80 MG, to 40 to 20).  It worked. The problems stopped within 2 hours of taking the steroid(Predisone).  Pretty much, as folks thought here, my immune response was enhanced and causing pain and imobility.  My Doc says it can come and go or not come and go.  But today I am moving well.  


  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    Bill1958 said:

    Finally relief

    Hi everybody!  Just wanted to share how I made out and hopefully others can have less stress if they go through my events.  Went on steroids(80 MG, to 40 to 20).  It worked. The problems stopped within 2 hours of taking the steroid(Predisone).  Pretty much, as folks thought here, my immune response was enhanced and causing pain and imobility.  My Doc says it can come and go or not come and go.  But today I am moving well.  


    Great news!

    This is great to hear, Bill.  

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    ShadyGuy said:

    is this what ...

    Dr. Budd from City of Hope was talking about? I am a bit skeptical but hoping for the best with this one. The video is long but well worth watching. The Dr doing the research is at City of Hope.

    No mention of that

    Bill or I cannot remember anything at all about the study on viruses.  It's quite interesting but like you I'm a little skeptical but who knows, I wouldn't discount anything.  Perhaps they felt it was a bit much for us to take in and maybe a little hush hush.  I like all of us touched by cancer are glad they are seemingly leaving not many stones unturned.


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Bill1958 said:

    Finally relief

    Hi everybody!  Just wanted to share how I made out and hopefully others can have less stress if they go through my events.  Went on steroids(80 MG, to 40 to 20).  It worked. The problems stopped within 2 hours of taking the steroid(Predisone).  Pretty much, as folks thought here, my immune response was enhanced and causing pain and imobility.  My Doc says it can come and go or not come and go.  But today I am moving well.  


    zip packs

    My Dr. called the tapered doses of prednisolone "zip packs". I am not sure why. They are temporary but they helped me a lot! Glad you got the help you needed. Now go out and raise hell while you are feeling better! "Freedom and Whisky Gang Thegither"

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Bill1958 said:

    Finally relief

    Hi everybody!  Just wanted to share how I made out and hopefully others can have less stress if they go through my events.  Went on steroids(80 MG, to 40 to 20).  It worked. The problems stopped within 2 hours of taking the steroid(Predisone).  Pretty much, as folks thought here, my immune response was enhanced and causing pain and imobility.  My Doc says it can come and go or not come and go.  But today I am moving well.  


    "Finally Relief"

    Bill I'm delighted with how the Prednisone has worked.   

    I didn't think to mention it above, but for back pain I use Salonpas pads.   Work great on my broken back (T-9), two collapsed vertebrae, trauma-induced scoliosis, and trauma-induced kyphotic deformity.  Severe arthritis from the lumbar to the base of the skull.   Normally I only have flares in one area at a time, so one larger pad does the job.  O.T.C., no perscription necessary.  The patch applies a topical, which I guess is similiar to Ben Gay or Icy Hot, but for me the Salonpas works much better than those other products.

    Of course these pads are not the solution for systemic pain all over the body, but if you have a severe issue in just one area, they might work well for you also.  I doubt that they have any interaction with Prednisone, but ask your doc beforehand to make sure,
