Exercises...PRE Surgery

RubenV Member Posts: 3

My husband has recently been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and we have opted to have it totally removed. We have an appointment with MD Anderson here in Houston. He has no symptoms and is in good health. Other than Kegel exercises... are there any other exercises that you would recommend?


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member

    The kegels are the most important thing. And be sure he does them correctly: most large practices train the patient on how to do kegels right; my group has an RN who does nothing but that.  Otherwise, just being fit and especially not much overweight is helpful.   And absolutely avoid any lifting for months afterward.  Herniation of the incision point is NOT uncommon.

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    I would work on the core as much as possible.  If it is robotic surgery (most are now), his core is going to take the biggest hit.  Please make sure you get all views on a treatment plan (surgery, radiation, hormone, active surveillance).  I am assuming you have and you chose surgery.  When you say "it", you know that means the gland, seminal vesicles, part of the urethra, and in a lot of cases lymph nodes.  He needs to know based on the parts being removed or modified, he will never be the same (potential side effects, incontinence, ED, urethra shortening).  In saying this to you, I was a Gleason 4+3=7.  I had a RARP; some lymph nodes removed; bladder neck reconstruction in 3/18.  I am 69 years old.  I am fully continent; ED recovered by around 75%.  My PSA is undetectable.  So, just maybe, just maybe, I have dealt this cancer a knock out blow, which is what I wanted to do in the first place.  Please keep Quality of Life in front of you.  This cancer has had minimal impact on the things my wife and I like to do.  Good luck on your journey.

  • RubenV
    RubenV Member Posts: 3
    Thanks so much for your

    Thanks so much for your comments. My husband is in pretty good shape....but could use working on his core. We are feeling super positive yet understand what he's about to go through. We will beat this together. We own a construction company and he's super busy as CEO. He's super grateful for me....finding out all the things he needs to do and what to expect. Thanks again for your help

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    Lap of the gods

    Hi there,

    It helps to be younger, in your fifties rather than your sixties, I was fifty five when I got the gift that no man wants. I would have preferred to have been a lot older than being a young surgical subject. I also had a BMI of 25, I don't smoke and I am a light drinker.
    All of these things had the anaesthetist and the urologist purring at the idea of knocking me out and slicing me up.
    I cannot complain, I came out of the surgery OK bearing in mind the grade of my cancer.
    There are things that are a bit down to luck.
    Even the best surgeons fail to preserve erectile function in a sizeable number of patients and the same goes for  a lesser number when it comes to incontinence.

    Best of luck,


  • graycloud
    graycloud Member Posts: 42 Member
    edited December 2019 #6
    Exercise/Increase blood flow/physical therapy

    I hope and pray your husband has the success story my husband had from his surgery.  He's doing great with very minimal side affects.  His specialists at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC had him take 3 months for his body to heal from the biopsy - give the nerve bundle time to heal.  During this time,he lost more weight and started a rigorous exercise schedule.   He walked every day - 5-6 miles as well as lifting weights/cardio, etc.   Walking/running increases blood flow to the prostate area which increases chances of success post surgery.  He started Kegels - but in hindsite - I wish we had gone to physical therapy to get a reading on muscle strength in that area pre-surgery so that had a baseline to work with after.  PT will make sure you are doing the kegels correctly, and if there is weakness in any of the muscles around that area, they can work on that pre-surgery.  Also, there are ED protocols to help with success post-surgery.  He took a minimal amount of generic viagra daily during those few months before surgery to once again increase blood flow to that area.  And, recommendations from MSK's ED specialist were to have sex as often as possible pre-surgery to increase blood flow.  Yep - my husband loved that!  He has no ED issues now. Bladder issues - only a small drip when lifting heavy weights.  Otherwise, he's back to normal.    His surgery was in January of 2018.  Feel free to have your husband reach out to mine.  He will be happy to share his experience and give a positive outcome story.  Just message me here.  Patti