Update: Jan has passed



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Jan - gone

    Jan's daughter gave me permision to post this pictrue, taken at the Grand Canyon in April.  

    I am so glad that she had this opportunity to go. 

    Jan got the peaceful passing that she deserved.  




    Another sad loss

    It always hurts to have a member of this forum pass due to this terrible disease, but some leave us with a bigger hole in our hearts.

    While sadness is our companion at this time, we have to be greatful to have known her, even though the time was so brief.

    May she soar with the stars and may her loved ones find comfort in the wonderful memories of the better days of her life.

    Marie who loves kitties


  • SoCal42
    SoCal42 Member Posts: 78
    Trubrit said:

    Jan - gone

    Jan's daughter gave me permision to post this pictrue, taken at the Grand Canyon in April.  

    I am so glad that she had this opportunity to go. 

    Jan got the peaceful passing that she deserved.  




    These are wonderful pictures,

    These are wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing 

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    She always called me tough

    But I had absolutely nothing on her. She was the toughest bravest survivor I have known. She went thru so much but was always here for anyone who needed her help. I love her as if she was family and my heart goes out to her family. She will be with me forever. Hugs to all Ron.

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    What a person she was!

    She was gracious to the last breath. The way to live and pass away. I feel blessed and inspired just to share a short time with her on this planet. 


  • Watersprite3
    Watersprite3 Member Posts: 31
    So sad to hear

    I admit I was not active on the board when I was going through treatment, but I lurked and I was always amazed at how Jan managed to advise and offer suggestions, even when she was not feeling her best.  I was hoping she was just taking a break, but sadly, that was not the case.   Rest in Peace, Jan.


  • Msboop15
    Msboop15 Member Posts: 83 Member
    So sad

    My heart breaks. What a beautiful spirit and what a beautiful woman. 

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306 Member
    edited September 2019 #48
    "Just Like Them Horses"

    I don't sign in often anymore. I know you guys understand . I try to LIVE and not let cancer sneak in between the cracks of my life when all is clear. I signed in to find that one of the most spirited souls on this forum had passed. I wish for peace for all who knew and loved her as they say goodbye. There is a verse in a song by Reba Mcentire that immediatley came to my mind for Jan...I could hear saying these words to all of us...I hope you are riding on the horses you loved with sun warming your soul...Rest in peace finally Jan-Jan

    "If you love me, don't you be afraid
    To look in my eyes and open up the gate
    Then watch me ride beneath a newborn sun
    Just like them horses
    When it's time to run"

  • ann63
    ann63 Member Posts: 20 Member
    So Sorry to Hear This

    She was an inspiration to me. 

    May she Rest In Peace.

  • ellend
    ellend Member Posts: 109 Member
    So sorry to hear about Jan

    I am very sorry to hear about Jan's passing, she was such an inspiration. I am glad that she was feeling up to taking that trip to the Grand Canyon.

    May she rest in peace.


  • Nazareth
    Nazareth Member Posts: 88 Member
    I haven't beewn on forums

    I haven't beewn on forums long, but read many of her encouraging posts- she was a strong fighter, that was clear- and an inspiration to many- Life can certainly be rogh soemtimes, but she handled it with grace judging by her posts- Her presence here will be sorely missed by many I'm sure- how coudl it not be? My prayer woudl be "Dear Lord, give Her a special message from everyone that we miss her, she was certainly an inspiration to many here"

  • Slow-runner
    Slow-runner Member Posts: 55 Member
    No not Jan

    Each time my husband hits a bump I tell him about Jan; that there is someone who suffered terribly but came back swinging.  She went through so much yet gave so much to so many of us, she probably had no idea. I came on the board tonight after not being on for awhile, to look to contact her. I hope she is at peace. Mary

  • Steelkiwi686
    Steelkiwi686 Member Posts: 78 Member

    I Hope Jan knew the effect she had on others. 

    I haven't been on the group for all that long but each of her posts made an impact on me.  
    Her resilience and persistence is an inspiration. I always felt that if she could keep marching,so could I.
    I feel lucky for having "known" her.



  • DD3
    DD3 Member Posts: 136 Member

    I don't come aroung much anymore.  Seeing this truly breaks my heart.  Jan was incredibly kind to me in regards to my wife's journey. So supportive and kind in every sense of the words.  I know she is in a better place and at peace.  She will be missed.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Almost sorry I came in today.

    Almost sorry I came in today. Sitting in a restaurant crying. I know its part of the disease but it never gets easier to hear this. She was a lovely, caring person and the world is missing out without her. 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    ron50 said:

    She always called me tough

    But I had absolutely nothing on her. She was the toughest bravest survivor I have known. She went thru so much but was always here for anyone who needed her help. I love her as if she was family and my heart goes out to her family. She will be with me forever. Hugs to all Ron.

    Ron, Jan was right, you are

    Ron, Jan was right, you are the toughest guy I know. And she was the kindest. I'll miss her. 

  • OnTheRoad
    OnTheRoad Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited November 2019 #57
    What a huge loss

    Since I started reading this forum, JanJan was an example for me. She was always kind and keen to help e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Even passing through some though times, she always kept a positive behaviour and could pass on some energy to others - even if herself was not ok.

    Her passing made me (and still makes me) very sad.

    I think we need to follow her example: live the best way we can, help people as much as we can and always keep a positive atitude.

    We will miss you A LOT, JanJan

  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    edited December 2019 #58
    The Sadness of it all

    I do not sign on often anymore either - everyone gets that.  Well I was thinking about CSN for the last few days and signed in today.

    My heart sank when reading this. Jan was lovely and commented on my posts often always positive and happy.  

    What makes me very sad is how young she looks in those pictures.  And the picture with the mountains in the background make her look like an angel.  That's when tears started rolling down my face.

    May she rest in peace.

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you Tru for letting me

    Thank you Tru for letting me know about this. So many ups and downs. JanJan will forever be one of my heroes. God be with you.

  • Capox Dude
    Capox Dude Member Posts: 127 Member
    Sweet, couragious lady.

    She went through so much.  I know she is at peace.