Just diagnosed

smargaret Member Posts: 15
edited November 2019 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

I am 76 years old (soon to be 77) and have just been diagnosed with high grade endometrial adenocarcinoma, serous subtype.   I am still trying to understand all the terminology, but from what I can find out, it's not a common type of uterine cancer and is aggressive--meaning, I think, that it comes back.  I have no symptoms except some spotting a few weeks ago, so I'm hoping it was caught early.  My pre-op appointment is tomorrow, when I should learn a bit more ( I had the CT scan last week).  Surgery is scheduled in two weeks.

I have a good support system here, which includes a friend who is a retired OB/GYN doctor who is going with me and my husband to appointments.  I have Kaiser, and have been assured by another doctor friend that their approach is state-of-the-art here (robotic laporoscopy for the surgery).  After the surgery I should know what the stage is, so I will share that when I know.

I would be interested in hearing from others about their experience with this type of cancer; I have tried to research it online but just wound up scaring myself.   Thanks!


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,009 Member

    I am sorry that you are having to deal with this, but this is a great place to help you do that.  This is a scary diagnosis and a scary time for anyone who has been told they have uterine serous cancer.   But until your surgery you don't know what the treatment will be.  So try not to dwell on the statistics.   There are lots of women here with serous type cancers, at all stages.  You will get lots of advice along your journey.  Hopefully it will be early stage.  I have serous type too, and was early stage.  I was diagnosed last year.   How wonderful that you have a gyne friend who can attend your appointments.  Please share any of your concerns here.  

  • Unknown
    edited November 2019 #3

    Welcome, but sorry that you have been diagnosed with USPC.  I am 71, and have endrometrial cancer with mixed serous cells.  When I had surgery, they found cancer in my uterous, also found microscopic cells in one of 14 lymph nodes removed, so hence I am stage IIIC.  I had a few months with pink spotting or clear discharge before I went to my doctor.  My surgery was December 2015, after an easy recovery, I completed 6 rounds of chemo, and have not had any symptoms since.  While I know that I can still have problems, I don't think about it or worry.  I too tried to read everything I could about this type of cancer, but quickly found that many of the articles were old, or even if they were more recent, they are using outdated statistics.  Several of the ladies on this site have often said "you are a statistic of one".  And I am encouraged to read many of the active ladies on this site are continuing to enjoy their lives, even if they are undergoing recurrence.  I know cancer can get in your head, and we all start to say the "what if".  I have complete trust in my doctor, so when he said leave the worrying to me, I did just that.  Everything will become clear after your surgery and you will have a clear plan on getting healthy again.  Until then, just know that there are many of us that are still living, even with higher stage cancer. Hugs Nancy

  • smargaret
    smargaret Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2019 #4
    unknown said:


    Welcome, but sorry that you have been diagnosed with USPC.  I am 71, and have endrometrial cancer with mixed serous cells.  When I had surgery, they found cancer in my uterous, also found microscopic cells in one of 14 lymph nodes removed, so hence I am stage IIIC.  I had a few months with pink spotting or clear discharge before I went to my doctor.  My surgery was December 2015, after an easy recovery, I completed 6 rounds of chemo, and have not had any symptoms since.  While I know that I can still have problems, I don't think about it or worry.  I too tried to read everything I could about this type of cancer, but quickly found that many of the articles were old, or even if they were more recent, they are using outdated statistics.  Several of the ladies on this site have often said "you are a statistic of one".  And I am encouraged to read many of the active ladies on this site are continuing to enjoy their lives, even if they are undergoing recurrence.  I know cancer can get in your head, and we all start to say the "what if".  I have complete trust in my doctor, so when he said leave the worrying to me, I did just that.  Everything will become clear after your surgery and you will have a clear plan on getting healthy again.  Until then, just know that there are many of us that are still living, even with higher stage cancer. Hugs Nancy


    Thank you!  This is very helpful, especially the idea of being a statistic of one!

  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member

    One of our dear members used to say, "Welcome to the club nobody wants to join."  You'll find great support and tons of information here, and we all really love each other.  Ask anything - we are very open around this safe place!  I had the "garden variety" endometrial cancer, but stage IVB, grade 2, so I have a statistical nightmare too, and I too am choosing to live as a statistic of one.  Keep us posted - it sounds as if you have a fantastic support going in.  Treatment is do-able!  We have lots of tips for you.  (Hint - look at my profile pic and ice those hands and feet during chemo!)  Your paws will thank you!

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 566 Member
    Sorry you have to be here,

    Sorry you have to be here, but you will find a great deal of support, and information, from the women here.  Honestly, of everything I've been through, the surgery was by far the easiest!  I wish you a quick and easy recovery.  Come back, please, and tell us what the staging was, and how you are doing.

    I had UPSC/clear cell (mixed), had a laparascopic hysterectomy just over a year ago.  Tumor was confined to uterus but there were isolated cells in one of two sentinel nodes sampled.  I had 6 cycles of carboplatin/taxol, along with herceptin (I'm just finishing up a year of herceptin).  I also had whole pelvic IMRT (targeted toward the pelvic lymph nodes).

    There were things that I found out about here, that I didn't find anywhere else in my research.  I don't want to overload you now with information, but please, do come back and let us know what's going on.

  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    You are starting the road

    I traveled starting in 2017 and I was 77 as well. You can read my info but I can say that I have fared pretty well even with a recurrence. I had UPSC stage 1a and so far nothing outside of the vagina. We ladies on this board are wonderful examples of the new treatments being explored every day. You sound like you have a good support team and that is vital. Keep us posted. 

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    Newly diagnosed

    S Margaret, Welcome to the “sisterhood” of women diagnosed with uterine cancer.

    I am sorry that you have uterine cancer.

    I was diagnosed 10.6 years ago. My cancer was not the same type as yours but we all end up with the same “trifecta of evidence based treatments (surgery, chemo and or radiation). Some of us were fortunate to only need surgery and watchful monitoring. 

    Just know that there are many survivors who check in to see if one can offer some comfort, fact based information, share personal experiences of how we got through it all or simply post how we are doing. 

    So glad you have a good support through husband and friend. Please know we are here for you and let us know if you have any questions.



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I too have been diagnosed

    I too have been diagnosed with serous (UPSC) and just passed my four year anniversary of showing No Evidence of Disease (NED). At first I thought it was a death sentence but, SURPRISE, here I am four years later, retired in Florida, fat and sassy! 

    We're here for you!



  • smargaret
    smargaret Member Posts: 15

    I too have been diagnosed

    I too have been diagnosed with serous (UPSC) and just passed my four year anniversary of showing No Evidence of Disease (NED). At first I thought it was a death sentence but, SURPRISE, here I am four years later, retired in Florida, fat and sassy! 

    We're here for you!




    Thanks so much!  I am so greatful I have found this group; you all give me hope.  I had a bit of good news yesterday--the doctor called to say that the CT scan showed no evidence of the cancer spreading beyond the pelvis, so I'm on for surgery the 22nd.  I have my pre-op today and have so many questions I think it will be a long appointment.  It's hard to take this a day at a time, but I will try to not get ahead of myself.  Thanks so much for all the support I have found here.

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 566 Member
    This is good to hear!

    This is good to hear! Hopefully, you caught it early.  I had symptoms for a year, but surgery only showed isolated tumor cells in one node, and I'm no evidence of disease a year after diagnosis, after chemo and radiation.  I feel great!

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    smargaret said:


    Thanks so much!  I am so greatful I have found this group; you all give me hope.  I had a bit of good news yesterday--the doctor called to say that the CT scan showed no evidence of the cancer spreading beyond the pelvis, so I'm on for surgery the 22nd.  I have my pre-op today and have so many questions I think it will be a long appointment.  It's hard to take this a day at a time, but I will try to not get ahead of myself.  Thanks so much for all the support I have found here.


    Glad to meet you. Just remember you are in the emotional overload part of your treatment, and then recovery. The first days, weeks and months were brutal for me, much more emotional than the physical. Your body heals, your mind never stops going to the dark places. It does get better, You will learn how to cope as your knowledge grows and you adjust to your new life. Knowledge is power. Your support system will help you so much. Accept all the help that is offered. As time goes by you will be surprised by your resiliency and strength. And remember, we are here to talk about things that are too hard to talk to family and friends about. Good luck with your surgery.


  • MugsBugs
    MugsBugs Member Posts: 111 Member
    I’m sorry you need to be on

    I’m sorry you need to be on this board!  I sounds like you have a good support network.  I also have Kaiser Permenante.  They are great with routine health care and I was always concerned about how they would be with a serious health issue. I found out with endometrial cancer. They were great and very proactive.  Their protocol was by the book!  I am in Maryland.  My surgery was much easier than expected.  

    Good luck!