hey Po..... just wondering

Are you going to the California Lymphoma Workshop in Redondo Bch this Sat.?  I know you do attend many of them?  Since it's only a short flight for us, we decided to go.  There is a Q&A session if anyone has any pressing ???



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Taking a pass, but go!

    I would love to attend, but 2019 virus #6 is putting adamper on everytihng. I am in SF each year for the T-Cell Foundation seminar. Other, more remote locations, but that is the closest. Seattle Dec. 14th is next.   

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    po18guy said:

    Taking a pass, but go!

    I would love to attend, but 2019 virus #6 is putting adamper on everytihng. I am in SF each year for the T-Cell Foundation seminar. Other, more remote locations, but that is the closest. Seattle Dec. 14th is next.   

    Get well

    There is a break out session for MCL so thought we would go since it is within reach for us.  Hope you get past your latest problem, the immune system, when challenged is just that ....a challenge.  Hope you can shake this soon.


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    hope the breakout ...

    is better than the ones I went too. They tend to be short and rushed. I would be excited to hear any info on progress in " magic bullet" drugs that kill only cancerous lymphocytes and leave the good guys alone. Due to the proprietary nature of drug development that sort of data has been hard to come by. However some amazing drugs are being developed. Please keep your ears open! And enjoy Redondo. Some excellent Restaurants there.

  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    edited November 2019 #5
    "Ask the Doctor" program?

    Has anyone done one of these?  https://www.lymphoma.org/learn/educationresources/programs/askthedoctor/  Useful/not useful?  Been keeping an eye out for one of these in my area, but none so far.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    I think they are helpful

    As they are often conducted by LRF and normally employ research hematologists. Thus, the latest trials and treatment combos are presented.  I would imagine that CART-T is going to play an increasing role in them.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited November 2019 #7
    Californication (Red Hot Chili Peppers hit)

    Becky, I hope you are safe in your travels.  In the last few years, all you have had to dodge in the Sacramento area was a mountain dam nearly bursting and flooding several counties, recurring, raging wildfires, earthquakes, drought, and flooding.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Californication (Red Hot Chili Peppers hit)

    Becky, I hope you are safe in your travels.  In the last few years, all you have had to dodge in the Sacramento area was a mountain dam nearly bursting and flooding several counties, recurring, raging wildfires, earthquakes, drought, and flooding.


    Floods are nice

    They put out the raging wildfires.

  • yesyes2
    yesyes2 Member Posts: 591
    Three Day LRF forums

    I have not attended one of the LRF half day sessions but used to attened the 3 day ones.  I've attended three in San Francisco and 2 in Manhatten Beach Ca.  I almost got to attend one in NY also.  I thought they were eriffic and gleened a ton of information and connectins.  So I guess I highly recommend.  I've also attended the 3/4 day sessions the the LLS puts on in January of each year in SF.  These also are well woth attending.  In both you are getting the latest treatment options and scientific studies.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:

    Floods are nice

    They put out the raging wildfires.

    Navy joke

    Po, your comment reminds me of an old Navy joke. The Officer of the Day has to call the captain at home and report:  "Sir, the good news is that the fire is out; the bad news is that the flooding extinguished the fire."


    Or the famous Robert Frost poem....

    Some say the world will end in fire, some in ice.

    From what I tasted of desire, I'ss side with those who favor fire.

    But from what I know of hate, I know that ice is also great, and would suffice.



  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    ASH 2019 abstracts

    For anyone so inclined, the abstracts for December's conference are available.  Hopefully there will be signifcantly more information vis-a-vis CAR-T and other new therapies.
