Folfox7 2 down 10 to go



  • myAZmountain
    myAZmountain Member Posts: 417 Member
    Is it oral 5FU?

    Or still an infusion? I have lung mets so not well versed with liver treatment but know many here have had great success with chemo directly infused into liver (HAI??) are you a candidate for that? So the liver lesions no longer light up on PET and continued normal CEA are all great signs. My personal beief is that surgical removal when possible is best. Hope things go well !

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member

    Is it oral 5FU?

    Or still an infusion? I have lung mets so not well versed with liver treatment but know many here have had great success with chemo directly infused into liver (HAI??) are you a candidate for that? So the liver lesions no longer light up on PET and continued normal CEA are all great signs. My personal beief is that surgical removal when possible is best. Hope things go well !

    I know that the oncologist is

    I know that the oncologist is going for removal by surgery. That is the best way. I understand her reasoning for the continued treatments. It is a scaled down version of what I was doing, which I handled very well. I guess I will know a lot more by Monday afternoon after I speak to the surgeon. At any rate I said in the beginning that I will do what the doctor's told me. I intend on being a long term survivor. I will post again when I have more information from the surgeon.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited October 2019 #64
    It sounds encouraging

    It sounds like you have responded very well to treatment and the continuous is until they can get it all through surgery.  The best way is to just "cut it out" and "get it out".  You still remain with that high and positive attitude which is good.  Wishing you the best of luck on your appointment on Monday.  Congratulations to making it through all those scheduled treatments.


  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member

    It sounds encouraging

    It sounds like you have responded very well to treatment and the continuous is until they can get it all through surgery.  The best way is to just "cut it out" and "get it out".  You still remain with that high and positive attitude which is good.  Wishing you the best of luck on your appointment on Monday.  Congratulations to making it through all those scheduled treatments.


    Oncology surgeon said that

    Oncology surgeon said that lesions that were on my first pet scan are not visible on my latest one. She ordered a CT scan of the liver. November 13th. I'm Stoll on the chemo without the avastin. Didn't miss a cycle. I think the oncologist is just playing it safe. Any tips for my mouth. It hurts a lot. Didn't have that with my first 12 treatments. Other than that everything is good.   Thanks,  Tom

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    Tom M. said:

    Oncology surgeon said that

    Oncology surgeon said that lesions that were on my first pet scan are not visible on my latest one. She ordered a CT scan of the liver. November 13th. I'm Stoll on the chemo without the avastin. Didn't miss a cycle. I think the oncologist is just playing it safe. Any tips for my mouth. It hurts a lot. Didn't have that with my first 12 treatments. Other than that everything is good.   Thanks,  Tom

    What is she expecting to see

    What is she expecting to see on a CT that isn't picked up on a pet scan?

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member
    edited October 2019 #67
    abita said:

    What is she expecting to see

    What is she expecting to see on a CT that isn't picked up on a pet scan?

    I don't know. I guess she's

    I don't know. I guess she's just making sure. There were 5 lesions there back in March after my colon resection. After 12 treatments of folfox7 and a rescan nothing. Sounds good to me. I go day to day. Only way to deal with all of this.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Tom M. said:

    Oncology surgeon said that

    Oncology surgeon said that lesions that were on my first pet scan are not visible on my latest one. She ordered a CT scan of the liver. November 13th. I'm Stoll on the chemo without the avastin. Didn't miss a cycle. I think the oncologist is just playing it safe. Any tips for my mouth. It hurts a lot. Didn't have that with my first 12 treatments. Other than that everything is good.   Thanks,  Tom

    Your mouth sores

    Mine gave me "miracle mouthwash" and it helped a lot.  My sores weren't really as bad as some get, but enough to make it difficult to eat certain foods.  Miracle mouthwash isn't really a prescription (according to my doctor), but something that pharmacist knows how to make.  Glad to hear that spots seem to have disappeared on this last scan.  Good luck on the CT scan coming up.  Hope you get some relief for that mouth.  Please ask your doctor their recommendation also.  Some people swear by the salt water swish as well.


  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member

    Your mouth sores

    Mine gave me "miracle mouthwash" and it helped a lot.  My sores weren't really as bad as some get, but enough to make it difficult to eat certain foods.  Miracle mouthwash isn't really a prescription (according to my doctor), but something that pharmacist knows how to make.  Glad to hear that spots seem to have disappeared on this last scan.  Good luck on the CT scan coming up.  Hope you get some relief for that mouth.  Please ask your doctor their recommendation also.  Some people swear by the salt water swish as well.


    Thanks Kim, got some miracle

    Thanks Kim, got some miracle mouthwash at drug store in town. Relief after one dose. Looking forward to emptying the bottle. I will post again after ct scan results.   

  • Heather MM
    Heather MM Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2019 #70
    Tom M. said:

    Thanks Kim, got some miracle

    Thanks Kim, got some miracle mouthwash at drug store in town. Relief after one dose. Looking forward to emptying the bottle. I will post again after ct scan results.   

    Mouth sores

    I used a q-tip and would hold the numbing solution to them. That way I didn't make my whole mouth numb. I was worried about accidentally biting myself. I wish I had gotten the solution earlier in treatment it was a real game changer.

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member

    Mouth sores

    I used a q-tip and would hold the numbing solution to them. That way I didn't make my whole mouth numb. I was worried about accidentally biting myself. I wish I had gotten the solution earlier in treatment it was a real game changer.

    That's a good idea too

    That's a good idea too Heather. Thanks.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Tom M. said:

    Thanks Kim, got some miracle

    Thanks Kim, got some miracle mouthwash at drug store in town. Relief after one dose. Looking forward to emptying the bottle. I will post again after ct scan results.   


    So glad that you got some and it gave you relief that fast.  Keep using it as long as you are having problems.  Wishing the doctors would tell the patients about it before we have to ask.  That is why this board is so important - we can share so much information.


  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member
    Still waiting to hear from

    Still waiting to hear from liver surgeon. CT scan showed 3 10mm lesions on right lobe. So 2 are gone and remaining 3 got smaller. Blood work remains good and cea is staying low. Feeling good all around will tell more when I find out.

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member
    Tom M. said:

    Still waiting to hear from

    Still waiting to hear from liver surgeon. CT scan showed 3 10mm lesions on right lobe. So 2 are gone and remaining 3 got smaller. Blood work remains good and cea is staying low. Feeling good all around will tell more when I find out.

    Well I guess today was my

    Well I guess today was my last chemo day for awhile. Laparoscopic liver resection is set for 1-7-2020. Has anyone had this done?

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member


  • Melanie67
    Melanie67 Member Posts: 24
    Hi Tom. Mine was open

    Hi Tom. Mine was open resection with colon and liver done at the same time So I don't really have an answer for you. But I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Tom M. said:



    I think you got missed in the shuffle.

    I think I've heard of others having laparascopic surgery, not sure if it was colon though; maybe liver. 

    Hopefulyl this will bump your thread to the top, and folks will flock to answer. 

    You're on my calendar for the 7th.

    Enjoy your Christmas or holiday season - whatever its called now. 


  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member
    Sometimes I tend to over

    Sometimes I tend to over think things. I am not in control. Thanks for your well wishes. Just had blood work again. All looks good, cea is at 1.6. It has remained below 2 for a long time now. Chemo is off in preparation of having surgery in January. I guess I'm letting the being put to sleep thing get to me. I know all will be okay. I like the oncology surgeon a lot. I know she will do a great job. I will keep you all up to date. Have a very blessed Christmas and happy and healthy New Year's.

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    Tom M. said:

    Sometimes I tend to over

    Sometimes I tend to over think things. I am not in control. Thanks for your well wishes. Just had blood work again. All looks good, cea is at 1.6. It has remained below 2 for a long time now. Chemo is off in preparation of having surgery in January. I guess I'm letting the being put to sleep thing get to me. I know all will be okay. I like the oncology surgeon a lot. I know she will do a great job. I will keep you all up to date. Have a very blessed Christmas and happy and healthy New Year's.

    Merry Christmas to you and

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Tom!  I'll be thinking about you in Jan.  I am also having surgery in Jan (7th).

  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member

    Merry Christmas to you and

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Tom!  I'll be thinking about you in Jan.  I am also having surgery in Jan (7th).

    Surgery date now 14January

    Surgery date now 14January and pre op testing is on the 31st of December. Surgeon says she's confident she will get it all. I feel good about the whole thing. Looking forward to being a long term survivor. February 14 will be my 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis. Good luck to you Snap Dragon2. You will do fine.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,292 Member
    Tom M. said:

    Well I guess today was my

    Well I guess today was my last chemo day for awhile. Laparoscopic liver resection is set for 1-7-2020. Has anyone had this done?

    Has got to be better then my

    Has got to be better then my liver surgeries. A foot down and a foot to the right really leaves a big thing to heal up, not to mention the cutting of major muscle nerves that won't be healing back. It also lead to major hernia surgery after treatment. The onc/surgeon said after that had he known the exact situation with the mets, he wouldn't have had to "go big". Cold comfort, but hey, I'm here and clear over five years later, so I'm not complaining. I hope the same for you, Tom, that you too get to this point where it's all hazy memories..............................................................Dave