
This morning, I realized that I recently passed the 7 year anniversary, without notice, of my lymphoma diagnosis. (9/28/12) That the day passed without my realizing it, I take as a good sign, one I never thought I would see.  

Love and healing to all,




  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Congratulations Rocquie.

    I had not thought about it but next Saturday will be 8 years since my official diagnosis. Thanks for reminding me. We have much to be grateful for!

  • Almost70now
    Almost70now Member Posts: 37 Member
    7, 8 and 9

    Hi Rocquie, and Shady Guy,

      June I passed my 9 year mark since diagnosed. I did remember mine, only because we were dealing with a close friend that has since passed from his cancer. I'm thankful every single day. To us and everyone else for continued success! Love...Sue

    FNHL-stage3-grade2-typA-diagnosed June 2010

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member

    Mid-Dec it will mark 5 years since I was diagnosed. Not sure if I will be aware of that in Dec since our older daughter is having her first baby (a girl) around mid-Dec. I am sure my mind will be on other things. 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    7, 8 and 9

    Hi Rocquie, and Shady Guy,

      June I passed my 9 year mark since diagnosed. I did remember mine, only because we were dealing with a close friend that has since passed from his cancer. I'm thankful every single day. To us and everyone else for continued success! Love...Sue

    FNHL-stage3-grade2-typA-diagnosed June 2010


    Sue and all,

    I went 10 years in August, 2009 regarding the HL-III.   I go 5 years with Stage II Prostate in November (biopsy, 2014).

    It is wonderful to read of so many being well after so long.   And I mean this totally as an optimistic observation:   very, very few have reported death from Lymphoma here over the years.    At Prostate, it is a pretty regular thing.....

  • Rosa851
    Rosa851 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2019 #6
    Hi , My mother has splenic

    Hi , My mother has splenic marginal zone lymphoma (NHL) with involvment of eyes and lymph nodes , she passed 5 years from initial diagnosis and shehad splengtomy  (2014)in first line of treatment and she had 2 times relapse more in lymph nodes and now  it should be start the treatment with rithoximab alone and l want know if everybody has exprience about this lymphoma and similar to my mother's lymphoma give a littele information about relapse and how often relapse can be happen ? 

  • yesyes2
    yesyes2 Member Posts: 591

    I guess i'm currently the old one here, first diagnosed Jan. 2008, treated with Rituxian only.  Relapsed June 2009 and finished RCHOP in March 2010.  So I'm eleven years, soon to be twelve since diagnosis and ten since finishing treatment. Because of my RA just this past Friday I had my 49th infusion. To be totally honest I do worry what that much of a drug is doing to me, but also being in my eary 70s I don't worry as much as if I were younger.  I'm not sure I remember the anniversaries but I do remember the day I had an ultrasound and was told there was a problem.  It was my son's birthday, Nov. 29th.  Perhaps that's the connection for me.

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    edited October 2019 #8
    Bill's versary

    Bill was diagnosed July '11 and has relapsed 3 times.  Happily we just got his pet results on Tues. and all is well.  He is on Revlimid/rit  but is taking a break from the rit for 6 mos. to see if it will help his chronic sinus infection which has been very hard on him.  His onc is making an appt for him at UC Davis with a specialist so maybe he can do better than our local ENTs.

    Happy anniversary everyone

    B & B

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    illead said:

    Bill's versary

    Bill was diagnosed July '11 and has relapsed 3 times.  Happily we just got his pet results on Tues. and all is well.  He is on Revlimid/rit  but is taking a break from the rit for 6 mos. to see if it will help his chronic sinus infection which has been very hard on him.  His onc is making an appt for him at UC Davis with a specialist so maybe he can do better than our local ENTs.

    Happy anniversary everyone

    B & B

    Sinus infections

    I hope Bill is able to shake his sinus infection soon. Mine started in January '18 while on chemo. My onc kept telling me to go to an ENT which I did - in fact I went to several. An ENT's answer to everything is antibiotics. Nothing worked. I had head scans, MRIs and many different antibiotics. It was terrible! Finally I went to a major cancer center which said I should immediately stop Rituxan. Whammo. In less than 2 months that nasty infection which I had for 16 mos healed right up. No antibiotics. Never again will I trivialize a sinus infection!  They are serious business. Once again I wish Bill the best.

  • Rosa851
    Rosa851 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2019 #10
    Tanks for all for your

    Tanks for all for your information . I wish health for all of cancer patients.

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Hi Shady

    Thanks for the support.  It has been a few days over 2 months since Bill's last rituxan infusion and the sinus infection is still raging. He had rituxan with chemo when first diagnosed in 7/11 and then every 2 months for 2 yrs. after that.  Dr Wang at MDA started him on monthly rituxan the end of '17, and his onc here changed that to every 2 mos. a year later, so he has had a lot.  Hopefully in the next 4 mos. he will notice a difference.  I really doubt if the specialist at UC Davis will have a magic answer but we may as well see what he says.  We have heard horror stories about surgery so don't think we will opt for that.  You are right, sinus infections are horrible and there isn't a lot of sympathy for the victims, it's usually "Well, you can live with that."  Undecided
