Button FT

Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
edited September 2019 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Anyone have experience w/a button FT? And if so, what type. Found a site, now that I'm looking at a change I wanted to know about the balloon FTs. Found a site:


Also others where they tell about the different types, now, and a tool the Dr.s can use- an Obturator- to maybe avoid the balloon, which in some cases have to be replaced every 3-4 months- and sometimes due to Emergency issues.

Any info will be appreciated.


  • lorijeannj
    lorijeannj Member Posts: 56 Member

    Hi Dave.


    My brother-in-law has been on a FT for just about 10 yrs now.

    He uses a Mic_key.  He is active at work and other activities and the Mic-Key lies flat on his stomach.  When he feeds he inserts a tube.

    I think it is similar to what you are asking about. 



  • lorijeannj
    lorijeannj Member Posts: 56 Member
    Tube holder



    My husband had a tube for 3 months and used a tube holder.


    Thank God for this because he hated that tube and he had no idea what to do with it.


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    My G tube

    Gee, Dave K,

    You should ask me some of your feeding questions.  I am 100% dependent on my G tube feedings. Without it, I would not Be here.... And Fat like I am -- Monday in my surgeon's clinic, I weighed in at 76 pounds, still.  I have not gained much weight..... But 76 pounds is better than 64 pounds, which was my weight in 2017.   To my surgeon, though, I am still dangerously thin.

    I cannot help it, because I have cancer Cachexia.

    okay, Dave K, I have a Mic Key G tube and an Infinity feeding pump, because I feed continuously.  

    The Oley Foundation is also a Great Source of information. Please check them out.  

    And ask me anything you want.


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Lorijeannj & Little CJdoll

    Lorijeannj & Little CJdoll

    I've seen pictures on Google of the Mic Key G tube, and they vary. My main concern was not wanting one w/balloon in stomach due to it being prone to having issues. Have either you or the brother-in-law had one w/balloon and had troubles?

    See the one with a 90-degree little fitting on the end in stomach, but not sure they come in the stub/button variety. Less plastic surface against the inside stomach wall than my 1" diameter disc. Are either of you familiar with? And, if so, do you hook-up the extensions to do the feedings?

    On the other thread I started I do explain my Surgeon agreed the balloon tubes are prone to more problems than the one I have, which I show on my Expressions page, and we both agreed I should keep the one I have for as long as I can.

    As for the feeding pump- hoping to avoid that. Can you still shoot crushed meds into your stomach with it?

  • lorijeannj
    lorijeannj Member Posts: 56 Member
    The only trouble my brother

    The only trouble my brother-in-law has is that it is leaking.  He said he has had the same gizmo for 4 yrs and I gave him a bunch of b.s. to get get another one.  4 yrs. is way too long but he is the type of person that will wait until he can't use it anymore.  I will ask him about the balloon issues, but I don't recall if he has one or had any issue.