Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treatment follow-up

motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

I am 59 years old. I had a tumor removed from my neck in December, 2018. Biopsy was not benign. Primary tumor was in my left nasal passage NPC (Naso Pharyngeal Cancer).


I had 35 radiation sessions, with Cisplatin, that ended in March 2019. I had 3 more 5 FU Fluorouracil (seek and destroy) chemo sessions, which ended in June 2019.


I was able to eat during the whole process (got, but never used the feeding tube)- but I still lost 45 pounds in the process. I started to gain back about 5 pounds, starting 6 weeks ago. For the longest time, I had lost my sense of taste, but now it is slowly coming back, and some foods taste good again (although I feel like I'm only tasting about 60% of it.) Some foods are still too dry, so I always have a glass of water handy. I do feel like the saliva is slowly coming back - but mouth still drys out, when I sleep at night. On a good note, I was a little overweight before, and I'm actually at a healthier weight, now!


I started losing my hair (ironicallyit seemed the worst about a month after chemo ended). But, I only lost maybe half of it, and the new hair was coming in - so it may look thinner, but not absent. My GF had me on Biotin, which seemed to inspire the new hair to grow back more quickly. My Oncologist said 3 months for hair to recover, but mine started coming back quite a bit sooner.


I have neuropathy in my hands, forearms, and the bottoms of my feet. This isn't painful, just a numb sensation. It doesn't slow me down, too much - although things like buttoning a shirt takes a little longer than it used to. My Oncologist tells me that normally fades, 6 months after treatment (which would be around the end of the year). I also notice an odd, mild "shock" in my feet / lower legs, when I put my chin down towards my chest. I assume there may have been a bit of nerve damage.(?)


I had tinnitus, before, but it seems a little worse, now -and I feel I've lost a bit of hearing. But, I can still follow most conversations, and I don't think I'm ready for a hearing aid, yet.


I have a PET Scan on Thursday, next week - and should find out the results around Wednesday, October 2nd. I'm certainly hoping for (and expecting) a NED report. I'm a little nervous about that - but I've decided not to obsess about it - just take it as it comes.


I'm sending a prayer to all who happen to read this - and I hope you're as lucky in treatment, as I have been, so far!





  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    Follow up note:

    When I say I was able to "eat" through the whole process - it was definitely a challenge. My GF's smoothies always went down, OK - and I highly recommend something like that - with Protein and vitamins etc. (or at least something like High Protein Boost).

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Mild shock

    You're the first person who has mentioned this mild shock when putting your chin down to your chest.  I had the same thing shortly after finishing treatments, but it went away about as quickly as it showed up.  I too thought that it may have been nerve damage, but whatever it was it's gone.  Hopefully yours will go away, too!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    I lived on smoothies for 7 months


    Well, seeing that Nasopharyngeal cancer (appears on the H&N forum) to be  a little bit more difficult to (seek and destroy) I am glad that you had the extra 5FU treatments.  You  truly do want to kill this stuff on the first go-a-round.

    It sounds like you are working through the side effects from rads and chemo.   It definitely does get much better and anyone (like you) who managed to get all their calories by mouth throughout treatments, you deserve some pluses in your recovery, and I hope it will be to a very good place at the H&N “tasting table”.  

    Maybe, I should re-read the label of my Biotin bottle. I never tried it on my hair, but then again I did not lose any hair (except) on my neck where I received the rads.  Anyway, I had Erbitux (chemo lite) and its blessing is cracked fingers with acne and (I think) it contributed to my awful painful neck burn and does not cause hair loss.

    Well, back to my project of hanging up a tube bird feeder outside. It is a beautiful sunny 70 degrees outside.

    Take care,


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    As you might recall, I was NPC also- but unknown Primary.

    I would not be anxious about the first 3-month PET results. The historical fact learned on this Forum is that PET is for the PET Dr.s to establish a baseline to compare future PETs to. My first PET showed something, my ENT said, but he was not worried about it, and I'm over 10 years out. It is normal to be anxious, I guess, but there is also a history of the first PETs showing what turned out to be "false positives."

    I never really experienced the Neuropathy you describe. Nerve damage to both sides of my neck...Yes.

    I was FT dependent by the end of week #1, with tongue "scalding" that had the Chemo Dr. put me on liquid Morph. immediately, and cannot imagine my being able to have not used, like you did w/Smoothies. I was not overweight, dropping from 142 lbs. to 117. My saliva got aced, but taste did return after a few months.

    My Tinnitus did not arrive for at least 7 years, so I was lucky w/that.


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    "Shock" follow up

    I got a private message on the "shock" sensation I feel in my feet, when I put my head down. It sounds like this is a reasonably common side effect.

    They call it Lhermitte's Symptom, from Head & Neck Radiation.

    On the thread I saw, it appears to be temporary, and goes away suddenly, in a few months.

    I appreciate all responses to my posting - thank you!

  • skidog
    skidog Member Posts: 74 Member

    My first full body PET Scan

    My first full body PET Scan came back with a NED - No Evidence of disease!!!

    All of my blood test was good, and I'm up to 163 pounds (after dropping to 154)!

    Life is great - and I wish you all the same results from your treatments!!

    great news!

    always good to hear NED after a scan. :)

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member

    My first full body PET Scan

    My first full body PET Scan came back with a NED - No Evidence of disease!!!

    All of my blood test was good, and I'm up to 163 pounds (after dropping to 154)!

    Life is great - and I wish you all the same results from your treatments!!

    Great news indeed!

    Congrats on the NED result of your full body PET Scan 

    I wish you many more NEDs!.  I see graphic depeiction from Matt in your future!

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    I appreciate all positive comments, best wishes and prayers; they WORKED for me, and I hope everyone going through this, gets lots of them!!

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    My first full body PET Scan

    My first full body PET Scan came back with a NED - No Evidence of disease!!!

    All of my blood test was good, and I'm up to 163 pounds (after dropping to 154)!

    Life is great - and I wish you all the same results from your treatments!!

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    edited October 2019 #11


    I appreciate all positive comments, best wishes and prayers; they WORKED for me, and I hope everyone going through this, gets lots of them!!

    Amen to that

    Amen to that Motorcyleguy!  We wish you the very best and prayers are very powerful and so glad you are doing better.  Will continue to pray for you always and wish you the best of everything! God Bless Us All to be NED and to have good reports from Doctors.  This forum was a Godsend to me and Thank you for sharing your news and your journey. 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    WHOO HOO on your PET scan....

    I had NPC also, and had exactly the same treatment as you did.  And get this, I have all the same side effects....taste and dry mouth go without saying....bit the tinnitus, the neuropathy in hands and feet, loss of ear only.  

    I hated tying my shoes.....something I learned to do at 4, was suddenly something I had to watch my hands do in order to do it right....I’ve learned to only unbutton the top buttons on my blouses, cuz they are a b**ch to button up. 


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited October 2019 #13
    Thank you


    I appreiate your prayers - thanks!


    How long ago did you finish treatment? I still have neuropathy, and buttoning shirts and handling small items (like pills or credit cards) is challenging. Does the neuropathy fade over time? Thanks!


  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member

    "Shock" follow up

    I got a private message on the "shock" sensation I feel in my feet, when I put my head down. It sounds like this is a reasonably common side effect.

    They call it Lhermitte's Symptom, from Head & Neck Radiation.

    On the thread I saw, it appears to be temporary, and goes away suddenly, in a few months.

    I appreciate all responses to my posting - thank you!

    NPC survivor

    7 years after treatment the only significant side effect is hearing loss (due to cisplatin toxicity) – manageable with hearing aids. Other than that, not much. I do experience issues having less saliva, especially during nights, when I get up a couple of times to sip some water, but I fall asleep almost immediately, so not such a big deal. I can’t talk or walk for long unless I have my trusty bottle of water with me. Also some taste “fatigue” for sweet – which I consider a plus. Also I easily get local infections (throat area) due to decreased immunity, and I have to pay attention to treat any ears problem, because I also get otitis easily. But anyway all of this are minor complaints.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    Blood port

    I'm scheduled to get my blood port taken out, on Friday. It wasn't something that was that tough to deal with, once the initial tenderness was over. But, I will be glad to get rid of it!!

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    Well, I'm going on 5 months since completing treatment.

    On the plus side, I am able to eat and drink just about anything I want. My taste is still a little "faded", so I don't tend to overeat - which has kept me at a new healthier weight, anyway! My energy has come back quite well, and I'm feeling good in general. I lost some hair, but I have new (darker and with silver in it) coming in to replace it. It's about an inch long, now.

    On the minus side, I still have Neuropathy in my hands and feet. They feel numb and although they work OK, the sense of feeling is not the same, so handling things like small, plastic objects is challenging. I'm told it should fade over time. I've also had hearing loss, probably caused by Cisplatin, although I still feel functional. I just have to ask people to repeat themselves, occasionally.

    I wish all the best to any Cancer Survivors who happen to read this!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member


    Well, I'm going on 5 months since completing treatment.

    On the plus side, I am able to eat and drink just about anything I want. My taste is still a little "faded", so I don't tend to overeat - which has kept me at a new healthier weight, anyway! My energy has come back quite well, and I'm feeling good in general. I lost some hair, but I have new (darker and with silver in it) coming in to replace it. It's about an inch long, now.

    On the minus side, I still have Neuropathy in my hands and feet. They feel numb and although they work OK, the sense of feeling is not the same, so handling things like small, plastic objects is challenging. I'm told it should fade over time. I've also had hearing loss, probably caused by Cisplatin, although I still feel functional. I just have to ask people to repeat themselves, occasionally.

    I wish all the best to any Cancer Survivors who happen to read this!


    Glad you are mostly doing well with a few side effects thrown in and hopefully, they will diminish over time. Being able to eat almost anything is a big plus also. Keep on keepin on-God Bless

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    I was NPC also, and around 4 months post-Rads discovered I could eat anything. Especially liked Roadhouse Chili, which really registered with my taste buds. I was having problems with my gums, but was told the issue was a reduction in the swelling. Did return to work a month after the last Rad, and as a shop Inspector was doing a lot of walking. Energy level gradually came back to normal within a couple months.

    Keep on keeping on.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    Lhermitte's Symptom

    Quick update.

    The strange "electric shock" sensatoin that I got in my feet and legs, called Lhermitte's symptom, went away as suddenly as it came on. (I had been worried it might be nerve damage).

    I still have neuropathy in my hands, forearms and feet. I'm back in the gym, now and I feel that might help my circulation/nerve healing. My Oncologist said 6 months - so the end of it would make for a nice Christmas gift.

    My eating is much closer to normal, but still tastes "faded". I started at 195 pounds, lost down to 150 - but now I'm holding steady at 160 - at which point I feel great about it! I don't feel I will gain weight until when/if food goes back to tasting great. I'd vote for that maybe once a week - but I appreciate my new slimmer self  so I can live with that.

    Hair is coming back strong. i lost half of the old, brown hair - but the new black/silver hair is coming in thick, and is about 2' long, now.

    I hope everyone who is going through this is doing as well as possible; my best to all of you who read this!!

  • aprilshower55
    aprilshower55 Member Posts: 31
    Delayed Side Effects from Radiation

    Is been awhile since been on this board.  I think is about 7 years.  I was first diagnosis with NPC IN June 2011. I had 35 rounds of Radiation and forgot how many rounds of chemo.  Now I have stage 4 NPC which metastasis to my Lungs 6 years. I decided to stop Chemo in March, I couldn't take it being fatique and lack of energy.  I had my CT scan in Sept. and nothing has changed and I will have another CT in Dec.   I too was not able to eat very well after my first cancer.  I made smoothies and drank Emsure but at least I was able to eat small bites. Let me tell you 4 years ago I slowly started having difficulity drinking and eating.  I was using a straw to drink and needing to cut up my food very small to eat. After consulting to my doctor about my condition we ran bunch of test and confirmed that I have delayed side effects from my Radaiton back in 2011.  My throat and esophagus was not able to close when I ever eat or drink and would lead me to choking to death or getting a pneumonia from liquid going down my lungs.  Now I have a feeding tube feeding shakes for my food and I also not able to move my tongue so I am not able to talk, as well not able to chew my food even I could eat.  I also have dry mouth and not able to swallow my phlegm and need to use a suction machine to suck out from back of my throat or mouth.  I have big issue with sleeping too. I have to sleep at a 30 degree angle cause I would throw up. My nasal drips back down to throat and I would get up to use suction machine, sometimes I might get up every 2 mins. trying to suck it out, but it is so dry and can't get it out.  My sleep is hell up every hour at times and sometimes lucky I am able to sleep 2 hours. But there are times I am not able to follow back to sleep.

    Does anyone out there have any issuse like mines?  I would love to hear how you cope with it all.  

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Delayed Side Effects from Radiation

    Is been awhile since been on this board.  I think is about 7 years.  I was first diagnosis with NPC IN June 2011. I had 35 rounds of Radiation and forgot how many rounds of chemo.  Now I have stage 4 NPC which metastasis to my Lungs 6 years. I decided to stop Chemo in March, I couldn't take it being fatique and lack of energy.  I had my CT scan in Sept. and nothing has changed and I will have another CT in Dec.   I too was not able to eat very well after my first cancer.  I made smoothies and drank Emsure but at least I was able to eat small bites. Let me tell you 4 years ago I slowly started having difficulity drinking and eating.  I was using a straw to drink and needing to cut up my food very small to eat. After consulting to my doctor about my condition we ran bunch of test and confirmed that I have delayed side effects from my Radaiton back in 2011.  My throat and esophagus was not able to close when I ever eat or drink and would lead me to choking to death or getting a pneumonia from liquid going down my lungs.  Now I have a feeding tube feeding shakes for my food and I also not able to move my tongue so I am not able to talk, as well not able to chew my food even I could eat.  I also have dry mouth and not able to swallow my phlegm and need to use a suction machine to suck out from back of my throat or mouth.  I have big issue with sleeping too. I have to sleep at a 30 degree angle cause I would throw up. My nasal drips back down to throat and I would get up to use suction machine, sometimes I might get up every 2 mins. trying to suck it out, but it is so dry and can't get it out.  My sleep is hell up every hour at times and sometimes lucky I am able to sleep 2 hours. But there are times I am not able to follow back to sleep.

    Does anyone out there have any issuse like mines?  I would love to hear how you cope with it all.  


    Also NPC/told was Stage-3/unknown Primary- so they zapped me w/Rads in 20 places/session.

    Your eating & drinking problem hit you sooner than mine hit me (around 9 years). Got my FT on 8/6 of this year. Dr. who did my swallowing test was amazed I didn't have pneumonia when I told him how long I'd been dealing with coughing-up Ensure.

    And definitely can relate to the saliva/phlegm. Have called it "toxic saliva" to my GP for a couple years, and have been using a spittoon for about that long. Have one of those little arced hospital pans on my car's front seat to spit into. At home I've been spitting into waste baskets for years. Stuff is like a thick white foam. And not being able to drink with the danged dry mouth/throat...I basically said to heck with it, citing quality of life, and have been sucking on ice cubes since I got the FT. When my throat got real dry I experienced discomfort in my lower-right of throat. Just the little moisture of sips have solved that issue.

    I do not have the sleep issues you have. Do not lay down after FT feedings until at least 1-1/2 hours have passed. You have my sympathy for your issues- sleep is so very important. With my energy level, I take a couple hour evening nap, and later get a typical 6 hours in bed. First thing I do when I get up are deep coughs which do produce the saliva, or water from the ice cubes.

    I have wondered about my lungs, so had my ENT order a lung X-ray. Have heard nothing. My GP has refused to do a lung CT. Meet with him this Friday, and just might request. I dropped from 138-115 lbs., and with the last 3-plus months on Jevity and Boost VHC have only gained a couple pounds. Physical Therapist said I should have gained more with my Body Mass Index, so there might be something going on...

    Truly am sorry to hear about your struggles. The Rads can and do take a toll years later. I had around 8 years with my only complaint being neck spasms and a constant stiffness. And then along comes Aspiration, and now the permanent FT- all because of scar tissue created by Rad damage.

    Prayers are with you.