I am grateful for this group

Forherself Member Posts: 1,010 Member

This group has been a God send to me.  I have learned so much on this forum.  The women here are brave and compassionate, and funny.   It is remarkable to be able to talk to women who have gone through and understand what you are going through.  Thank you and God bless.


  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    I stand with Forherself!

    I feel the same way about all of you wonderful women who tell us how, when, where and what is going on and how you found help and choices you make! When I checked in - January of 2017, I was ready to just take palliative care and give up. Abbycat, Notimeforcancer, derMaus, Cheese, Teddybearsmom - oh I wish I could name you all. They jumped in to encourage me to fight and so I did. We must never think we do not perform a wonderful service to be here and encourage and educate. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. I love you all!

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I too am grateful to this

    I too am grateful to this group. I just wish I had found it before chemo because I truly believe that following the tips I've seen here I could have prevented the neuropathy. I consider you all to be my friends - I refer to you as "my friends on the CSN board." Some of you ladies are so knowledgable about this cancer, certainly more than most GPs, that you could open a consulting service! I love this group.



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Me Too! The friends here are

    Me Too! The friends here are priceless. I still grieve those that we lost and continue to celebrate all of us that are still here.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member
    You know I agree!

    Y'all are a blessing to me in a way that no one else in the world can be.  I think about you and pray for you and worry when I don't see your names often enough, although I'm the worst at getting preoccupied and going silent for a while.  As I approach the 2-year mark from treatment and the first PET scan next month, I know you've got my back, just as I have yours, and you give me hope.  Much love!

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member

    I consider you all my sisters in this journey I never wanted to take. You all are in my prayers every night. God bless you all. 

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    It's hard not to feel

    It's hard not to feel grateful and emotionally invested with each and every person who comes and goes from this group. Our mission is to pool our collective backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge to get us through what is for many the toughest and scariest time in our lives. NoTime said it best when she said that we collectively get each other down the road. It truly feels like failure when there is someone with issues that we don't have the tools needed to interact with, but we can't be faulted for not trying our best and needing to concede defeat. 

    We may be feeling a bit wounded and betrayed at the moment, but all-in-all anyone who has shared here can feel good about what they have selflessly contributed. I suppose its in the nature of any group to have its ups and downs, but overall this group is really good at taking care of each other and I am grateful for what I have recieved here when I was in need. You were all a part of getting me to where I am now and are very dear to me. 

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    edited September 2019 #8
    Grateful too!

    I too am grateful for this discussion board.

    This forum allows us the ability to connect and share experiences, ask questions, receive advice and information about our personal cancer “journey“.  

    It is a never ending journey.

    Thank you to all who have visited this site on their “journey“. Thank you to everyone who supports the American Cancer Society!


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Dear ladies.  I found this

    Dear ladies.  I found this forum after I completed my treatment.  Oh how I wish I had found it before to have my questions and concerned answered, but I have learned much from all those past and present since being here.  

    I want others who are unlucky to find themselves in the state of disbelief due to a dx, that they have found a truly warm and loving group of women.  AND YOU ARE!

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    A good place

    Like NoTime, I didn't find this site until I was just finished with treatment. And then I just read past and present posts for a few months before I decided to officially join.

    The prognosis for my type and stage of cancer wasn't very good when I was diagnosed. While I'm still NED, I've also seen from other members here how a recurrence doesn't necessarily mean that your life just stops having meaningful and joyful moments. I find that very comforting.

    I'm thankful that so many women are here to share their experiences to benefit others.

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    I am grateful for all of you!

    I am grateful for all of you! I'm sorry we have to be here, but it's wonderful that we can share experiences and help each other.  

    Thank you all. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    edited September 2019 #12
    I can’t tell you enough how

    I can’t tell you enough how much this site has helped me.  I even use it to help my husband.  (Pancreatic cancer).   The people I’ve met here have been so caring and informative or just there to listen when you can’t talk to family about your worries or concerns.   I’ve also learned to ask questions of my doctors and to be your own advocate.  

    Thank you all!   ((Hugs)))


  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Hi Everyone!

    Just wanted to chime in that I also found this group to be supportive & a life-savior at a time in my life when I needed help badly.

    I was blessed to have been diagnosed very early so I am not able to relate to all the various treatments, clinical trials and other assorted trials & tribulations associated with a later stage diagnosis.

    However, that never stopped the ladies with later stage cancer from welcoming & supporting me through my shorter period of treatment.

    I grieve the loss of many of those woman who helped me when I joined in 2012: Ro, Debra Jo, Jan & so many others.

    I feel obligated to return the support they gave me...many right up until the time before they passed. Fortunately a few of the others are still here: Kathy, Connie SW, etc.

    Someone commented about this not being like Facebook. In the 7 years I've visited I have never seen anything close to disharmony here, and I pray I never do. There are just too many good souls here to have that happen.



  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member

    I stand with Forherself!

    I feel the same way about all of you wonderful women who tell us how, when, where and what is going on and how you found help and choices you make! When I checked in - January of 2017, I was ready to just take palliative care and give up. Abbycat, Notimeforcancer, derMaus, Cheese, Teddybearsmom - oh I wish I could name you all. They jumped in to encourage me to fight and so I did. We must never think we do not perform a wonderful service to be here and encourage and educate. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. I love you all!

    Well said Donna Faye, as

    Well said Donna Faye, as always !

  • Fridays Child
    Fridays Child Member Posts: 281 Member

    I'm very new here but have already had occasion to be grateful for the information and support.  You are all in my prayers as well and I hope to be able to encourage others.

  • Feelingalone74
    Feelingalone74 Member Posts: 243
    I'm so grateful for all of u

    I'm so grateful for all of u ladies too. You have given me so much encouragement and support and so much information.  I feel blessed to have found this board. When I feel alone at home I come on the board because I know my friends on here understand what in going through and are so supportive.  Thank you all who have helped guide me through this journey that we all never expected we'd be on but can find strength and support from each other.

    With much gratitude, Michelle 

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    edited September 2019 #17
    The women on this Board are the very best!


    I was almost done with chemo when I discovered this Uterine Board and discovered a lifeline that helped to keep my head above water at a time in my life when I felt as though I was drowning. I will forever be grateful to the American Cancer Society for sponsoring this forum and for each of you for your courage, love, support and unbelievable understanding and knowledge. I met NoTimeForCancer in person last year which was a special treat for me. She is as wonderful in person as she is on this Board- always willing to go the extra mile to provide support and information. My only regret is that I have not met each of you in person.


  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member
    Abbycat2 said:

    The women on this Board are the very best!


    I was almost done with chemo when I discovered this Uterine Board and discovered a lifeline that helped to keep my head above water at a time in my life when I felt as though I was drowning. I will forever be grateful to the American Cancer Society for sponsoring this forum and for each of you for your courage, love, support and unbelievable understanding and knowledge. I met NoTimeForCancer in person last year which was a special treat for me. She is as wonderful in person as she is on this Board- always willing to go the extra mile to provide support and information. My only regret is that I have not met each of you in person.


    WE just need our own Girls' Beach Week!  Let's pick a coast and a week of summer, and go for it!!

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    I found this group shortly

    I found this group shortly after surgery over 3 years ago. I was feeling so angry because it was twice i had cancer and i was only in my forties. I was looking for others who might have had more than one cancer. My family didnt get it why ii was so angry but i found the understanding here. There were a few that had more than one cancer. I was able to get my feelings heard and iit made a big difference for me.

    This is a great group. Unfotunatly too many have left this group. Some have died and others hopefully have just moved on with their life. I still think of them at times because they were so inflluential in my life.  Thankfully there is still some here that where here when i began and thankfully there is all the new ones that continue to help those that need it.




  • dgrdalton
    dgrdalton Member Posts: 161 Member
    Words cannot express my

    Words cannot express my gratitude to you ladies. My oncologist had decided all I needed was observation because I was Stage 1A UPSC with only 0.5 mm myometrial invasion. Because of your concern and encouragement I sought a second opinion and got frontline treatment 4 months after surgery. Now that I’ve had a recurrence, I wonder where I would have been without your advice. Feeling blessed!