Scans coming up in October. Scared.

citizenklaw Member Posts: 61 Member

So my surgery follow up scans are coming up in October. I'm really scared. I've kept my lifestyle, including the occasional drink or two. Just learned that a good friend is battling Type IV liver cancer and has not given that much to live. I'm depressed. I'm worried. I'm not sleeping. :-\ :-\


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    First scan is the scariest, I

    First scan is the scariest, I think... But it will get better with time (after couple of years)

    You were Stage 2 because of the size, right? And no other bad features?  You should be OK then. BUt it is scary indeed.

    Sorry to hear about6 your friend, this is terrible. BUt it is not an omen that smth similar would happen to you. Hopefully you'll find some sleep and strength to support your friend!

  • citizenklaw
    citizenklaw Member Posts: 61 Member
    Allochka said:

    First scan is the scariest, I

    First scan is the scariest, I think... But it will get better with time (after couple of years)

    You were Stage 2 because of the size, right? And no other bad features?  You should be OK then. BUt it is scary indeed.

    Sorry to hear about6 your friend, this is terrible. BUt it is not an omen that smth similar would happen to you. Hopefully you'll find some sleep and strength to support your friend!


    It was stage 2 with no bad features. But this is terryfing. I won't be able to sleep well for a while. :-(

  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Stressful time

    Scan time is always stressful. the first or one of many as the time goes on. I just had mine earlier this month and am now in my seventh year since nephrectomy. All good so we move on. I'd like to say it gets easier but it doesn't really, its just the new normal. Hang in there, all will be well.

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Mine is also coming up in

    Mine is also coming up in October. It’s my 3rd year scan for colon cancer and second for kidney cancer. Im also a bit anxious. It never leaves just a part of the new normal. Good luck!

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member
    Please try to think of scans

    Please try to think of scans as routine maintenance, like an oil change for your car.  They're to help us stay healthy.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Very stressful time. I

    Very stressful time. I absolutely hate it. But hopefully you'll get good results and a visit from NED. All the best to you!

  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member

    You have to be scared we all are this is normal when you hear the word cancer every one get scared but cancer is not a death sentence any more you just started your journey you at stage 2 let the doctors take care of you you will be fine 

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    You've got this

    It's not easy, but you can do it. Remember the words of the great FoxHD, "Any time worrying is wasted and you never get it back. Stay positive."


  • rdoyd2
    rdoyd2 Member Posts: 80 Member
    Don’t forget beer and pizza

    Don’t forget beer and pizza after the scan

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    One of our good friends

    on this board used to tell us to change our thinking about our scans.  Rather than dread them and fear them, we should remember that these scans can save our life.  IF (notice I said IF) something does pop up, we catch it early and can better deal with it. 

    Don't get me wrong, the anxiety of those first set of scans is incredible.  Try to relax and breath.  Soon, this will be passed you.


  • Shelmel
    Shelmel Member Posts: 3
    I get scared too. 

    I get scared too. 

    Try and think positive and take care of yourself-health, diet, water etc. 



  • Janet920
    Janet920 Member Posts: 12 Member

    i get anxious too. I like what Alice said think of it as regular maintenance. 

  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    We all suffer from scanxiety.

    We all suffer from scanxiety. It's our new "normal," whatever normal even is.

    Just go with the flow, enjoy living and keep on going. That's all anybody can do.

    This, too, shall pass.

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Is our new way of life...the first one is difficult. Like many others have said it's a good tool and part of our lives now. I'm having one next week, I am three years from diagnosis and surgery. All the best to you.