Another Chapter in my H&N Journey-Saw My ENT Today

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member


Just an update 9/4/19 I saw my ENT today for my follow up post-biopsy and it confirms I have cancer of the squamous cell type. So far all my cancers have been the squamous cell type but hope this is the last. The next step is my ENT has put in for a PET scan and sees no problem getting it approved considering the biopsy results.

So far then I have had the CAT scan which showed cancer and a biopsy which confirmed it and now I will be getting a PET scan, and following that a lymph node operation either modified or radical neck dissection.

A bit of a turn of events as far as my lymph node operation will probably be more local in Hershey, Pennsylvania instead of Philadelphia, Penna. as my ENT has found a specialist he is as comfortable with as any other. This fellow has a local office but operates out of Hershey Medical Center—He said he likes the fellow and has also checked his credentials and he is very satisfied with the doctor’s qualifications. I don’t have his name yet but will soon as I will be seeing him for a consult.

I will update this as things unfold-Take care-God Bless


Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and Penn State Children's Hospital, located in Hershey, Pennsylvania, 10 miles east of Harrisburg, are Penn State's medical school and academic medical center. Wikipedia

Hospital type: Teaching

Affiliated University: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

Emergency department: Combined Adult Level I / Pediatric Level I Trauma Center



  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234

    Russ, Sorry to hear this.  Very glad to hear your doc is advocating for you.  

    Best Wishes and prayers, Crystal

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Sorry to hear about these latest results

    I was hoping that the biopsy would be negative, but such is life... it doesn't always go the way we hope it will. Now let's hope and pray that the PET scan will show that the cancer is localized.

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    edited September 2019 #4
    I am sorry to hear that the

    I am sorry to hear that the cancer is confirmed. Hershey will give you great care, I am sure.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Thanks All

    For your responses, well wishes, and prayers-Russ

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    You are in our prayers and thoughts

    Russ, so sorry to have heard the news about biopsy.  We are praying that it is very superficial and localized whatever the best case scenario would be that is what we are praying for - sounds like you have good doctors and you know they are on your side and so is GOD.  God Love you and Bless You Russ.  You will get thru this and all will be well. 

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    edited September 2019 #7
    Sabrina23 said:

    You are in our prayers and thoughts

    Russ, so sorry to have heard the news about biopsy.  We are praying that it is very superficial and localized whatever the best case scenario would be that is what we are praying for - sounds like you have good doctors and you know they are on your side and so is GOD.  God Love you and Bless You Russ.  You will get thru this and all will be well. 

    Russ, this is just another hurdle that you will get over. Hopefully the neck dissection will rid this from you for ever. we are praying for you. 

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    Very sorry to hear this news. Hopefully the PET will not show the C has  spread much of anywhere else- IF anywhere else, which is the only point in having a PET if the biopsy came back positive. Just roll with the punches, Russ, with a Come What May attitude. You've been down the C road a couple times already, and with your Faith I know you can handle whatever comes your way.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Thanks To All

    Of you for your well wishes and support-God bless


  • PCB Joe
    PCB Joe Member Posts: 26
    You got this Russ!!

    You got this Russ!!

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    Oh Russ, I am really dismayed

    Oh Russ, I am really dismayed at this news!!

    My cancer returned in April, as well. A little over a year after Radiation. Was mine the 5 th recurrence? Or a new Primary? Who knows how to call this one, other than Tumor #6, for me since March 2017.  And back to the Tumor Board with new diagnosis of Field Cancerization.

    Surgical margin of 1 millimeter. Too close !!

    Ah well..... This is one tough road.

    It seems I adapt, turn around and have to double down and adapt yet again.

    Russ, I thank you for Greeting me, a couple weeks ago. I finally worked on making entries on my profile.

    I am storming the heavens hoping for all manner of comfort and care for you!!! 


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    A hello

    I am glad to at last be on this site.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    PCB Joe said:

    You got this Russ!!

    You got this Russ!!

    PCB Joe Thanks

    For the shout out and your support and assurance-Take, Care-god bless

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

    Oh Russ, I am really dismayed

    Oh Russ, I am really dismayed at this news!!

    My cancer returned in April, as well. A little over a year after Radiation. Was mine the 5 th recurrence? Or a new Primary? Who knows how to call this one, other than Tumor #6, for me since March 2017.  And back to the Tumor Board with new diagnosis of Field Cancerization.

    Surgical margin of 1 millimeter. Too close !!

    Ah well..... This is one tough road.

    It seems I adapt, turn around and have to double down and adapt yet again.

    Russ, I thank you for Greeting me, a couple weeks ago. I finally worked on making entries on my profile.

    I am storming the heavens hoping for all manner of comfort and care for you!!! 


    LitlCJdoll We are Glad to Have You

    In our group but sorry you have to be here-the club nobody joins willingly. The news has a dismaying side that is correct but a there is also a good side, no wait-a great side, The PET scan showed cancer nowhere else and we Praise God for that. My goodness, you have had cancer now going on #6 my heart goes out to you. You probably never feel comfortable anymore about cancer. Like many of us, we go through a cancer situation and figure we're done but for many of us, it visits again. It is a tough road you are right but it seems you are off road on a rougher road. Hope things smooth out for you soon. Glad to greet you and if not me someone on here usually jumps in. Glad you got your profile going I will check it out and that reminds me to update mine a bit. Not sure what this means in your post-Surgical margin of 1 millimeter. Too close !!-I guess your latest is too close to something to operate. Thanks for Storming the Heavens and I hope it is with prayer. Thanks for your good wishes and the best to you also-Take care-God Bless