Stage IV NED 10 Years

mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
edited August 2019 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Annabelle41415 (Kim) mentioned on another thread that I should post an update.  I visit the page here on occassion and read but rarely post.  It has been many years since I have posted.

Click on my name to see my entire story bue the headlines are as follows:


11/10/2008: Diagnosed Stage IV with 5 liver mets

11/24/2008: Started FOLFOX

02/20/2009: Colon resection, liver resection, HAI pump implanted

03/15/2009 through 11/02/2009: systemic chemo treatments (stopped Oxi on treatment #7 due to anaphylactic shock, continued 5FU only as well as FUDR monthly via my HAI port).

02/20/2019:  Celebrated my official 10 year NED

Last October 2018 I finally had my HAI pump removed.  It had been in my abdomen for over almost 10 years, only 8 months of which I actually was utilizing it for treatments.  

I waited so long to have my HAI pump removed because in some way I felt I was tempting fate.  Silly, I know, but I felt like the pump had saved my life (along with my amazing oncologist and surgeons at Memorial Sloan Kettering) and I just had no rush to remove it.  

When I was diagnosed my kids were newborn, 3 yrs and 5 yrs.  In two weeks I will watch my oldest head off to his Sophomore year in high school, my middle head to 8th grade and my baby girl who saved my life will be starting 5th grade (but taking Advanced 6th Grade Math!).  I have been blessed in many ways, obviously, but the biggest blessing in my life has been the love and support of my husband who lifted me up, literally and figuratively, during the darkest times of my illness. It was only upon my reaching 10 years remission that we actually told my children about my cancer experience.  I had not wanted to worry them when they were little and I was able to hide my illness from them (although they were so young at the time it was relatively easy to do so).

When I was walking the hospital floor the day after my 2009 surgery I was in excruciating pain, dragging an IV pole behind me but determined to walk as long as I could.  I remember seeing all the tiles and noticed that there was a thin joint line betweeen each.  As I tried to walk down that hospital corridor it seemed like every step I took over one of those lines was a small victory.  When I looked behind at where I had been I could see that the floor appeared seemless and that the joint lines invisible.  All I could see was a solid floor.  I thought to myself then, one day I will look back at my cancer journey and each of the blood draws, chemo infusions, procedures, surgeries, all those lines between the tiles will fade away and my time will become seamless, with only the memory of coming through, but not the details.  And in fact, that's how I do feel now.  I don't think of cancer on a daily basis, I think about my future, I plan for tomorrows.  I suffer no residual effects from my treatments and I even wore a bikini top this past summer, no longer concerned with the huge up/down scar on my mid-section.

I hope I have given someone hope with my post.  I always looked for that myself all those years ago when I visited this forum.




  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    10 years Amazing!

    Oh my, Amy. This is just what I needed to hear today. I am NED for a little over a year and now I’m having a problem that requires a consult with a gynecological oncologist. I’ve been at this fight against cancer for over 3 years and I’m scared all over again. I’m feeling like I can’t catch a break. 

    Thank you


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I am so very happy for you, and for your husband and children. 

    I think you deserve ten Happy Dancing Men, but I'll sitick with a group, which represent all of us here; happy for you

    happy guys emoticon

    What a joy it must be to not think of Cancer on a daily basis. I do so hope that I get to that stage, one day. 

    May you see many ten more years. 


  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    Thank you for the inspiring story!

    I am so very happy for you to have all these years of life with your children.  I pray for many more for you!  

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Happy you have come so far.

    Happy you have come so far. There’s always hope.....than you for your encouragement.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    That's a great share and a

    That's a great share and a great milestone, Amy. Many folks here need to hear that story, and believe they can get passed their current miseries, Thanks...........................................Dave

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Thanks for Posting

    What an amazing story and thank you so much for sharing your journey.  I'm so glad that you pop in on the board once in awhile.  You definitely are an inspiration to all of us here on the board.  Congratulations on 10 years.


  • Msboop15
    Msboop15 Member Posts: 83 Member

    Thank you for sharing your story!  Gives us all hope, particularly us Stage 4’s. 



  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member

    you give me much hope.   

    Congrats to you 

    Thanks for sharing 

  • Capox Dude
    Capox Dude Member Posts: 127 Member
    You are an inspiration!

    Thanks for sharing

  • nuc
    nuc Member Posts: 44 Member
    What an amazing, teriffic

    What an amazing, teriffic story!!  :)