definition of invincible



  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member
    Nice Story


    Great to have you follow this up now that its no longer a sudden, new threat to your father and his family.  You have obviously learnt a lot about what cancer does, not only to the patients but also to those around them.

    And it is becoming a manageable disease.  I hope your experience will give comfort to anyone who receives a new diagnosis of RCC.

    Good work, Best Wishes, 


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member
    True story

    A friend's connection had found out they were going to have another baby boy.  She asked the five year old if he'd like to select a name.  He thought a while and finally came up with LUKE.  His mom like the name and thanked him.  Several days later, he went back to her and said he'd like to change it to R2D2.  She politely told him they thought they'd stick with Luke.

    Hugs and smiles,
