Diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer



  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    mrpmrp said:

    2nd Opinion?

    Hi, I have Stage 3 grade 3 Endometrial Cancer. I had a hysterectomy on July 23 and they found a tumor on the omentum which my doctor removed. I am happy with my oncologist and she has performed the D&C and hysterctomy, and I will go through 6 rounds of chemo (Carboplatin and Platitexel) and then radiation to follow. I am 36 and have a healthy BMI, so it is unusual that I contracted this type of cancer and that it is as aggressibve as it is, but the details and treatment are straightforward.

    Should I seek a second opinion for the treatment at this point? Is it worth it to pay for Memorial Sloan Kettering when I am happy with my doctor (I have very limited financial resources)?

    Any help much appreciated! 

    Yes, absolutely. Seek a 2nd opinion to confirm.

    This is nothing to fool around with. You don't specify if your oncologist is a gynecological oncologist. If not, you should seek a 2nd opinion with a GO no matter where you chose to go. Also, if your oncologist or their lab does not see a lot of these Grade 3 cancers, and they usually are the most rare of the uterinine types, they may not have diagnosed it properly. I went to Mayo for my 2nd opinion (you can still continue your care at your home base) after my original bungling gyne misdiagnosed me as just having fibroids. You want a team of people to do their initial diagnosis that have seen a lot of these cases. My original pathology was confirmed by the Mayo team, which gave me confidence in my diagnosis. My GO  had my tumor checked for Lynch Syndrome and other genetic defects, but did not do the Foundation One testing as I have not recurred. Most insurance companies pay for a second opinion so perhaps checking with Sloan to have at least the pathology confirmed might be a good choice. If you have had any scans, a second opinion on them is always a good idea. Good luck with your chemo and radiation. It is absolutely doable and we are here to support you. 
