greetings from a new member

hello, I am a 61 year old male, recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. in my neck and throat. It is in my lymph nodes and has gotten into my chest area. The prognosis , I have been told is not good. My attitude is " it is what it is"" and to try to have a positive attitdue. I lived in New Mexico when i was initially diagnosed, and I moved to ohio to be near family. I have not started any treatment yet, but it looks like it will be very quickly. I initially went to the doctor in february in new mexico. complaining of a sore throat and I have a lump in my neck. I have lost right at about 50 pounds through this ordeal. It has been a frustrating journey for me from the aspect of getting treatment started. I am starting to feel it may have been the facility in New Mexico. When i first went in, in mid february , I told them about my discomfort and you could obviously see the lump. It took months until I was able to finally get to see an ent. I had to not be just a squeaky wheel , but kind of an ****. I always thought that if you start cancer treatment early you have a good chance of beating it. Here it is , more than 8 months later, and i still havent had treatment. To give credit to the docs here in ohio, it has been a fast process and I see treatment  starting very soon

there are a lot things I am learning at this point. I was in the insurance business for a long time, and know that the insurance companies like to pencil whip you any time they can. sometimes i feel treatment might be dictated by insurance, which is so wrong. Also the importance of getting your legal affairs in order, poa , advance directive etc is vital. 

I am currently looking for a support group in the area.






  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    ryeates1 Sorry it Took

    Awhile to get connected with a doctor that would get things moving for you treatment wise. Don't look back look ahead and it looks like the doc you have now will not waste any time getting you treated. Sounds like you have a great attitude and that means a lot. Welcome to the H&N forum and especially check out the Superthread at the top of the page. Keep things moving quickly now even if you have to be that squeaky wheel again-God Bless

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    Hello ryeates1

    I'm sorry about your diagnosis. I finished treatment for nasal and neck cancer a little over a month ago.

    You certainly seem to have maintained a pretty positive attitude. That is vital for moving forward.

    It's a little concerning that you've already lost so much weight, as the treament may cause more weight loss. I don't know where you started, but I personally lost over 40 pounds, during radiation and chemo!

    So - if you can build yourself up, a little, before treatment - that will be a plus.

    Cancer allows a person to really focus on the important things in life! It's important to remember that treatment has come a long ways in recent years - and you may have many years ahead of you. Take good care of the people you love, and try to keep your positive attitude and sense of humor!

    Accept all well wishes and prayers; you will be amazed at how many people will be behind you, during this!

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member

    reates1, there isn't much more I can add thate hasn't already been said, but I will repeat motorcyclegfuy's concern about your weight. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with your frustration and anxiety, but you will have to double down on your calorie intake now because once you begin treatments it can become really difficult to consume nearly enough.

    What part of Ohio are you in?

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    edited August 2019 #5
    ERomanO said:

    reates1, there isn't much more I can add thate hasn't already been said, but I will repeat motorcyclegfuy's concern about your weight. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with your frustration and anxiety, but you will have to double down on your calorie intake now because once you begin treatments it can become really difficult to consume nearly enough.

    What part of Ohio are you in?

    Boost VHC good to intake

    I am agree with eRomano and his thoughts also Boost VHC has something like 560 calories good intake of calories there and will put weight on you too  - helped me recover quickly.  You can order it on Amazon. Prayers and positive thoughts being sent your way. 

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Sorry to hear

    Wow- months before you could see an ENT! Live in the Quad Cities (roughly 320-K people) and there's only 5 Otolaryngologists. Back in 09 I showed my GP the 2 lumps on my neck, and 2 days later I saw an ENT. People w/C probability are supposed to leap frog the waiting list. I recently had to see one due to Aspiration, and it took about a week, and about a month to get the G-tube installed. And you're 8 months! Good thing the Dr.s in Ohio are more on the ball, so to speak. From the time I took my lumps to my GP, to the time I started tx (had to get power port and FT installed, and surgical biopsy before) was 2 months, give or take a week.

    Keep a positive mindset. They've made a lot of progress over the years in H&N tx, and your C team should be able to ace the C. The tx, itself, will at the least be a rough couple of months, but just about everyone of us has been there. I'm 10-plus years out to the good, and there's others who are far longer than I. Have faith in your Dr.s and BELIEVE you and they will beat the C.