Holding my breath

debbiel0 Member Posts: 134 Member

Here we go again! I am  18 months post treatment, 35 rads and 2 chemo for tonsil SCC HPV+16. Doing  OK in the grand scheme of things. 

My husband is now facing the demon. He detected a lump in his throat in Dec. CT scan, inconclusive..same with MRI.  Will have his tonsils removed next month. That biopsy will hopefully, tell  a good news story, but the writing is on the wall.

Our PMC said in 20 yrs of medicine in 4 countries, he has never seen husband and wife with the same  cancer. Oh aren't we special! 

I guess we are lucky ? In the fact that we have an idea of what might be ahead. Not sure I can be as strong for him, as he was for me, but hope so!

This is one thing I would not want to share with my worse enemy , let alone the person I have shared everything ( good and bad apparently) with for the last 44 yrs..  

I know, it's not C until they say it is, don't worry until they tell you to, but wow! It's hard. 

Just a heads up, that I will be needy in the next little bit, and I am thanking you all in advance.

Thanks for being here ♥️ for me!


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

    Sorry to hear your husband has to go through this but praying that when his tonsil operation is done they find nothing but tonsils. God Bless

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    I understand

    how difficult this will be for both of you, but you will be able to uniquely understand what is ahead and how to provide the right support. In our story, my husband is a cancer surgeon and chief medical officer of a comprehensive cancer center. I’m a speech language pathologist (but not well versed in swallowing disorders or post radiation problems). Talk about irony, huh? The important thing is we function as a team to get the best quality of life possible. Best of luck to you and your husband, breathe.. take it minute by minute If you must and know that we here on the forum are here for you.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    "I know, it's not C until

    "I know, it's not C until they say it is,"

    Say it again and again and ....

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    Debbie - hoping for false alarm

    I've been through the drill with my husband, who underwent surgery for tongue cancer, then more surgery, radiation, and chemo after metastisis to lymph nodes in neck.  I think the fear of "sharing" HPV+ cancer between partners is an inevitable fear, although statistics don't bear it out.   Of course you are feeling needy right now, and this site is the place to be among folks who know what needy feels like.  Try to keep your mind busy and occupied until the result are in.  Sincerely hoping it's a false alarm.  

  • zeeredhed
    zeeredhed Member Posts: 4
    Sorry you are potentially

    Sorry you are potentially facing this journey again from another, just as difficult in other ways, angle. Sending positive vibes your and his way. Wink

  • Radioactiveraz
    Radioactiveraz Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2019 #7
    Oh no

    Himoh nomplease keep,posted I am in U.K. just joined this site am 6 months post radiotherapy doemtonsil canxed h p v 16; still,in recovery mode 

    I have imhave a blog www.radioactiveraz.ordpress.com 

    might give someone some help on what happens in the U.K.

    atbthe moment I am earring ok ish but dry mouth is keeping me awake most nights I haven’t had a full nights sleep since 9 May last year. I n yhe U.K. we don’t get many meds prescribed it’s a case if sick it and see once treatment finishes 


  • debbiel0
    debbiel0 Member Posts: 134 Member
    Surgery date has been

    Surgery date has been scheduled for March 14th.   Keeping busy in the mean time.

    Thanks for all the encouragement and well wishes.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hi debbie.  i'm so sorry you

    hi debbie.  i'm so sorry you and hubby are facing another possible demon.  that is unbelieveable!  just want to say i will be praying for good news for your hubby.  God bless you both.

  • debbiel0
    debbiel0 Member Posts: 134 Member
    Time to stock up on Boost and

    Time to stock up on Boost and Protien powder and break out the blender again!

    The results of my husband's biopsy came back today, confirming our greatest fear. HPV +16. It is gut wrenching, but we are keeping a positive outlook. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for treatment is eerily calming.  


  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    debbiel0 said:

    Time to stock up on Boost and

    Time to stock up on Boost and Protien powder and break out the blender again!

    The results of my husband's biopsy came back today, confirming our greatest fear. HPV +16. It is gut wrenching, but we are keeping a positive outlook. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for treatment is eerily calming.  


    Sorry you have to deal with this again

    Sorry you have to go through this again debbie. p16 is very treatable just trust in your medical team and use your past experiences to prepare and help your husband get through this. Be positive and overcome you can do this. Prayers for you.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Not the news

    You folks wanted to hear for sure. But like you say at least you know what to expect, you have the knowledge, and you are preparing. Still not easy or easily acceptable but you can and will get through this. Prayers your way.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    Just think..

    You'll have matching tattoos!

  • debbiel0
    debbiel0 Member Posts: 134 Member
    SuzJ said:

    Just think..

    You'll have matching tattoos!

    Thanks Suz, I never thought

    Thanks Suz, I never thought of that! Good one! 

  • debbiel0
    debbiel0 Member Posts: 134 Member


    Hubby started 35 rads, 8 ( once a week) chemo at the end of  May. He has one chemo and 7 rads left to go. He is doing fantastic! Other than a sun burnt neck and extremely tired for 24 hrs after chemo, he is fine. For  two days last week he only wanted soft foods and had a sore tongue. But that passed.  I am extremely happy ( and jealous) at how well he is doing.  With no issues he had toast and bacon for breakfast this morning! He is still able to do all the regular household / yard chores. Other than the time and expense of out of town treatments, life is grand!

    Just goes to show, everyone is different. All we can do is support one another. cant compare, cant judge,  be happy with your own accomplishments and be happy for others successes. Be proud of yourself for all you have managed thru this journey. 

    Take care everyone, thanks for being here for me!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    debbiel0 said:



    Hubby started 35 rads, 8 ( once a week) chemo at the end of  May. He has one chemo and 7 rads left to go. He is doing fantastic! Other than a sun burnt neck and extremely tired for 24 hrs after chemo, he is fine. For  two days last week he only wanted soft foods and had a sore tongue. But that passed.  I am extremely happy ( and jealous) at how well he is doing.  With no issues he had toast and bacon for breakfast this morning! He is still able to do all the regular household / yard chores. Other than the time and expense of out of town treatments, life is grand!

    Just goes to show, everyone is different. All we can do is support one another. cant compare, cant judge,  be happy with your own accomplishments and be happy for others successes. Be proud of yourself for all you have managed thru this journey. 

    Take care everyone, thanks for being here for me!

    debbiel0 Glad for You

    Folks that the treatment is working and your husband is active and feeling well. Glad he is eating and you folks have turned a corner and found a bright spot. Take Care-God Bless

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    Good to hear

    Yes every one reacts differently to treatments. It is a good sign that your husband is eating so well and able to eat and still do things he used to do. My treatments reactions were some what similar although I did not have chemo. Here's to hoping continued success for you and your husband. Good luck Debbie10.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    That's great news, Debbie10!

    I'm very happy for you and your husband! It's always a good sign when someone is eating toast and bacon during treatments, and I'm sure you're happy about the household chores still being done! ;-).  You went on quite the roller coaster ride over the last 4 1/2 months and now you can take a sigh of relief and just focus on the ongoing maintenance (which isn't always pleasant, but less stressful).

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    tell him from me, you can really go off some people!

    Glad he's good, but honestly.. he's eating OUR food!

  • Suez39
    Suez39 Member Posts: 165 Member
    edited July 2019 #20

    Happy to hear the good news! I enjoy reading posit I've results. Makes my day!

  • debbiel0
    debbiel0 Member Posts: 134 Member
    To add to the good news and

    To add to the good news and hope for a good outcome for others, hubby finished treatment last week. He has not missed a normal meal. Taste is almost normal, finds salt over powering and is not as eager to have spicey foods as usual. The only issue we are dealing with is the extreme radiation burn on his neck. In the grand scheme of things we know this is not so bad. However the pain is almost unbearable, but at least we can see the burn. Doesnt lessen the pain but at least we can see the healing starting, which is very encouraging.   Hope to hear others are as lucky and have a relatively smooth ride.