New..Found out Friday
Sending Hugs!
I am so glad you fould this site! I wish I had found it sooner. I know for me things starting happening very fast, with appointments, tests, mri's etc. Then treatment starts. Know that we are all here for you. Ask questions, someone here has "been there done that". I have a rarer form call triple negative breast cancer. But no matter what form you have we are all sisters here, and are here to support each other, the good, the bad and the downright ugly! Please keep us posted on what is going on. Hugs!
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I’m really sorry you are here, cause that means you have been diagnosed but at the same time if you’ve been diagnosed I think this is an awesome site to be at! We’ve all been through what you are facing at this time. The fear, the questions and sometimes just not believing this is happening!
Take a deep breath. Ask about anything and everything and someone here will probably be of help. It’s sometimes difficult to hear what the Drs and specialist’s say so always take someone with you for your appointments. Hang in there, we are sending all our prayers and good thoughts to you.
Having a good friend or close family to talk to and cry with or even to rant about this is good!! Otherwise feel free to cry, rant or release your frustration here! We are here for you!!
Be positive, take everything step by step!
Prayers and hugs to you
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I was in your shoes 10 years ago. I have now been diagnosed with he return -"metastatic breast cancer'. Here is what I learned: Dont act impulsively. A few days or even a couple of weeks should not make a difference. I got a second opinion and a third. I dont know where you live, but I went to 2 larger citites with awesome cancer centers; 1 for a lumpectomy and the other for treatment. Integrative or whole health care was super important to me. I had a colleague whose wife was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and given 3-6 monthw to live. She went to an integrative medicine clinic in Chicago 14 years ago and is alive and healthy today! Also, I found out treatments have come a long way in 10 years!!! Ask about Immunotherapy. Its building up your good cells, and starving the cacner cells as opposed to chemcal chemotherapy. Dont get me wrong. I had chemotherapy and probably will again, but I heard immunotherapy REALLY helps! Just remember to fous on what you KNOW and the TRUTHS! Dont let your mind play tricks or lie to you about what you dont know. I was very posisive the first time around and am now. Many doctors told me how critical this is! Love and prayers to you!
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Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer
I am 41 years old, and I just recently on July 19 of this year was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer! Thats the day i felt my whole world just collapsed!!! I remember my body going completely numb, i didnt even shed a tear at first, my body went hot and felt like i was having a panic attack! My boyfriend was right there by my side, and i knew he was hurting just as much as i was, My first words to her was "how serious is it" she didnt know, she said i will have to meet with the Oncologist to see the details on the stage. When i sat down i felt and knew something was up , she had a folded piece of paper with notes on it, and it was already apts scheduled for me to meet with the Oncologist and Surgeon, thats when the tears came and the only thing i could think about was MY KIDS and this man who is the love of my life sitting right next to me. I have 4 boys and i just could not picture not being here for them, my boys are 22, 17, 10 and 6, and picturing their lives without their mommy just caused me to break down so hard!! I remember on our way home and my Boyfriend was driving and i began making the call to my mom and brother in the mainland, my dad, and my oldest son who lives in the mainland, and just not even being able to get the words out that i have breast cancer! I got home went in the bathroom and just broke down and cried and cried so hard, could not beleive what i just heard and what i was about to enocunter and what was lying ahead for me and my family! Not even an hour later my mom and step dad came over and the crying just continued, with hugs and encourgaing words that I WILL BEAT THIS!! And thats when i said, u know what, YES, i will not let this take me, i will not this win, i will not OWN this, this is not me, this does not define me, this is not gonna take control over me, i kept telling myself all these things, i said if i sit and cry and cry and think of all the negative and the worst case scnerarios i will be letting this "C" take control over me and it will win! I NEEDED to take control over it, by me fighting and staying positive, that was already winning and me beating this and telling it YOU DONT BELONG HERE and i will NOT OWN YOU!! I began to receive so much messages, phone calls, from friends, family,with so many prayers, encouragemnt and love telling me i am going to be fine, i will beat this, i got this! My cousin sends me prayers, and scriptures, she sends me audio scriptures and things to listen to and continue building up my faith which in the last couple days have become so much stronger than ever! These worship songs of encouragement, hope, faith, and audio scriptures from pastors has made me so much stronger than i was a couple days ago, it keeps me going, it pushes me harder and harder everyday!
Lets go back 9 months, when i first went to my GYN Dr and i told her i was having sharp pains in my right breast, i was told that because of no family history and not of the age to need a routine mammo, that inusrance company would not cover it, but she ordered one anyways and i had a mammo and ultrasound done, i did have to pay partial for the mammo, but to me that didnt matter! I received a call few days later stating my report came back fine, nothing was found and that was that! She suggested i change my bras, try sports bra, try no wire bras, take tylenol or Aleve whatever i wish for the discomfort, well i did all that and few months later i went back to her, for routine PAP, she asked me about my breast discomfort i told her yes still having them and i did everything she asked me to try and nothing helped. She then decided to pull up my report from the mammo and said i had a few cysts but nothing to be concerned about, now when i look back after so much researching, that you will never know it was all fine unitl you had a biopsy, if ONLY i was more aware of what i needed to ask and if i knew then what i know now, i would have known to request a biospy done!! So, again, i left the Drs office, i was told i was fine, nothing to worry about and went about my daily life! About 2-3 months later while sitting on the couch watching tv with my boyfriend, i just began feeling that right breast and i noticed underneath the breast i felt a small lump, i asked my boyfriend to feel and make sure he felt the same thing and he said yes! I made apt to go back to my Dr and tell her to do another breast exam, she tells me she cant feel anything and thinks maybe the pain is associated during menstruation, or with my mirena, i didnt feel that way at all! I told her i get this even on my non menstruation days! She tells me when i come back in about a month to replace my mirena, we will address concern again, So i went in about a month later, we addressed concern again and she didnt do no breast exam, she tells me she will put in order for another mammo and ultrasound. I went for that ultrasound on July 11, 2019 , after my ultrasound was done, the radiologist comes in and grabs my hand and tells me he doesnt want to be the one to bring this type of news, but hes very concerned about a mass in my right breast and looks agressive, and that my right lympy node under arm was also something going on. My body went numb and i even blacked out and didnt hear much of anything else he was saying, i just had those words stuck in my head the whole time, mass, agressive! I left the hospital went to my car and texted my boyfriend who was at work, and told him what i just found out and i was suppose to go back to work that morning, but i told him iam a mess and cannot even think right now, he told me go straight home and he was leaving work early as well and meet me at home! That day was so hard to comprehend everything, and the unknown was brutal! I began receiving so many calls right away from my Drs office, from the biopsy clinic, cause i was told now that i need biopsies done, two under breast and one on lymph node under arm! I could not belive this was all happening to me... Not knowing what exactly was happening was unbelivable pain and confusion and had me terrified!! My biopsy was scheduled for July 18 and i felt that was so far out and felt like if something is going on in me i am giving it more time to progress, and again those words kept flashing in my head "agressive" so why do they have me waiting so long to to a biopsy??! I go in on the 18th of July have my 3 biopsies done! Now another waitng game, the unknown can just rip you apart and cause so much stress and anxiety, panic worry and fear!! I was shocked and scard to have my results back in the very next day July 19, and that takes me back to that day, when i felt my life just turn upside down!! I believe this whole process, this little set back, bump in the road is testing me, testing my faith and teaching me so many things!! To not stress over the little things anymore, things that i cannot control, i have always loved life, loved my life that i was living, but this has given me a totally different perspective and outlook on life, my life! I know and i believe strongly that GOD does not give you anything that he knows you cant handle, and i truly believe this is a test of my strength and my faith, and I WILL PASS THIS TEST!! This has been teaching me to look at so many things differently and truly enjoy every minute and just LIVE LIFE! I have not even begun my next stage of the battle, I dont even know what stage i am in right now, and i feel like 2 weeks of waiting to see the Oncologist on Aug 2 feels like eternity and I feel like this is just spreading and becoming more agressive, i want something done now and want to began my battle now! Again, the unknow, not knowing the next step, what is my stage, what am i looking at, PRAYING this has not gotten any more agressive, PRAYING it has not spread further than the 1 lymph node! But thats when HE steps in, and I push more into HIM and believe that it hasnt, that everyday as i speak to him, constantly through the out the day, driving to and from work, just praying to him, and worshiping him, and listening to the audios, and HIM telling me as we speak that he is already healing me and I WILL OVERCOME THIS, makes my days so much easier, so much happier, i am less stressed and have begining to teach myself to stop looking back, stop thinking about the what If's, the should haves, and start looking foward and motivating myself for whats to come with treatments, and the grueling intense process that lies ahead of me and building up my strength! I have begun to completlely change my diet, and focus so much on my health! I changed my water and drink Alkaline water, eating so much fruits and more veggies than i ever ate
which anyone who knows me is rough! I been doing so much research on the good foods and bad foods, the foods that the "C" feeds off of, the foods and the Alkaline water what it does to your body when you are battling this disease. I even began researching the use of CBD oils and the amazing stories behind it all from people who have battled and overcome this while using CBD! I know with my strong FAITH in him, and with my amazing love and support from my boyfriend, my family and friends, along with the research that i come across and remedies, along with treatments, i know and have FAITH that one day i will be posting an update to my story and having an amazing report and stating how i became a SURVIVOR!!
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I remember
I remember the wait as well. The day I recieved my news I was pretty sure what was going to be said. What I am grateful for is that it had been 5 years since my last mammogram and I went when I did and didn't wait. I had one to set up in April, but missed the call. I had a doctor's appointment in October and said I wanted to try again. I am so glad I did. I am not sure that they would have even found anything in April. The day I found out I was introduced to Julie my nurse avocate. She told me she was there for me and said that they had set up an appointment that day to see my surgeon, walked us over and said that they set up an appointment for an MRI and an oncolgist. Things just flew by and Julie was there and is still there for me. I have asked her to explain things to me and what my chart says that I missed in my appointments. She is the one that finally settled me down with what was put in my chart after my surgery.
I am grateful for all the prayers and love sent my way. I pray for all of them, many are starngers but were asked by my friends near and far. I have made through chemo, surgery and now radiation. I will start another chemo treatment on Sunday. I am doing everything I can to help prevent this from comming back. I know that you will too.
I am so glad that I found this site, I wish it was sooner, but am glad that I am here now. We are all here for you. Ask questions, let us know how things are going. You really are strong and really got this!
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All this what you went thruskile said:Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer
I am 41 years old, and I just recently on July 19 of this year was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer! Thats the day i felt my whole world just collapsed!!! I remember my body going completely numb, i didnt even shed a tear at first, my body went hot and felt like i was having a panic attack! My boyfriend was right there by my side, and i knew he was hurting just as much as i was, My first words to her was "how serious is it" she didnt know, she said i will have to meet with the Oncologist to see the details on the stage. When i sat down i felt and knew something was up , she had a folded piece of paper with notes on it, and it was already apts scheduled for me to meet with the Oncologist and Surgeon, thats when the tears came and the only thing i could think about was MY KIDS and this man who is the love of my life sitting right next to me. I have 4 boys and i just could not picture not being here for them, my boys are 22, 17, 10 and 6, and picturing their lives without their mommy just caused me to break down so hard!! I remember on our way home and my Boyfriend was driving and i began making the call to my mom and brother in the mainland, my dad, and my oldest son who lives in the mainland, and just not even being able to get the words out that i have breast cancer! I got home went in the bathroom and just broke down and cried and cried so hard, could not beleive what i just heard and what i was about to enocunter and what was lying ahead for me and my family! Not even an hour later my mom and step dad came over and the crying just continued, with hugs and encourgaing words that I WILL BEAT THIS!! And thats when i said, u know what, YES, i will not let this take me, i will not this win, i will not OWN this, this is not me, this does not define me, this is not gonna take control over me, i kept telling myself all these things, i said if i sit and cry and cry and think of all the negative and the worst case scnerarios i will be letting this "C" take control over me and it will win! I NEEDED to take control over it, by me fighting and staying positive, that was already winning and me beating this and telling it YOU DONT BELONG HERE and i will NOT OWN YOU!! I began to receive so much messages, phone calls, from friends, family,with so many prayers, encouragemnt and love telling me i am going to be fine, i will beat this, i got this! My cousin sends me prayers, and scriptures, she sends me audio scriptures and things to listen to and continue building up my faith which in the last couple days have become so much stronger than ever! These worship songs of encouragement, hope, faith, and audio scriptures from pastors has made me so much stronger than i was a couple days ago, it keeps me going, it pushes me harder and harder everyday!
Lets go back 9 months, when i first went to my GYN Dr and i told her i was having sharp pains in my right breast, i was told that because of no family history and not of the age to need a routine mammo, that inusrance company would not cover it, but she ordered one anyways and i had a mammo and ultrasound done, i did have to pay partial for the mammo, but to me that didnt matter! I received a call few days later stating my report came back fine, nothing was found and that was that! She suggested i change my bras, try sports bra, try no wire bras, take tylenol or Aleve whatever i wish for the discomfort, well i did all that and few months later i went back to her, for routine PAP, she asked me about my breast discomfort i told her yes still having them and i did everything she asked me to try and nothing helped. She then decided to pull up my report from the mammo and said i had a few cysts but nothing to be concerned about, now when i look back after so much researching, that you will never know it was all fine unitl you had a biopsy, if ONLY i was more aware of what i needed to ask and if i knew then what i know now, i would have known to request a biospy done!! So, again, i left the Drs office, i was told i was fine, nothing to worry about and went about my daily life! About 2-3 months later while sitting on the couch watching tv with my boyfriend, i just began feeling that right breast and i noticed underneath the breast i felt a small lump, i asked my boyfriend to feel and make sure he felt the same thing and he said yes! I made apt to go back to my Dr and tell her to do another breast exam, she tells me she cant feel anything and thinks maybe the pain is associated during menstruation, or with my mirena, i didnt feel that way at all! I told her i get this even on my non menstruation days! She tells me when i come back in about a month to replace my mirena, we will address concern again, So i went in about a month later, we addressed concern again and she didnt do no breast exam, she tells me she will put in order for another mammo and ultrasound. I went for that ultrasound on July 11, 2019 , after my ultrasound was done, the radiologist comes in and grabs my hand and tells me he doesnt want to be the one to bring this type of news, but hes very concerned about a mass in my right breast and looks agressive, and that my right lympy node under arm was also something going on. My body went numb and i even blacked out and didnt hear much of anything else he was saying, i just had those words stuck in my head the whole time, mass, agressive! I left the hospital went to my car and texted my boyfriend who was at work, and told him what i just found out and i was suppose to go back to work that morning, but i told him iam a mess and cannot even think right now, he told me go straight home and he was leaving work early as well and meet me at home! That day was so hard to comprehend everything, and the unknown was brutal! I began receiving so many calls right away from my Drs office, from the biopsy clinic, cause i was told now that i need biopsies done, two under breast and one on lymph node under arm! I could not belive this was all happening to me... Not knowing what exactly was happening was unbelivable pain and confusion and had me terrified!! My biopsy was scheduled for July 18 and i felt that was so far out and felt like if something is going on in me i am giving it more time to progress, and again those words kept flashing in my head "agressive" so why do they have me waiting so long to to a biopsy??! I go in on the 18th of July have my 3 biopsies done! Now another waitng game, the unknown can just rip you apart and cause so much stress and anxiety, panic worry and fear!! I was shocked and scard to have my results back in the very next day July 19, and that takes me back to that day, when i felt my life just turn upside down!! I believe this whole process, this little set back, bump in the road is testing me, testing my faith and teaching me so many things!! To not stress over the little things anymore, things that i cannot control, i have always loved life, loved my life that i was living, but this has given me a totally different perspective and outlook on life, my life! I know and i believe strongly that GOD does not give you anything that he knows you cant handle, and i truly believe this is a test of my strength and my faith, and I WILL PASS THIS TEST!! This has been teaching me to look at so many things differently and truly enjoy every minute and just LIVE LIFE! I have not even begun my next stage of the battle, I dont even know what stage i am in right now, and i feel like 2 weeks of waiting to see the Oncologist on Aug 2 feels like eternity and I feel like this is just spreading and becoming more agressive, i want something done now and want to began my battle now! Again, the unknow, not knowing the next step, what is my stage, what am i looking at, PRAYING this has not gotten any more agressive, PRAYING it has not spread further than the 1 lymph node! But thats when HE steps in, and I push more into HIM and believe that it hasnt, that everyday as i speak to him, constantly through the out the day, driving to and from work, just praying to him, and worshiping him, and listening to the audios, and HIM telling me as we speak that he is already healing me and I WILL OVERCOME THIS, makes my days so much easier, so much happier, i am less stressed and have begining to teach myself to stop looking back, stop thinking about the what If's, the should haves, and start looking foward and motivating myself for whats to come with treatments, and the grueling intense process that lies ahead of me and building up my strength! I have begun to completlely change my diet, and focus so much on my health! I changed my water and drink Alkaline water, eating so much fruits and more veggies than i ever ate
which anyone who knows me is rough! I been doing so much research on the good foods and bad foods, the foods that the "C" feeds off of, the foods and the Alkaline water what it does to your body when you are battling this disease. I even began researching the use of CBD oils and the amazing stories behind it all from people who have battled and overcome this while using CBD! I know with my strong FAITH in him, and with my amazing love and support from my boyfriend, my family and friends, along with the research that i come across and remedies, along with treatments, i know and have FAITH that one day i will be posting an update to my story and having an amazing report and stating how i became a SURVIVOR!!
All this what you went thru and now going thru is the same for me. When I found out last year June 2018, I was so numb and alone when I got the news. Well, at the time I got the second opinion and had to drive almost 2 hours alone. I was upset and when I broke the news to my son, he cried and cried. My story: My arm and partial underarm started bothering me and I didn't think anything of it until I was being prep for my breast reduction. I felt a small lump in my left breast and I was hoping it was just a cyst. I went for my mamogram and almost 2 weeks went by and nobody called. Remember no news is good news. On a Monday I got the phone call and the nurse said, did anyone call me and I said no. She told me I need a biopsy because they saw supicous of cancer but need further testing. I decided to go further out to get my biopsy and thats when I got the news. I decided to get a lumpectomy in my hometown and went back for a checkup and was highly upset. They told me they wanted to cut me again because they didn't get it all. I said, WHAT!!! Back to the drawing board. I went further out to get a second a opinion again and they gave me options for me to make my own decisions. We can remove your left breast or both. Whatever you want, but they feel the best way to go is bilateral mastectomy, after all I was going to have a breast reduction. Then they said they can reconstruct later or right after the removal of both breast. I chose to remove both breast and maybe or just maybe in the future I will reconstruct. Oh, they found one lumph node with cancer and I had 25 rounds of radiation. I am taking the 5 year pill and my bones ache, other that that I am fine. I have never heard of the CBD Oil. I have heard of the Black Seed Oil. Where can I purchase CBD Oil?
When I come on this site and read the comments and stories, I know I am not alone. I feel even better when I go to the chat room. Everyone makes you feel good and show a so much sincere.
Discussion Boards
- All Discussion Boards
- 6 CSN Information
- 6 Welcome to CSN
- 122.1K Cancer specific
- 2.8K Anal Cancer
- 448 Bladder Cancer
- 309 Bone Cancers
- 1.6K Brain Cancer
- 28.5K Breast Cancer
- 398 Childhood Cancers
- 27.9K Colorectal Cancer
- 4.6K Esophageal Cancer
- 1.2K Gynecological Cancers (other than ovarian and uterine)
- 13K Head and Neck Cancer
- 6.4K Kidney Cancer
- 673 Leukemia
- 795 Liver Cancer
- 4.1K Lung Cancer
- 5.1K Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
- 239 Multiple Myeloma
- 7.2K Ovarian Cancer
- 65 Pancreatic Cancer
- 490 Peritoneal Cancer
- 5.5K Prostate Cancer
- 1.2K Rare and Other Cancers
- 543 Sarcoma
- 737 Skin Cancer
- 658 Stomach Cancer
- 192 Testicular Cancer
- 1.5K Thyroid Cancer
- 5.9K Uterine/Endometrial Cancer
- 6.3K Lifestyle Discussion Boards