It appears my tongue cancer is back

I just read my PET scan and it says I'm being referred for tongue cancer again. I don't see it or feel it but Ithe scan shows a lesion. I can barely open my mouth which scares the **** out of me as to how they will tackle this. This is truly my worst nightmare coming true.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Steven I would wait

    till you see your doc. You may be reading it wrong. And I would think they have to take a biopsy before it is verified as cancer. May just be a lesion that is suspect. God bless

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    edited July 2019 #3
    wbcgaruss said:

    Steven I would wait

    till you see your doc. You may be reading it wrong. And I would think they have to take a biopsy before it is verified as cancer. May just be a lesion that is suspect. God bless

    stay positive

    Steven like many on here have said its not cancer until they say its cancer. Praying you have a good report.

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Steven I would wait

    till you see your doc. You may be reading it wrong. And I would think they have to take a biopsy before it is verified as cancer. May just be a lesion that is suspect. God bless

    stay positive

    Steven like many on here have said its not cancer until they say its cancer. Praying you have a good report.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    So sorry if it has returned- BUT, you don't know for sure it has. I echo WBC about the biopsy being needed. And, they may have caught it early, so the Dr.s might have a minimal solution. Keep us informed.

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263

    You have been thru hell like Me.  I truly hope it’s NOT.  I’ve been lucky that way, 3 yrs Ned here but so many, many other issues from treatments.  I honestly feel they over did treatment so they would really knock it out but all the other side effects have left Me bedridden most of the time.  I will keep you in My thoughts with positive outcome.  And yes it’s not Cancer till the Drs verify it.  Hang in, We went through it at the same time and just like you started out doing fairly well but bam out of the blue it all changes.  Hang in We are all rooting for you!  Please keep Us all posted on your Dx.  Big hugs, Lisa 

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234

    The technician writes cancer but doc says no. No biopsy. No reason for  follow up. I think I'm just gonna stop reading my scans and just wait until they call me. The saga continues...

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member


    The technician writes cancer but doc says no. No biopsy. No reason for  follow up. I think I'm just gonna stop reading my scans and just wait until they call me. The saga continues...

    Oh! This is the best news StevenPepe

    Hi Steven, we were praying for you last night when we read your post and Praise God our prayers have been answered we are so happy for you not having to go thru biopsy.  Thank you for sharing your news.  We were so worried. God Bless Us All and Keep Us All Cancer Free!

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    Sweet baby jeebus....

    Take that tech out back of the woodshed and tell 'em what's up!  

    Good news man.

  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    So happy!!

    From a fellow "C" member from the summer of 2016 I am so happy this turned out to be a false positive.  Dealing with the lingering effects of surgery and treatment are bad enough; but, then having to deal with false reads makes it worse.  Again, I am glad this was just a bad read.

    Best wishes for your days ahead.


  • Suez39
    Suez39 Member Posts: 165 Member
    Happy for you!

    Steven I'm glad you received positive results. It's hard to deal with all the treatments and to worry about recurrence is so scary! I went for my checkup recently and they are suspicious about my new ear pain and difficulty breathing. So I have an upcoming CT scan to rule out cancer again. I know exactly how you felt. I wish you the best of luck! Let us know how your doing.

  • armana
    armana Member Posts: 97 Member


    The technician writes cancer but doc says no. No biopsy. No reason for  follow up. I think I'm just gonna stop reading my scans and just wait until they call me. The saga continues...

    So happy for you

    This is great news.  I have followed your battle with the beast and so happy you don't have to go through this again.

    I had a simialr experience with a nurse  "Dr. Wantabe" but fortunately, my RO walked in and corrected her immidiately.

    Good luck and keep us posted


  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    So glad the cancer is not

    So glad the cancer is not back! Whew!!

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    edited July 2019 #14
    So happy for you

    and I agree, take the tech out back - he or she can keep company with the one that said I have a normal looking appendix..... My appendix was removed in the UK when I was 17...

  • Chris50
    Chris50 Member Posts: 14 Member


    The technician writes cancer but doc says no. No biopsy. No reason for  follow up. I think I'm just gonna stop reading my scans and just wait until they call me. The saga continues...

    So relieved to hear good news!


    I am so happy to hear the good news!  Take a deep sigh of relief and remember what everyone says:  it isn’t cancer until it’s cancer.  You and I are part of the class of 2016 and I know your journey has been so tough.  And so it is I am so grateful to hear your good news.  Best, Chris 50

  • Soldier of Love
    Soldier of Love Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2019 #16


    The technician writes cancer but doc says no. No biopsy. No reason for  follow up. I think I'm just gonna stop reading my scans and just wait until they call me. The saga continues...

    Whats your diet look like

    Hello Stevenpepe,

    I'm curious to learn more about what your diet looks like.  What kinds of foods are you eating and how are they being prepared.  What I have found out and you can look it up it has been documented for many years that there are people who live to be over 100 years old with never experiencing not one disease. Most people of today are getting cancer from their diet and life style.  People who were raised in or around a farm like environment seems to live longer with fewer health problems.  I'm a firm believer in plant base foods to help heal your body and working in the garden touching the soil with my hands to relax my mind.  Some people can find another way to relax their mind if gardening wont work.  Maybe take hikes in the woods or find a lake. If you eat any manufactured food - STOP immediately

  • tbret
    tbret Member Posts: 76 Member


    The technician writes cancer but doc says no. No biopsy. No reason for  follow up. I think I'm just gonna stop reading my scans and just wait until they call me. The saga continues...

    It happens

    I haven't told it before this minute, but the last time I was declared NED by my oncologist, they sent the scan to my ENT who said, "Oh #$@%," and called the radiologist and got some specific numbers and they went over my scan and I got a call from the ENT to come in **immediately**, which I did, knowing nothing about WHY.  I only knew my PET scan showed "asymmetry" and my oncologist said, "Go home, you're fine."  I learned that the ENT thought it was back just before he examined me.  That was freaky.

    A very long story later the ENT tells me "there's nothing there" when *he* expected to find something on examination.  It seems a lot of things can make a PET glow "wrongly."  He wants me to just go have CTs from now on.

    I have my three year scan in about 6 weeks.   I'm not living in fear of this one because I'm getting fat.  Ok, truth be told I am getting fatter because I had already gotten a little fat again.  I can taste "sweet" and so I tend to eat too much sugar, but that's a whole different discussion.  I was losing weight with cancer, soooo, I'm hope an expanding waistline is a good sign.

    Congratulations on dodging the bullet again this time.  I trust it will be the same this time and every time from now on.  (As I asked my oncologist when she told me I had NED at 90 days after treament, "I guess this means I will have to die of something even more horrible later, does it?"  She just chuckled a bit and said, "I guess it does.  My what an optimist!" <or words to that effect>)


    One of the things I think we all "get" as survivors is that one day someone will eventually say, "I'm sorry," and that's gonna be it.  I still love standing at the kitchen sink looking at the flowers I planted. Until recently I would not have been a flower appreciating fella.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    tbret said:

    It happens

    I haven't told it before this minute, but the last time I was declared NED by my oncologist, they sent the scan to my ENT who said, "Oh #$@%," and called the radiologist and got some specific numbers and they went over my scan and I got a call from the ENT to come in **immediately**, which I did, knowing nothing about WHY.  I only knew my PET scan showed "asymmetry" and my oncologist said, "Go home, you're fine."  I learned that the ENT thought it was back just before he examined me.  That was freaky.

    A very long story later the ENT tells me "there's nothing there" when *he* expected to find something on examination.  It seems a lot of things can make a PET glow "wrongly."  He wants me to just go have CTs from now on.

    I have my three year scan in about 6 weeks.   I'm not living in fear of this one because I'm getting fat.  Ok, truth be told I am getting fatter because I had already gotten a little fat again.  I can taste "sweet" and so I tend to eat too much sugar, but that's a whole different discussion.  I was losing weight with cancer, soooo, I'm hope an expanding waistline is a good sign.

    Congratulations on dodging the bullet again this time.  I trust it will be the same this time and every time from now on.  (As I asked my oncologist when she told me I had NED at 90 days after treament, "I guess this means I will have to die of something even more horrible later, does it?"  She just chuckled a bit and said, "I guess it does.  My what an optimist!" <or words to that effect>)


    One of the things I think we all "get" as survivors is that one day someone will eventually say, "I'm sorry," and that's gonna be it.  I still love standing at the kitchen sink looking at the flowers I planted. Until recently I would not have been a flower appreciating fella.

    tbret I Too Have a Taste For Sweet

    And salt things pretty good too. every time I visit my ENT he says "Is your weight Holding OK?" Like you I am gaining since sweets intake is up so that's what I tell him. Yes holding and increasing a bit. He always says "This is one place we don't fuss about some weight gaining. I guess seeing his share of cancer patients he is glad when they start gaining again. Don't get me wrong there is a limit to this but for many of us, a weight gain is part of the recovery as it means we turned a corner. God Bless