Selective Neck Dissection



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Bowing said:

    Neck Dissection and Pain

    I had a Neck Dissection at the end of January 2019.

    Before that, in late November, I had a tumour removed from my bottom lip.  Then at the end of January I had a neck dissection with 21 lymph nodes removed (one tumour was found).  Now I am having a lot of nerve pain.  I am still swollen, particularly under the scar on my face, which goes from the lip to the bottom of my face near the jaw bone.  I had 30 days of radiation which ended at the end of April and I believe that is what is causing a lot of my problems.  There is a lump which has formed beside my incision below the lip and a lumpy mess inside at the bottom of the incision near the jaw bone.  I can feel it with my tongue and it is very sore.  Went to my GP and he said (oh, I think I can see a bone....but it doesn't look infected) and asked me when do I see the specialist again.  So....I am swollen and sore from my chin all up the chin bone.  

    My biggest problem I think is mental.  I sometimes break into tears at the thought of this never getting better.  I cannot deal with living with this pain for the rest of my life.  Can anyone give me some advise on dealing with this?  Thank-you


    If I Was IN Your Shoes

    I would get to my ENT ASAP to be sure there is no infection and to make sure there is nothing unusual may be the way your situation is healing I don't know but they will. Definitely for peace of mind if nothing else-Don't wait-get in to see them they don't mind-better safe than sorry-God Bless

  • Bowing
    Bowing Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2019 #23
    wbcgaruss said:

    If I Was IN Your Shoes

    I would get to my ENT ASAP to be sure there is no infection and to make sure there is nothing unusual may be the way your situation is healing I don't know but they will. Definitely for peace of mind if nothing else-Don't wait-get in to see them they don't mind-better safe than sorry-God Bless

    Thank-you wbcgaruss

    Good idea.  I am having an MRI near the end of the month and then seeing the specialist so I would rather wait if I can.  In the meantime I am weaning myself slowly off some meds for nerve pain as they are causing dizziness and seem to make things worse.  Maybe that is causing the added pain as well, we will see.    

    I am new to this online 'talking' and don't yet know my way around so am hoping that post was indeed an answer to me and not to someone else!!  I am also a Canadian who couldn't find a network there (although there must be one!).  Hope no-one minds that I am using this site.  again thanks.  

  • Bowing
    Bowing Member Posts: 14
    wbcgaruss said:

    If I Was IN Your Shoes

    I would get to my ENT ASAP to be sure there is no infection and to make sure there is nothing unusual may be the way your situation is healing I don't know but they will. Definitely for peace of mind if nothing else-Don't wait-get in to see them they don't mind-better safe than sorry-God Bless

    I took your advise and went

    I took your advise and went to my ENT.  He said he could see 'dead bone' from the radiation.  Gave me an antibiotic for an infection.  Said he hopes he doesn't have to take any bone out and we will talk about that in August when I see him after my MRI.  Don't know anything yet about dead bones from radiation and i think I will wait til i see him instead of scaring myself to death looking on the web!   Wish i had never had the radiation but know that in order to live longer I had to.  Thanks for the info on navigating this site!