Awaiting test results for likely lymphoma 2019 negative

JackieInRichmond Member Posts: 7



  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member
    Still a bit early to discuss...

    Hi Jackie,

    Sorry your health issues have brought you here...

    You should soon have a clearer idea of what it is you are facing, and then will be the time to discuss treatment options.

    One thing I can say at this point though, is that sometimes there is no other choice than to subject yourself to those treatments, as they are the only solution to buy you some more time on this planet. In the event it does turn out to be lymphoma and depending on type, then that extra time could measure in years - and although some side effects may be unavoidable, they could be quite mild and still leave you with a rather good quality of life. Something worth pondering, perhaps...

    Do keep us posted on your results. I wish you the most favorable diagnosis.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Biopsies speak

    Sorry to hear this. Guesses, no matter how educated, remain just that. Only a pathology report based on a biopsied tissue sample, will provide a solid diagnosis. Central Nervous System lymphoma is quite rare, but still treatable.

    As to lymphoma metastasizing, it pretty much does that as a matter of course. It is a "liquid" cancer that flows in your lymphatic system (part of your circulatory system) and your blood.

    It can be stage IV and remain just as treatable as at stage I. I have been at stage IV with two different lymphomas and both, as well as a third marrow cancer (MDS) are gone. Wasn't exactly easy, but it was doable.

    As to chemo, I am currently on my 20th drug, and have been in constant treatment for either lymphoma, MDA or post transplant GvHD for eleven years now.

  • JackieInRichmond
    JackieInRichmond Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2019 #4
    PBL said:

    Still a bit early to discuss...

    Hi Jackie,

    Sorry your health issues have brought you here...

    You should soon have a clearer idea of what it is you are facing, and then will be the time to discuss treatment options.

    One thing I can say at this point though, is that sometimes there is no other choice than to subject yourself to those treatments, as they are the only solution to buy you some more time on this planet. In the event it does turn out to be lymphoma and depending on type, then that extra time could measure in years - and although some side effects may be unavoidable, they could be quite mild and still leave you with a rather good quality of life. Something worth pondering, perhaps...

    Do keep us posted on your results. I wish you the most favorable diagnosis.


    Thanks PBL

    Thanks PBL

  • JackieInRichmond
    JackieInRichmond Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2019 #5
    po18guy said:

    Biopsies speak

    Sorry to hear this. Guesses, no matter how educated, remain just that. Only a pathology report based on a biopsied tissue sample, will provide a solid diagnosis. Central Nervous System lymphoma is quite rare, but still treatable.

    As to lymphoma metastasizing, it pretty much does that as a matter of course. It is a "liquid" cancer that flows in your lymphatic system (part of your circulatory system) and your blood.

    It can be stage IV and remain just as treatable as at stage I. I have been at stage IV with two different lymphomas and both, as well as a third marrow cancer (MDS) are gone. Wasn't exactly easy, but it was doable.

    As to chemo, I am currently on my 20th drug, and have been in constant treatment for either lymphoma, MDA or post transplant GvHD for eleven years now.

    Thanks Biopsies Speak. True!

    Thanks Biopsies Speak. True!

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    That’s fine but ....

    Make sure at least two labs look at the biopsy. Good luck!

  • DJS628
    DJS628 Member Posts: 77
    Keep us Posted


    So sorry you have joined us (and that your partner also has cancer, too?).  Life isn't fair, is it?  :-(


    By now, I hope you've had a biopsy and know for sure what's going on.  Come back and let us know how you're doing.  We are a good support group.

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member


  • Haven't been at site in a while

    Thank you and I hope you're doing well, po18  and Debbie. Life intervened and I haven't been back till now. No word, no further positive labs on lymphoma for me, (we DID find a thymoma and it was removed. My brain 'may' have been reacting to that) the caregiver and it is Thanksgiving week 2021. Hoping the hospital (I no longer go there) was simply wrong - time will tell.

    Back to caregiving for partner who has stage lV mbc on 6th protocol. Hoping everyone is doing ok.

    Thank you and sorry for delayed reply.