Extramural Venous Invasion


Hello everyone. I had my first colonoscopy since turning 50 and the doctor found what he suspected was a very early cancer (he did not remove it at the time but a biopsy confirmed cancer cells). I recently had surgery to remove my sigmoid colon. The pathology report came back as Stage 1. Seventeen lymph nodes were all negative and CT scan shows no mets elsewhere. The surgeon said that the tumor had not gotten to the outer colon wall and that 95% of the time, the surgery is the “cure”. She also said that I will be referred to an oncologist (not for chemo but so they can determine the future testing needed and the frequency). I left her office feeling so very thankful that it was caught early.

Once I get home, the worry and doubts set in (I am a chronic worrier anyway). I start looking at my copy of the pathology report and see something the surgeon didn’t mention specifically ... Extramural Venous Invasion. I know that I should stay away from Dr Google but from what I can find ... this is not good, extremely rare in Stage 1, very high risk of spreading, and would make my prognosis much, much worse than what I am staged at.

Does anyone have any experience with Extramural Venous Invasion being in their pathology report and actually has had a discussion with a doctor about it? My appointment with the oncologist is a couple of weeks out and I’m trying to find out more information and what kind of questions I should be asking. I am wanting to be somewhat prepared going in but I am at a complete loss.

I have spent most of my surgery recovery time scouring the internet and have literally read hundreds of these message boards. They have made me both scared and inspired. There is such an amazing and supportive group of people here. Up until now I have never faced anything serious health wise and have often wondered if I “had it in me” to fight. I hope that if it is ever needed, I will have half the strength and courage that you all do.

I would be grateful for any advice you may have.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Hello there...

    and welcome to the forum. 

    I am not familiar with Extramural Venous Invasion, so cannot help, but I wanted to welcome you, and hope that someone here can help. If not, stick with us when needed - which hopefully won't happen. 


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited July 2019 #3

    I'm so glad that you caught it early and have to give you one piece of advice - Stay Off The Internet.  It will drive you crazy and a lot of the information is not correct or outdated. Go to the oncologist and see what they say and ask your question.  Early detection is the best prevention for something worse coming up.  Once again, welcome to the board and if you need further information, please ask away.  I'm sorry I'm not able to help with your question.  Wishing you well.


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    If you are not using it already, pubmed is a more reliable source of information than Dr. Google.