Signs of recurrence

hi! I was diagnosed with scc p16+ on December 2017. My primary was ocult, but still went through radio/chemo on March, and have been disease free ever since. Last week I felt lumps in my neck - first atbthe original side, then on both sides, and finally on the back of the neck, where I have chronic pain - as if something is pressing the nerve. Just like the first time, I also feel very itchy (something the medical team disregarded as not relevant). Going to my primary dr. To start examinations, but I assume these are all symptoms that someone with a recurrence should expect. Does anyone have any experience on p16+ recurrence? As far as I understand, neck dissection is the preferred treatment, but since they never found my primary, I wonder what they will suggest - IF this turns out to be a recurrence.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Do Get Checked

    As soon as possible by your medical team and also see your ENT. If it is cancer the sooner you act the better. It may be a recurrence, it may be a new cancer, it may be NOTHING or at least nothing related to cancer. But it is good you are staying on top of your situation. We have had many people on here sure they had cancer or a recurrence of cancer and found out it was anything but. Some other minor thing or reaction to something or something else entirely. It is best to be safe than sorry but it has oft been repeated on here "It's Not Cancer Till They Say It's Cancer". God Bless

  • rrmartins71
    rrmartins71 Member Posts: 10
    wbcgaruss said:

    Do Get Checked

    As soon as possible by your medical team and also see your ENT. If it is cancer the sooner you act the better. It may be a recurrence, it may be a new cancer, it may be NOTHING or at least nothing related to cancer. But it is good you are staying on top of your situation. We have had many people on here sure they had cancer or a recurrence of cancer and found out it was anything but. Some other minor thing or reaction to something or something else entirely. It is best to be safe than sorry but it has oft been repeated on here "It's Not Cancer Till They Say It's Cancer". God Bless

    Thanks. After first

    Thanks. After first examination by my PP, it doesn't look obvious as the first time (this is flat and large, as opposed to high and concentrated). Having CT scan next Monday and will take it from there.

  • Jordie57
    Jordie57 Member Posts: 12
    Explain itching...

    Hi...can you elaborate a bit on Your itching and where it is

  • rrmartins71
    rrmartins71 Member Posts: 10
    Jordie57 said:

    Explain itching...

    Hi...can you elaborate a bit on Your itching and where it is


    all over. head, torso, arms, legs, etc

  • rrmartins71
    rrmartins71 Member Posts: 10
    Jordie57 said:

    Explain itching...

    Hi...can you elaborate a bit on Your itching and where it is

    CT Scan next week

    Dr got a little concerned that I have strong back pain as well. Althought metastasis to spine is very rare in OPSC, p16+ seems to lead to bony metastais in some 10% of population. I guess next week will be important. Chaces are it is nothing, but statistics only matter to insurance providers. For us, it is still cancer or no cancer.

  • djgraham52
    djgraham52 Member Posts: 2 Member
    Signs of recurrence

    My fiancé was just diagnosed as having a recurrence of the HPV+ cancer on his tonsil (confirmed via biopsy, PET scan and exams), 5 months out from last clean PET Scan. Guess someone has to fall within the 10% range of it coming back. Waiting now for a call to schedule a radical tonsillectomy (different doc and medical facility).  Anyone here with experience on this procedure and after effects? Doctors last time around obviously did not like to talk about effects of treatments until they show their ugly heads (like the horrible mucous we were initially told by the rad doc was just a sinus infection...seriously!?!?! It was from these boards that I learned what was causing the mucous.) Thank you. 

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    I Don't Have Experience

    With your particular kind of cancer, I had throat cancer and later a small spot on my tongue. I am sorry to hear you have a recurrence. We always hope we are never in the recurrence group. I would say whatever operations or treatments you are prescribed check out the after effects possibilities on major web sites like Mayo clinic, cancer treatment centers, etc. and ask the folks on here. I think operations on the tonsil are no picnic for adults especially but not sure so maybe someone else on here has first-hand experience. I would say be informed and prepare yourself for the worst plus some and it may turn out that it is not too hard to handle but at least you are ready for the worst. I went through the horrible mucous, they told me about it but it was worse than expected. Take Care-God Bless.

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    I Don't Have Experience

    With your particular kind of cancer, I had throat cancer and later a small spot on my tongue. I am sorry to hear you have a recurrence. We always hope we are never in the recurrence group. I would say whatever operations or treatments you are prescribed check out the after effects possibilities on major web sites like Mayo clinic, cancer treatment centers, etc. and ask the folks on here. I think operations on the tonsil are no picnic for adults especially but not sure so maybe someone else on here has first-hand experience. I would say be informed and prepare yourself for the worst plus some and it may turn out that it is not too hard to handle but at least you are ready for the worst. I went through the horrible mucous, they told me about it but it was worse than expected. Take Care-God Bless.

    Radical tonsillectomy

    I did have the radical tonsillectomy via robotic surgery. It is much worse in adults with that said I couldn't eat anything but very soft foods for 2 weeks (mash potatoes and pudding). They will give you pain meds to help you get through this. After a couple weeks I introduced more foods to my diet. This is just another bump in the road but you will get through it. Any further treatments will be decided by your medical team,trust them and have faith.You can do this wishing you have a quick recovery.

  • MrsYo
    MrsYo Member Posts: 11


    all over. head, torso, arms, legs, etc

    Itchy and Prickly sensations...

    My dear love one experienced this same type of itchy feeling when the body became warm or anxious.  After many test, it was diagnosis as Mast Cells. 


  • dnelson964
    dnelson964 Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2019 #11

     I would add that when anyone gets a cancer diagnosis they also need to be thinking how can I get my immune system back on tract fighting cancer cells so after treatment there is less chance of it ever coming back. There is much good research about this though not so easy to come by. Everyone should have a blood test that also tests for your vit. D3 level. As we get older it is common our level will go down. If only at 30 or less ( range is 30-90 ) you need to get it back up close to 90. this will greatly aid your immune system to fight and kill cancer cells again. 

  • annie4145
    annie4145 Member Posts: 218 Member
    edited July 2019 #12

    Also, itching can be the sympton of other issues as well.  I had gallstones, and one got got in the bile duct and it caused itching all over my body (which the doctor disregarded until my lab test came back).  Also other issues besides cancer can cause itching.  Make sure that they look at other issues as well.