Long term stage 4 survivor

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

I went to our local cancer support group this evening and we have a couple of new members. The eoamn I sat next to is a breat cancer survivor and when I told her the cancer I have she told me that she has a friend who is a 27 years stage four colon cancer survivor! He had some nasty chemo early that they don't use anymore and has been on maintenance ever since. 27 years!!!

Isn't that amazing! She said he's doing quite well, too. He's in his early seventies now.




  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    Thank you! That is very good

    Thank you! That is very good news. I mean, obviously I would prefer if something worked to keep NED and drug free, but if I could have 27 years plus on maintenance, that would be good. I am in between treatments right now while I apply for clinical trials and sometimes have the what if I don't make it a long time so perfect timing to see this. Thanks!

  • Ebarrera
    Ebarrera Member Posts: 19 Member
    Wow that is amazing! I heard

    Wow that is amazing! I heard today on the radio that Alex trabecks cancer has shrunk 50 percent. And I think his is pancreatic which is supposed to be one of the worst. So this all makes it seem very positive.  

  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    A good friend and neighbor of

    A good friend and neighbor of mine was 20+ years with Stage 4 Breast Cancer.  Sadly, she left us last summer.  She was an inspiration for me as she never let her situation get her down and lived life.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,288 Member
    That's a terrific testimony,

    That's a terrific testimony, and boost to all late stage CRC people who hear it................................Dave

  • annie4145
    annie4145 Member Posts: 218 Member
    My aunt survived  almost 30

    My aunt survived  almost 30 years after being a stage IV ovarian or uterine cancer survivor.  She was first diagnosed around 1990 and everyone was amazed that she survived at that time.  She was lucky and got it into remission, but it came back, she got in into remission again, and then sadly passed after her third reoccurence (right before I was diagnosed with stage 3).  Long term survival is possible even when no one thinks it is possible. she is my inspiration.   If I am able to live 30 years after my diagnosis, I will be 81. :)

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    annie4145 said:

    My aunt survived  almost 30

    My aunt survived  almost 30 years after being a stage IV ovarian or uterine cancer survivor.  She was first diagnosed around 1990 and everyone was amazed that she survived at that time.  She was lucky and got it into remission, but it came back, she got in into remission again, and then sadly passed after her third reoccurence (right before I was diagnosed with stage 3).  Long term survival is possible even when no one thinks it is possible. she is my inspiration.   If I am able to live 30 years after my diagnosis, I will be 81. :)

    My grandmother had what they

    My grandmother had what they called bowel cancer in the 1950s, when she was in her fifties. She had surgery to remove it and a colostomy and never had cancer again. She died at 83 years old from an issue with her kidneys that they could have done a transplant to fix because she was so healthy but she refused it and told them to give it to some young person. She's been my inspiration but I assume her cancer must have been a lower stage than mine. I was adopted so I don't know if it runs in my family.

    I'd be 71 if I live 30 years after my diagnosis. I'm at the over 5 year mark right now and I don't intend on leaving anytime soon. Cancer can go bugger itself. I refuse to give in.



  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    Now I have a new goal!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    PhillieG said:


    Now I have a new goal!

    Phil! How are you! I haven't

    Phil! How are you! I haven't seen you on here in a while and I was wondering how you're doing. Yes, please make this your goal and do it. I hope we all do. And with quality of life, too.



  • Cajun55
    Cajun55 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2019 #10
    I am a 4th stage colon cancer

    I am a 4th stage colon cancer surviver, diagnosed 2 years ago, had 10 rounds of chemo and went in remission. Then I had recur after 10 months of freedom from chemo.  I had 6 rounds again then went in remission again. It been 6 weeks since chemo now. I do worry every day about it coming back. I don't really want to go a third round of chemo for fear of doing irreversible damage to my organs. I have improved my diet and I take vitamins now but in the beginning the oncologist told me there is nothing I can do to stop it, but I am hoping he is wrong. The photo of me was taken the week of my second fight with cancer and the port is taped up with the infuser bottle. I have about half the hair now which is a big bummer. 

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    Cajun55 said:

    I am a 4th stage colon cancer

    I am a 4th stage colon cancer surviver, diagnosed 2 years ago, had 10 rounds of chemo and went in remission. Then I had recur after 10 months of freedom from chemo.  I had 6 rounds again then went in remission again. It been 6 weeks since chemo now. I do worry every day about it coming back. I don't really want to go a third round of chemo for fear of doing irreversible damage to my organs. I have improved my diet and I take vitamins now but in the beginning the oncologist told me there is nothing I can do to stop it, but I am hoping he is wrong. The photo of me was taken the week of my second fight with cancer and the port is taped up with the infuser bottle. I have about half the hair now which is a big bummer. 

    it is amazing that you are in

    it is amazing that you are in remission from chemo alone withut surgery! Gives me hope.