Side effects of radiation and chemo how long does it all last for like a week?

Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member

I am newly diagnosed 57 year old female with SCC of tongue Stage 1 they tell me - they have scheduled surgery for June 3rd a glossectomy and neck dissection? I don't know what to expect with those can anyone share with me any information I would be forever grateful - what are side effects of glossectomy and neck dissection?  How long will I be in hospital?  Can I come home in a day? How long do the tubes stay in?  What about the radiation and chemo - how long will those last like a week.... what are side effects of those? Will I lose my teeth?  Will I lose my hair? I weigh 100 Ilbs so I cannot afford to lose any weight and am worried that I might lose a lot of weight don't know what to do.... am scared out of my mind and body and just am wondering so much stuff on what to expect - any thoughts woudl be much appreciated. 


  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    a little more information

    I meant to say how long does the radiation and chemo treatments last like a week or does it go on for like a month or two? I have never been thru this before so it is all new scary and completely devastating to comprehend.  I am doing my best to carry on but need so much support I am finding that out by being here on these boards.  I am just full of questions and wanting to know so please forgive me if I have repeated myself or become verbose it is not my intent.  I am sorry.  Please bare with me and any information you can share would be much appreciated. 

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    Sabrina23 said:

    a little more information

    I meant to say how long does the radiation and chemo treatments last like a week or does it go on for like a month or two? I have never been thru this before so it is all new scary and completely devastating to comprehend.  I am doing my best to carry on but need so much support I am finding that out by being here on these boards.  I am just full of questions and wanting to know so please forgive me if I have repeated myself or become verbose it is not my intent.  I am sorry.  Please bare with me and any information you can share would be much appreciated. 

    Hi Sabrina,

    Hi Sabrina,

    If you need the treatments, you'll most likely get 30-35 rounds of radiation, possibly with chemo. Not everyone gets chemo with it. Each round is about a half hour and you go every day M-F with the weekend break. You go until you're done. You will be fitted with a fiberglass mask that's designed to hold your head perfectly still to the table.

    I had chemo the second time around and I only sat for 1.5 hours once a week. I didn't feel much effects from the chemo, only the radiation. Fatigue is a common side effect of radiation. I also did not lose my hair or teeth. And given the extensive radiation I had (68 rounds) that's a small miracle. Just keep taking care of them because if you have radiation, your mouth will become dry and your saliva protects your teeth from decay. So far so good for me so you have hope.

    All of this could be moot because you may not need it. If your lymph nodes are clean, you're good to go and there's no need to worry. Wait until your surgery is over and the docs tell you next steps. Take it one step at a time. You'll be fine.

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    Sabrina23 said:

    a little more information

    I meant to say how long does the radiation and chemo treatments last like a week or does it go on for like a month or two? I have never been thru this before so it is all new scary and completely devastating to comprehend.  I am doing my best to carry on but need so much support I am finding that out by being here on these boards.  I am just full of questions and wanting to know so please forgive me if I have repeated myself or become verbose it is not my intent.  I am sorry.  Please bare with me and any information you can share would be much appreciated. 

    No one can predict your

    No one can predict your hospital stay because there are too many variables to consider and no one knows the outcome of your surgery. However, this is not an outpatient thing so expect to stay at least 3 days if all goes well. The drain tube gets taken out when you will be discharged. If you want to know, they simply slide it out of your neck. Sorry for the visual but that's how it was done both times in my case.

    Because of your size, think about high calorie supplements such as Boost and Ensure to help you maintain and/or gain weight. I was only 160 lbs before surgery and lost about 10 lbs after. I gained weight before treatments (docs advised that) and then lost it after treatment ended. Altogether, I lost about 20-25 lbs over the course of both treatments. I have since gained it all back but it was slow going. I have a fast metabolism and was never a weight gainer.

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you StevenPepe you are my guardian angel

    Thank you Steven, your insights and thoughts and experiences have all given me a renewed faith in life and living.  Please share as much as you can with me I am blessed to have you in my life right now and i hope forever for long time to come for both of us. 

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    You got this!

    Immediate advice, eat anything and everything you love in mass quantities, now. Really really eat, stretch that waistline! :)

    Next as Steve said, treatment varies from person to person, part of it is your cancer, and part of it is your attitude.

    I said I was superwoman, and my armor got a little dented, but it held out.

    Usually chemo with radiation, the chemo boosts the radiation, makes it more effective. Afterall, you want to kill this thing in one go, right? Its probably going to be 35 treatments, about 7 weeks of daily treatments, I leaned the hard way, you dont want to go early morning to get it out of the way, go late, so you can go home  and sleep! (I always wondered why the early slots were open)

    Chemo, I opted for the 3 big ones, not the weekly ones, because I figured if I was going to be sick, I only wanted to have 3 really bad weeks, and not 6, as it was, I ended up with only 2, and they wern't so bad. My Drs had me on a tight regiment, of steroids for 3 days, and 2 kinds of anti nausea meds, that I didnt really need - may have to do with the stomach and allergy meds I take daily.

    ok, other stuff, good eats are things like boost or ensure (I hated ensure) get the igh protein one, mix in blender with a couple of scoops of ice cream, and something like carnation instant breakfast (around 900 calories)

    Hair - you will probably lose hair below your ears across the back, I did, i must have looked awful with shoulder length stringy hair covering my bald bits, but it has grown back.

    Surgery - I got to go home same day, again, it varies from person to person (operation etc) Drains.. were.. just there. Good garment to have is a jobst neck thing, to take swelling down after.

    Say yes to the portal, (central line) it beats getting stuck every time. - make sure you get either magic mouthwash, or lidocaine mouthwash

    Think thats it for now, ask anything, everyone has awesome advice and recommendations!

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    If you need treatment, you'll make it - with support!


    If you find you need treatment, you may get 30 or 35 sessions of radiation (about 15 minutes each - Monday - Friday). You  may get some concurrent chemo, and possibly some "follow up" chemo.

    Treatment can be challenging - but certainly not terrible, if you have supportive friends and family to help you!

    I saw SuzJ give the perfect advice - EAT ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE FOODS RIGHT NOW! (I see you're only 100 pounds, now - and if you could gain 5-10 pounds before you start treatment, if would help!)

    The most important thing, is attitude. Never allow yourself to forget that treatment (and most side effects) are temporary - but decades more of LIFE are decades more of LIFE!

    Tell the people you love, that you love them - often! When people offer help, support or prayers - accept them!

    I wish you the best of luck, and since it sounds like you're healthy, if you keep the right mindset, you'll get through all of this - trust me!

    Motorcycle guy (aka: Curt)