vigina problems

Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member

after 7 months since my last cancer treatment. still having problems with sex. Hurts very much. I feel bad for my husband. I don't want to give that part of my life up. Anyone else have these problems? 



  • PainInTheBum
    PainInTheBum Member Posts: 99 Member
    vagina stenosis

    My treatment starts tomorrow and I do not have that problem yet but anticipate it.  Search for "vagina stenosis".  I have read others having this problem and you may find some helpful tips.  So sorry.  It is one of my fears, not so much for myself but my husband.  I'm 67, married 39 years....we are still sexually active and I do not look foward to giving it up.  I have read that dialators can help.  I hope others that have experienced this will give you some answers.

  • Brendaklein
    Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member

    vagina stenosis

    My treatment starts tomorrow and I do not have that problem yet but anticipate it.  Search for "vagina stenosis".  I have read others having this problem and you may find some helpful tips.  So sorry.  It is one of my fears, not so much for myself but my husband.  I'm 67, married 39 years....we are still sexually active and I do not look foward to giving it up.  I have read that dialators can help.  I hope others that have experienced this will give you some answers.


    Thank you , I'm 60. married 36 years. My husband is very understanding. I have the dialator, still see blood on my panties. I made an appt. with OBGYN next month. Maybe I can get some advice. 

  • PainInTheBum
    PainInTheBum Member Posts: 99 Member


    Thank you , I'm 60. married 36 years. My husband is very understanding. I have the dialator, still see blood on my panties. I made an appt. with OBGYN next month. Maybe I can get some advice. 

    I hope your OBGYN can help

    I hope your OBGYN can help you.  

  • Brendaklein
    Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member

    I hope your OBGYN can help

    I hope your OBGYN can help you.  

    I wish you well during your journey as well.

    If I can help in anyway, please let me know. 

  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member
    Vaginal stenosis

    hi,  i used premarin hormonal cream.  I still do when periodically suffering from dryness, which causes sores and bleeding and discomfort. Good luck...i started feeling more sexual around the ninth month.

  • tanda
    tanda Member Posts: 174 Member

    vagina stenosis

    My treatment starts tomorrow and I do not have that problem yet but anticipate it.  Search for "vagina stenosis".  I have read others having this problem and you may find some helpful tips.  So sorry.  It is one of my fears, not so much for myself but my husband.  I'm 67, married 39 years....we are still sexually active and I do not look foward to giving it up.  I have read that dialators can help.  I hope others that have experienced this will give you some answers.

    Paininthe Bum

    Now may be a good time to talk with the Radiation oncologist or the nurses in radiation oncology about dilators. ..which type is best and how to use them.  Some people have been able to use them in the first week or two of treatment before the area  becomes too sore.

  • Ohmy
    Ohmy Member Posts: 102 Member
    My doctor gave me a dialator

    My doctor gave me a dialator to use during treatment.  Two years later and I still use a dialator a few times a week with a lubricant.  You may have to start with a smaller size and work your way up.  I have a set with different sizes I ordered from Amazon.  It's also important to keep it open so your doctor can do a Pap smear every year.

  • Lad3bea
    Lad3bea Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2019 #9
    Same issues

    Hi Brenda, no one told me I would have vaginal stenosis, in fact my radiologist acted as if I was an idiot for asking about it. I am post 15 months, and I use dilators. I found a good GYN who recommended it, and I have used them ever since. I do still have pain with sex, even using the dilators often. I've tried several kinds, and the ones I found were the best and most comfortable were from a company called Soul Source. Check out the online site. I started with the smallest and after several weeks, or months, when I was ready, I would do the next largest. You have to use lots of lubricant as well. I got to where I was able to have sex again, but I still have some pain and penetration has to be sort of slow at first. I have to use them regularly. But at least my sex life still exists. Also, if you're not using it already, you might want to talk to your GYN about estrogen cream or pills to restore your vaginal walls. See what your doctor says.

  • Brendaklein
    Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member
    Lad3bea said:

    Same issues

    Hi Brenda, no one told me I would have vaginal stenosis, in fact my radiologist acted as if I was an idiot for asking about it. I am post 15 months, and I use dilators. I found a good GYN who recommended it, and I have used them ever since. I do still have pain with sex, even using the dilators often. I've tried several kinds, and the ones I found were the best and most comfortable were from a company called Soul Source. Check out the online site. I started with the smallest and after several weeks, or months, when I was ready, I would do the next largest. You have to use lots of lubricant as well. I got to where I was able to have sex again, but I still have some pain and penetration has to be sort of slow at first. I have to use them regularly. But at least my sex life still exists. Also, if you're not using it already, you might want to talk to your GYN about estrogen cream or pills to restore your vaginal walls. See what your doctor says.


    Thank you very much. I see my GYN tomorrow.


  • annie4145
    annie4145 Member Posts: 218 Member


    Thank you very much. I see my GYN tomorrow.


    I am having problems as well.

    I am having problems as well.  Seeing by OBGYN on May 20th. 

  • Brendaklein
    Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member

    I saw my OBGYN today. I will be going for pelvic therapy.

    Anyone go through this?

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    edited May 2019 #13

    Yes I tried it. On the positive side my therapist was able to work out a lot of the stiffness and stenosis in the vagina, showed me exercises to do at home, including those that strengthen the sphincters. On the negative side, it was invasive and painful. Therapist has to have her fingers in your vagina and rectum to break up scar tissue and be able to feel if you are doing the exercises correctly. I also had to travel 2 hours to get to her. And since my husband and my sex drives are not that high my motivation was lacking. So I stopped going and lost all the ground I gained. One of the things that distresses me is that you can’t just work towards the goal and stay there, you have to keep using the dilators forever or the stenosis comes right back. At this point all I can make myself do is use a tampon instead of a dilator (seems less yucky to me for some reason) about once a week and use estrogen cream once a week in an effort to keep things open enough for pelvic exam and PAp smear. I hope you are more motivated than me and get great results, I don’t mean to sound discouraging, just relay my experience. It seems like there are women in this site who are motivated and diligent and get back to being able to have a pretty normal sex life.

  • Brendaklein
    Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member


    Yes I tried it. On the positive side my therapist was able to work out a lot of the stiffness and stenosis in the vagina, showed me exercises to do at home, including those that strengthen the sphincters. On the negative side, it was invasive and painful. Therapist has to have her fingers in your vagina and rectum to break up scar tissue and be able to feel if you are doing the exercises correctly. I also had to travel 2 hours to get to her. And since my husband and my sex drives are not that high my motivation was lacking. So I stopped going and lost all the ground I gained. One of the things that distresses me is that you can’t just work towards the goal and stay there, you have to keep using the dilators forever or the stenosis comes right back. At this point all I can make myself do is use a tampon instead of a dilator (seems less yucky to me for some reason) about once a week and use estrogen cream once a week in an effort to keep things open enough for pelvic exam and PAp smear. I hope you are more motivated than me and get great results, I don’t mean to sound discouraging, just relay my experience. It seems like there are women in this site who are motivated and diligent and get back to being able to have a pretty normal sex life.

    Thank you Mollymaude

    I will give it a try. I start next week.

  • milliebee
    milliebee Member Posts: 7
    Ohmy said:

    My doctor gave me a dialator

    My doctor gave me a dialator to use during treatment.  Two years later and I still use a dialator a few times a week with a lubricant.  You may have to start with a smaller size and work your way up.  I have a set with different sizes I ordered from Amazon.  It's also important to keep it open so your doctor can do a Pap smear every year.

    No one mentioned the dilators

    No one mentioned the dilators or vaginal problems to me during radiation.  I learned about vaginal stenosis on this board. I have been in remission almost a year, but still bleed frequently from my vagina, which burns, kind of like a yeast infection. my vagina is so tight, i only can get a Replens lubricant inserter a little way up. I bought the dilators, but can’t imagine inserting them. Even the (oncology) gynecologist could not insert her finger too high. She didn’t seem too worried, but it’s the bleeding that really concerns me. Red blood almost every day for six months or more. Does this happen to anyone else?

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    You might try estrogen cream vaginally. I’ve had similar symptoms and it seems to be improving some.

  • Fengshoe
    Fengshoe Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2019 #17
    Post Therapy

    Pelvic floor therapy is definitely the answer along with doing some of it on your own and using vaginal dialators. I went to 10 therapy sessions to help break up the scar tissue vaginally and in my hip. I also did the same internal pressure point therapy on my own. I still use a vaginal dialator in the shower about 3 times a week but no longer need to do any further internal therapy. The Urogynecologist informed me that I will have to use dialators the rest of my life in order to have Pap smears and intercourse.

    The therapy might seem uncomfortable and embarrassing but it will be worth it. Also, there are silicone dialators in graduated sizes that are much more comfortable than the hard plastic tube I was given by the radiologist!

  • Brendaklein
    Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member
    Fengshoe said:

    Post Therapy

    Pelvic floor therapy is definitely the answer along with doing some of it on your own and using vaginal dialators. I went to 10 therapy sessions to help break up the scar tissue vaginally and in my hip. I also did the same internal pressure point therapy on my own. I still use a vaginal dialator in the shower about 3 times a week but no longer need to do any further internal therapy. The Urogynecologist informed me that I will have to use dialators the rest of my life in order to have Pap smears and intercourse.

    The therapy might seem uncomfortable and embarrassing but it will be worth it. Also, there are silicone dialators in graduated sizes that are much more comfortable than the hard plastic tube I was given by the radiologist!

    Thank you, Fengshoe

    Good idea useing the dialator in the shower. Therapy helped a lot. Thank you

  • HoneyD54
    HoneyD54 Member Posts: 10
    Starting today

    During my first year of recovery I was diligent about using the dialator and the Estrace hormone cream and I also went to a pelvic floor PT.  I built up to an xl dialotor, (hard plastic type)  but I fell out of the routine and perhaps I just needed a break.  Anyway, I'm starting it all up again because it did work for me in the past, and my scan on Monday marked 2 years NED. My husband has been very supportive too.  I started with the Estrace today, am ordering the Soul Source dialator recommended above, and made an appointment with my pelvic floor PT (she's awesome and helped keep me motivated).  Thank you for the insipiration to face this again. 

  • Brendaklein
    Brendaklein Member Posts: 123 Member
    HoneyD54 said:

    Starting today

    During my first year of recovery I was diligent about using the dialator and the Estrace hormone cream and I also went to a pelvic floor PT.  I built up to an xl dialotor, (hard plastic type)  but I fell out of the routine and perhaps I just needed a break.  Anyway, I'm starting it all up again because it did work for me in the past, and my scan on Monday marked 2 years NED. My husband has been very supportive too.  I started with the Estrace today, am ordering the Soul Source dialator recommended above, and made an appointment with my pelvic floor PT (she's awesome and helped keep me motivated).  Thank you for the insipiration to face this again. 

    Soul Sorce is what I use. PT

    Soul Sorce is what I use. PT helped me as well. I still have some sensitivity on the left side of my vigina. I'm one year out from treatment. I go back for CT scan in Nov.


  • lowens
    lowens Member Posts: 37


    Yes I tried it. On the positive side my therapist was able to work out a lot of the stiffness and stenosis in the vagina, showed me exercises to do at home, including those that strengthen the sphincters. On the negative side, it was invasive and painful. Therapist has to have her fingers in your vagina and rectum to break up scar tissue and be able to feel if you are doing the exercises correctly. I also had to travel 2 hours to get to her. And since my husband and my sex drives are not that high my motivation was lacking. So I stopped going and lost all the ground I gained. One of the things that distresses me is that you can’t just work towards the goal and stay there, you have to keep using the dilators forever or the stenosis comes right back. At this point all I can make myself do is use a tampon instead of a dilator (seems less yucky to me for some reason) about once a week and use estrogen cream once a week in an effort to keep things open enough for pelvic exam and PAp smear. I hope you are more motivated than me and get great results, I don’t mean to sound discouraging, just relay my experience. It seems like there are women in this site who are motivated and diligent and get back to being able to have a pretty normal sex life.


    Mollymaude, what type of therapist do you see? I'm in the Houston area and none of my doctors have ever mentioned such to me. I am 7 years out and feel like it may be too late for me.