
Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
edited March 2019 in Kidney Cancer #1

im 8 weeks post surgery partial nephrectomy feeling pretty close to 100 percent at this point during most activity but I still have a bulge On the top side of my incision.  I had open surgery. I found a few older posts that seem to indicate this may be permanent?  Has anyone around here had this issue? At 8 weeks is it still possible it will go back down?  Honestly it’s not a major concern but I’m curious to know if anyone else has had this issue?


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    I have a bulge from open

    I have a bulge from open surgery also. Not concerned about it as the stomach bulge is worse.  haha  I’m a year post surgery.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    I have a bulge from open

    I have a bulge from open surgery also. Not concerned about it as the stomach bulge is worse.  haha  I’m a year post surgery.


    A Bulge

    is one of the free perks of beimg nephed. I still got mine and it is almost17 years.


    Just call it a beauty mark.



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Mine has diminished

    Mine has diminished considerably. I'm now at year 5 (this Sunday, in fact) and it's barely there. Give it time; it will go down quite a bit. Mine was open partial too, btw.

  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member
    Blobby Guts

    That is now my nickname at home - 7 years after a full open cut left radical.  I can live with it.  Plus the 14 inch scar.


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    I had the same worry-

    Post nephrectomy, I was really concerned about a permanent bulge. I thought mine looked huge and lopsided. But as of today (12 weeks), I can't see the bulge anymore. It's shrunk down and kinda merged with the rest of my abdomen. 

    If I lost another 5-10 lbs off my waistline, I'm sure I'd see more evidence of the bulge. But at least in my case, sometime after 8 weeks, the bulge is barely noticeable. 


  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you all as always! 

    Thank you all as always!  Very encouraging and hey honestly there are plenty of other things to worry about and this one certainly is not worth it!   :)

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Thank you all as always! 

    Thank you all as always!  Very encouraging and hey honestly there are plenty of other things to worry about and this one certainly is not worth it!   :)

    absolutely wasn't just you-

    After my neph, I went back through the months of board posts reading up on flank bulges and unhappy people and even about plastic surgery (!). I mean, it's not like my abs are my money maker or anything, but I was kinda freaked out.

    But like most things in my life, I had nothing to worry about. :) 


  • Cybball
    Cybball Member Posts: 111
    Still have mine.   I"m 16

    Still have mine.   I"m 16 months post open partial.   Lopsided bulge at my incision site.    It really hasn't changed.   I'm considering it a trade off.   I asked my surgeon about it last summer and he kind of shrugged and said he wasn't sure why.   

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member
    Like the name Blobby Guts, But re the ?

    The human body is a wonderful thing when all works well.  Each side of the abdomen (draw a line down the middle) has four muscles that allow you to do crunches, twist to each side and extend and arch your back.  They go together like a layered puzzle.  When one is weak (er) and they all are cut to access that nasty kidney, one of them may not be sewn together as tight or may just be weaker.  Then the layer underneath will bulge thru a bit. Annoying, yes. Unsightly, maybe. Uncomfortable, maybe.  Worth having more surgery to correct, doubt it.  Causes strangulation of the intestine, Get thee to a Dr. ASAP.

    That said, I've been on this board for nealy 10 years and occasionally someone has a bulge.  In most cases, time will make it recede.  And in others, it doesn't go away and they live iwth it.

    When you see the Dr., mention it.  But don't be upset if he does nothing about it.

    Just think, you got rid of the Cancerous Kidney.



  • mrjoe
    mrjoe Member Posts: 9
    the Bulge

    So I also had one after a radical neph... Mine tho was a surgical hernia.. I felt it open 2 days after I got home from the hospital... It never rally bother me but it did look odd.... When I went to get my retention stitches out a few weeks later my dr. agreed that it was a hernia.. Got it fixed 10 months later... Still feels wierd tho, as it was a big peice of mesh that I needed.. It was supposed to be a 2-3 hr surgery but was almost 5 hrs.. Guess I ripped it good.. :-)


  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member
    Hi Dominick

    I don't know if mine is the classic bulge everyone talks about, but there is definitely an asymmetrical sag... I am officially adopting "blobby guts" as one of my helpful thoughts in all this - gave me the first smile of this day.

  • Matt1979
    Matt1979 Member Posts: 9
    18 months later

    I had an open partial late 2017 and it's healed up well.  I actually forgot I even had a bulge there until I read this post.  I do recall it took a while to go away.  I remember it being there at my 6 month appt, but lost track of it after.  I also had a crease in the skin I thought would never go away since it was stitched up like that, but that's gone now too.