New Doc Weds and hopefully to MUSC in Charleston

KarenMG Member Posts: 109

Not sure I mentioned that I requested a referral to Medical University, it is in process and I could have an appt as soon as next week according to them. Hoping for some flicker of hope that they have some clinical trial or something that could help me. I am not going to go crazy demanding to take anything and everything, I don't want to be sicker than I am now and heaven forbid get really sick 4 hours away from home.

At least, Charleston is a beautiful place full of memories for me, I attended nursing school there and lived there almost 6 years. I had a hard time leaving it. It is touristy so that will have to be dealt with. The hotels are pricey, but hey, with what I am going through, I plan to stay in the nicest place I can find. At least I can be comfortable outside of the medical setting. Room service! Also beautiful beaches. I don't know what I expect but I really don't want to be inpatient and getting nonstop chemo. It's really going to be interesting to get the opinion of my new doctor in town, my doctor has been so vague about everything from day one that it should be enlightening.

I've got a busy week ahead with appts, the dentist and my therapist. Traveling out of town makes me very edgy, just the thought of it so I hope that's not too traumatic. I wish I could just relax and enjoy it.

Prayers to all here and wish me luck.





  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm glad that you are getting another opinion.  Your other doctor didn't sound like they had your best interests at heart so this is a good thing. 

    Hope the week ahead is filled with some promise for you.

    Enjoy your stay in Charleston and hopefully you can take in some sites if you are feeling up to it.


  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306 Member
    edited April 2019 #3
    Good Facility

    Although I am stopping my mopup chemo, I wanted to chime in and tell you that I was very pleased with MUSC and with bothe of my doctors. I received excellent care and the place ran like clockwork. If I have to have additional surgery in the future, I will go back to MUSC. Best of luck to you on your journey thru this.. hugs, M

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Good luck Karen! I hope you

    Good luck Karen! I hope you find what you're looking for and some hope.



  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,292 Member
    Good luck Karen, I hope the

    Good luck Karen, I hope the trip is all you need it to be, and more. I haven't seen the South, but it's definitely on the list..............................................Dave