Penile Length After Surgery
so ther you have it from one of the experts
The anti-hormone Affecterisian said:Not after surgery
There may be no shrinkage after surgery, but there definitely IS shrinkage and worse from hormone therapy.
Erisian, Sounds like you have some first hand knowledge.
I would agree with you. No doubt this physical change also adds to the emotional/mood swings that go with the anti-hormone treatment. Nasty shots!0 -
you got my attention
yes good to here, thats a question I asked my specialist on the 10-2-2010 His comment to me was as we have removed so much bulk from behind the penis it will take time for the space behind the penis to return to normal bulk .then the penis will as qouoted by him in my case return to previous size.Hope these guys are right it gives some hope thanks for the news Shane0 -
I spoke with my doc about
I spoke with my doc about this subject this week. He indicated two reasons for the "perception".
1) Many times weight gain is experienced and it hangs over the penis.
2) The penis is not pulled back into the body, its fixed inside, the part that changes is the bladder is lowered to make the connection, this may ( short term ) make it appear smaller.
just my info from the doc, I just report it, your mileage may vary.
-marc0 -
Hope short termmarc1957 said:I spoke with my doc about
I spoke with my doc about this subject this week. He indicated two reasons for the "perception".
1) Many times weight gain is experienced and it hangs over the penis.
2) The penis is not pulled back into the body, its fixed inside, the part that changes is the bladder is lowered to make the connection, this may ( short term ) make it appear smaller.
just my info from the doc, I just report it, your mileage may vary.
this makes sense I like the short term part pardon the punn. I am starting to see a differance lately i think I have hit the recovery point .( HAVN,T GOT THE OVER HANG BELLY YET THANK HEAVENS FOR THAT) and things are on the mend I have more strength and feel more supple meaning not so difficult twisting and bending its a good feeling .I appreciate your comments Marc they make similar sence to my docs comment thanks again Shane0 -
Penile length after surgery
I had robotic prostate surgery in March of 2018. Had incontinence for maybe 4 months, but after that very little except when sitting on the toilet. From what I have read from other forums by "survivors" is that about 80% see very little or no shortening after the first year. 20% see reduction of 1" or more, some with over 2.5 inch reduction. When I was given the possible side effects by my urologist, he said I might be slightly shorter, using his fingers to indicate maybe 1/4" or so. I thought it only meant erect length, so I was not too worried. The reality has been something else again. I am probably in the worst of the 20%. Within a week after catheter removal, I had "buried penis" A vaccuum pump would not pull it out. Any body position besides standing or laying flat caused a pulling sensation like it was being pulled inward even though it had no where to go. Sitting bordered on pain. Again, using the bathroom without creating a mess was a problem. My urologists suggestion was a pump or penis expander. Well, the pump did nothing so I bought the best stretching device I could find. I used it for about 10 months at about 2-4 hours daily 5 days a week. This is almost a barberic device and caused pain during and after use. It was hard and painfull to even pull it out far enough to use the device. During this time I got the urologist to prescribe Viagra. It did nothing for the first few months. I started having nocturnal errections of about an inch, even though the Viagra did nothing for awhile. I finally spent big money for a good electric pump and was able to get slightly longer than the stretching device could do. It still causes pain inside my gut for 2 or 3 days if I let stretch it out too much. My job required a certain amount of sitting at my desk, so I retired early. I am about 13 months out and about 1.5 inches shorter erect, even more flaccid. Erection is not really good enough for intercourse, without pumping and clamping and then barely long enough for intercourse. It is still uncomfortable sitting and worst when bending over. I am not sure why bending over or sitting causes this. The pulling sensation is much reduced now unless I bend over more than 90 degrees. The good news is I don't have cancer anymore. The bad news is my quality of life is in the toilet. I had accepted the possibility of no sex before surgery, but the flaccid length is what is driving me nuts. This is not for treatment recommendation or lack of. I realize I am on the fringe of what can happen, but everyone looking at this surgery should KNOW THE POSSIBILITIES! I have read that the old surgery is less likely to have this result, but my urologist said that is not true. I don't know if that is true or not. Believe me, I have done LOTS of research. I just turned 64 and am married, so I don't have to impress anybody. It doesn't appear that urethra lengthening is much of a possibility. I am not sure if there is any way to fix this.
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Way shorter after RPShorter said:Penile length after surgery
I had robotic prostate surgery in March of 2018. Had incontinence for maybe 4 months, but after that very little except when sitting on the toilet. From what I have read from other forums by "survivors" is that about 80% see very little or no shortening after the first year. 20% see reduction of 1" or more, some with over 2.5 inch reduction. When I was given the possible side effects by my urologist, he said I might be slightly shorter, using his fingers to indicate maybe 1/4" or so. I thought it only meant erect length, so I was not too worried. The reality has been something else again. I am probably in the worst of the 20%. Within a week after catheter removal, I had "buried penis" A vaccuum pump would not pull it out. Any body position besides standing or laying flat caused a pulling sensation like it was being pulled inward even though it had no where to go. Sitting bordered on pain. Again, using the bathroom without creating a mess was a problem. My urologists suggestion was a pump or penis expander. Well, the pump did nothing so I bought the best stretching device I could find. I used it for about 10 months at about 2-4 hours daily 5 days a week. This is almost a barberic device and caused pain during and after use. It was hard and painfull to even pull it out far enough to use the device. During this time I got the urologist to prescribe Viagra. It did nothing for the first few months. I started having nocturnal errections of about an inch, even though the Viagra did nothing for awhile. I finally spent big money for a good electric pump and was able to get slightly longer than the stretching device could do. It still causes pain inside my gut for 2 or 3 days if I let stretch it out too much. My job required a certain amount of sitting at my desk, so I retired early. I am about 13 months out and about 1.5 inches shorter erect, even more flaccid. Erection is not really good enough for intercourse, without pumping and clamping and then barely long enough for intercourse. It is still uncomfortable sitting and worst when bending over. I am not sure why bending over or sitting causes this. The pulling sensation is much reduced now unless I bend over more than 90 degrees. The good news is I don't have cancer anymore. The bad news is my quality of life is in the toilet. I had accepted the possibility of no sex before surgery, but the flaccid length is what is driving me nuts. This is not for treatment recommendation or lack of. I realize I am on the fringe of what can happen, but everyone looking at this surgery should KNOW THE POSSIBILITIES! I have read that the old surgery is less likely to have this result, but my urologist said that is not true. I don't know if that is true or not. Believe me, I have done LOTS of research. I just turned 64 and am married, so I don't have to impress anybody. It doesn't appear that urethra lengthening is much of a possibility. I am not sure if there is any way to fix this.
You are not alone. I had robotic RP 11.2.2016 and I ended shorter of 2+ inches which I never recovered a bit of that lost length despite doing aggressive penile rehabilitation. Also, ended up with 100% of ED. I totaly agree with you on quality of life issues after RP.
I was stoned on this forum multiple times before for bringing up the thrue issues that are secondary to RP.
At time of diagnosis and surgery, I was 51. Was healthy, not on any meds, never had problems with achieving and maintaining erections as long as needed and never tried Viagra or Cialis before RP. Everything worked perfectly.
As for weight gain, it might be truth in really excessive weight gain but that was not my case. My weight is very stable since year 2000 and constantly between 210 and 215 lbs. I am also tall guy 6’2” (186 cm).
So nothing else changed, nothing else happened, just RP which I regretted 100 ways. It ruined my life, my marriage is gray area, my social life is destroyed, my image damaged and I can go on and and on to write everything down.
Life after RP sucks. Nothing is the same. Quality of orgasam is 1/1000 what orgasm feeled before and most of times I am not sure I reached one.
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We all feel sorry for you but it had been made clear many times that but RP and RT have side effects that manifest over (different periods of) time. The worst RT side effects are just as bad as the worst RP ones just different. You had a raw deal and we all sympathise and it is entirely understandable that you rail against your lot. I rail against all my raw deal issues just as much (mine are as much mental) and I’m very clear that the only healthy solution for both of us is acceptance. Neither of us are there yet but we will get there.
Peace H
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I did not post for someone tohewhositsoncushions said:MK
We all feel sorry for you but it had been made clear many times that but RP and RT have side effects that manifest over (different periods of) time. The worst RT side effects are just as bad as the worst RP ones just different. You had a raw deal and we all sympathise and it is entirely understandable that you rail against your lot. I rail against all my raw deal issues just as much (mine are as much mental) and I’m very clear that the only healthy solution for both of us is acceptance. Neither of us are there yet but we will get there.
Peace H
I did not post for someone to feel sorry about me. I don’t need that.
About acceptance, already accepted it. Had implant last September. I could not accept that my sex life is over at 51.
i posted to let those who are so adamant about thinags that are almost cerrain to happen, more or less to every surgical patient. For good percentage, SE are permanent, for some they improve over time, and some don’t care much about And most importantly, don’t feel comfortable to talk about it.
I can talk only ab surgical SE because I experienced them on my own skin. No experience with radiation.
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Bad Deal
MK, I was hoping that time might help your situation but it appears that it hasn't. Your experience is about the worst I've heard and its certainly a shame. Sorry I may have missed it in other threads but have you done any investigating into what your surgeon may have done differently than others to result in such a bad outcome? What's done is done and perhaps it isn't worth trying to determine anyway. And also wondering if you've felt better after the implant...
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Side effects
Hi there,
Side effects are very particular to each man although there are some very common ones.
I have not lost much in the way of flaccid penis length and I had a few partial erections which were close to normal in the aftermath of the operation depite having both sets of nerves cut. I was always quite small when unaroused but quite sizeable when rampant.
I am currently on Firmagon so my penis is sensitive and will grow when washed but not to anything like a fully engorged state and I do not have anything in the way of physical response to sexual stimulation. Funnily enough I continue to have a mental libido.
Quite what will happen when I stop the ADT is moot, after 18 months I may remain castrate, or I might partially or completely recover.
Best wishes,
Georges0 -
Cancer Sucks!MK1965 said:I did not post for someone to
I did not post for someone to feel sorry about me. I don’t need that.
About acceptance, already accepted it. Had implant last September. I could not accept that my sex life is over at 51.
i posted to let those who are so adamant about thinags that are almost cerrain to happen, more or less to every surgical patient. For good percentage, SE are permanent, for some they improve over time, and some don’t care much about And most importantly, don’t feel comfortable to talk about it.
I can talk only ab surgical SE because I experienced them on my own skin. No experience with radiation.
MK, same as you, I did not post this for sympathy. I do wish someone would have told me before I did this, and the reason for my post was I didn't see anything here that said what could happen. It needs to be told to anyone trying to decide what to do! When you get the diagnosis that you have cancer and its about to spread, you want to do what the doctor indicates is best. I did some Internet research, but a few random searches didin't indicate a problem like this. It seems we have a similar lot from this surgery. I know someone who had the old style surgery and he ended up having to get radiation later. He is not happy with the result of the radiation, and told me it was worse than the surgery. He has more trouble "going" now than before, but doesn't have anything like our problem. Funny thing is, I go more now than I ever did with the enlarged prostate. I know everyone can have a different experience. Saying we may need to just accept this will not work. I have had other surgeries, including disks fused in my neck. It was a walk in the park compared to this. I don't see where an implant would help me. I really hope it helps you. I accepted possible erection loss before the surgery. My issue is with the buried penis and the constant pulling, discomfort, and pain, I have not had one day of peace from this. If I don't regularly stretch, I hurt on the outside. If I stretch, I hurt on the inside. My urologist also made a comment about me being slightly overweight. He doesn't realize that a few years ago I weighed more and never had this problem. He did tell me he took about 3 inches of urethra out because of how large my prostate was. I did not say anything about this for awhile, because it is embarrasing to talk about, but my patience has been worn out. I really don't know how much longer I can endure this. I am not transgender, but having to deal with this everyday for the rest of my life makes me wonder if I should become one and have a "different" kind of surgery. Not sure how my wife would take that, though. As I said in my original post, I haven't figured out a good way to fix this.
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Folks Need to KnowMK1965 said:Way shorter after RP
You are not alone. I had robotic RP 11.2.2016 and I ended shorter of 2+ inches which I never recovered a bit of that lost length despite doing aggressive penile rehabilitation. Also, ended up with 100% of ED. I totaly agree with you on quality of life issues after RP.
I was stoned on this forum multiple times before for bringing up the thrue issues that are secondary to RP.
At time of diagnosis and surgery, I was 51. Was healthy, not on any meds, never had problems with achieving and maintaining erections as long as needed and never tried Viagra or Cialis before RP. Everything worked perfectly.
As for weight gain, it might be truth in really excessive weight gain but that was not my case. My weight is very stable since year 2000 and constantly between 210 and 215 lbs. I am also tall guy 6’2” (186 cm).
So nothing else changed, nothing else happened, just RP which I regretted 100 ways. It ruined my life, my marriage is gray area, my social life is destroyed, my image damaged and I can go on and and on to write everything down.
Life after RP sucks. Nothing is the same. Quality of orgasam is 1/1000 what orgasm feeled before and most of times I am not sure I reached one.
I am glad that you post. I read them all. I am still around 75% recovered on the ED side effect without the use of add-ons. I am 68; no issues sexually prior to the RP. I am 5'11 weigh around 170 lbs. I am 1 year, 1 month post op. As far as the length goes. I asked my wife. She said looks the same to her. I view it as you roll the dice on RP or RT. I went with what my Surgeon recommended. The radiology onocologist agreed. And that is where I am at. I made my choice. When they remove parts there is no going back. My case is not perfect, but I feel I am making improvements on the ED side. It will never be like it was because they took some crucial parts out, but I enjoy trying.
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