Anyone with BC radiated as infant for enlarged thymus

suggi Member Posts: 10 Member

There is a discussion similar to this on the thyroid site as there are manyh with thyroid cancer or thyroid disease caused by infant/childhood radiation.  I had a BC mastectomy and it is very important that you let your radiation oncologist know you had this childhood raddiation if you did.  Mine  told me she would never do radiation on my  as she did on someone who was radiated as an infant and after 4 years she was still on oxygen as her lungs were so adversely  affected.  

I have many other conditions that doctors attribute to this so if any of you also are affected please post.  I am also interested in if anyone was diagnosed with osteoporosis and /or scoliosis which apparently seem to be related to it too as it affected the skelatal development and also the immune system.  I also have precancerous cysts on my pancreas and Graves disease, Crohns disease (autoimmune diseases).

Thank you.


  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 376 Member
    Had mantle radiation in 1989 and BC in 2007

    You are so right that those of us with previous radiation prior to BC do not have the same treatment options as new BC patients.  Because I had a lifetime dose of radiation to my mantle(includes breast, heart, thyroid, lungs to name a few) I knew from 1989 if I got BC which was extremly likely the recommendation would be bilateral MX with no reconstruction.  

    Among cardiac, thyroid, pulmonary fibrosis, radiation fibrosis syndrome, breast cancer, significant GERD, and pancreas protrusions I do have senile osteoporosis all due to radiation and chemo for Hodgkins.

    I hope you are doing ok!