oral cancer

Hello, just had to share a sucess story of OPDIVO...It seems unreal.

I was dx aug 2017- stage 4 base of tonge with mets to lypmp. completed 35 doses of high radation tx. and 3 doses of cisplatin. Only to find out the 3 mth scan there was further local re- occurence of the oral cancer. Met with ENT for surgical options, was much to complex and thought of quality of life. 57 year old nurse. Not ready for neck disection, total glosectomy, trach. and already have the feeding tube. WIth the thought of "not getting all the Cancer". NOT a Plan for ME....( nurse, motorcyle rider, very active)  Plan B- Opdivo every 2 weeks- no port, feeding tube, infusion center. I can do this...after all i have a wife (nurse), Son (nurse),daughter (CNA) and a 5 year old granddaughter living with me....keeping me smiling, over the grave dx....

Happy to say 13 months after OPDIVO tx---I have had my first NED scan,,,,no evidence of the cancer any where in the body..

How does this happen? Is this real? Miracles do happen? Faith? Great famly support? Keeping the faith of life and upcoming NED scans.



  • accordiongirl
    accordiongirl Member Posts: 63
    Good for you!

    That's wonderful news!  i hope for MANY MANY more clean scans for you down the road!! 

    ~ accordiongirl

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,490 Member
    Well Congratulations

    You truly are blessed with the NED scan, a wonderful family, and have found great enjoyment in living every day-Yes God is still in the miracle business-God Bless

  • gardenspenny
    gardenspenny Member Posts: 4 Member

    Very happy for you. Hope you are continuing to do well. Hope you post again.

  • Chillg8r
    Chillg8r Member Posts: 85 Member

    Awesome. I’m getting Pembro as part of a trial with some sort of injections related to the HPV vaccine and after my 2nd scan we are seeing reductions in the volume of the cancer. So I’m 5 months into it and hoping to continue to keep this thing at bay.

    I realize your case is not mine but you give me hope anyway! Thanks!


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,490 Member

    Chill congrats on the cancer reductions, may they continue to zero cancer. I am glad the trial drug Pembro is working for you, I have never heard of it but I did now. And another thing you are accomplishing is advancing this treatment to help others down the road.

    Take Care-God Bless-Russ