Biopsy Question

Hey everyone,

I just had a biopsy done for a nasty rash that will not resolve over the last 2 weeks. I've seen 5 doctors and had multiple guesses as to what it is with treatments and no resolution yet. I was diagnosed with Stage 1b grade 2 RCC back in November that they do not believe spread. What I am worried about is if this rash is a manifestation of a form of lymphoma. Here is what my biopsy report said:


Histologic sections demonstrate basket weave orthokeratosis overlying a
mildly acanthotic and spongiotic epidermis. Within the dermis, there is a
superficial perivascular inflammatory infiltrate comprised of lymphocytes
with rare eosinophils. 

Overall, the histologic findings are those of a spongiotic dermatitis. The
differential diagnosis includes eczematous processes such as contact
dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and nummular dermatitis. An eczematous drug
eruption cannot be entirely excluded. Clinical correlation is recommended. 


This was over my head but I was hoping someone here could help me decipher it. Thank you!


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Not really


    The summation of course suggests that the issue is eczema.   While rare forms of lymphoma are cutaneous (skin-related), that seems like a very long shot in your case.  Also, kidney cancers (RCC) are seldom related to lymphoma either.  The kidney is a very rare organ for lymphoma to directly effect (bone, spleen, and lung are the most common, followed by the liver and central nervous system).  The sentence addressing lymphocytes and eosinophils appears to be describing a mildly swollen or inflammed region of the area, which is routine with most infections.

    None of what you present suggests any liklihood of lymphoma to me, in my layman's view.  But the results do recommend further analysis. I would continue to have doctors address it. I'm sure they have probably already done a full CBC panel on you. If not, it may be a good idea, and is not expensive,


  • jroby55
    jroby55 Member Posts: 40
    Thank you!

    Thank you so much for your response. I had a CBC (unrelated) last week... It really took off after that. What should you look for on a CBC and would it show up in the beginning stages of the rash? 



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    jroby55 said:

    Thank you!

    Thank you so much for your response. I had a CBC (unrelated) last week... It really took off after that. What should you look for on a CBC and would it show up in the beginning stages of the rash? 





    I recommend you Google "Interpreting CBC Blood Panel Results."  Numerous sites explain blood test results.

    No one result or value by itself proves or even strongly suggests lymphoma; it is much more complex than that. Actually, no blood test results of ANY kind "prove" cancer; biopsy is always required to do this.  I suspect that since your rash is seemingly mildly infected that yes, the WBC counts would be a little elevated.  But none of us here is a doctor or medical professional.

    Again, the most reasonable conclusion for you to draw currently is that there is no reason for you to suspect lymphoma.
