Hives related from cancer treatment

Sofl71me Member Posts: 2

I recently completed my third round of four. Appximatly 1 week after round 3 I developed a severe case of hives. I went immediately to my oncologist and he told it wasnt related to the treatment. I disagree. I used Benadryl and hydrocortisone cream but they continue to get worse. So after approx 24 hours of extreme discomfort I went to the ER and of course they it was hives and put me on steroids. Now I don’t know what to do about round 4. I have read other posts where the patient and the same issues but those were from 2011. I would like to hear from current patients who have had this problem and what you did. Thanks 


  • kcasey44
    kcasey44 Member Posts: 9
    What chemo?

    What chemo are you having? I am surprised that your oncologist dismissed hives as not being related to your chemo treatment. Many chemos can cause allergic reactions.


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    so typical of the medical profession

    This happened to me too.  Yep, my doc was like no no not it, go see your GP.  GP was afraid of me and said no go talk to your Onc.  Well for gosh sakes.  I just kept nagging them until they gave me a steriod to help.  It is sad we have to "nag" however it is our life our bodies and it is what it is.  

  • Sofl71me
    Sofl71me Member Posts: 2
    kcasey44 said:

    What chemo?

    What chemo are you having? I am surprised that your oncologist dismissed hives as not being related to your chemo treatment. Many chemos can cause allergic reactions.



    i am receiving taxotere and cytoxan as the cancer drugs. And also sustol and cinvanti fir anti nausea and the Neulasta on body injector patch. I also take Claritin on the day of treatment and 2 more days which they said would prevent reactions. My first two treatments went pretty well but getting the hives after the third treatment sent me to the Er to get predisone and Pepcid. The hives r better now but I am still on meds.  

  • kcasey44
    kcasey44 Member Posts: 9
    Sofl71me said:


    i am receiving taxotere and cytoxan as the cancer drugs. And also sustol and cinvanti fir anti nausea and the Neulasta on body injector patch. I also take Claritin on the day of treatment and 2 more days which they said would prevent reactions. My first two treatments went pretty well but getting the hives after the third treatment sent me to the Er to get predisone and Pepcid. The hives r better now but I am still on meds.  


    I would get hives from ibruprofen, yet I wasn't allergic to ibruprofen. My doctor said that sometimes with drugs that suppress the immune system you can get hives which aren't directly related to the med, but that I have another allergy that shows up when my immune system is suppressed. Cytoxan is an immune suppressor (maybe Taxotere too) so maybe this is an indirect reaction rather than a direct one. Either way, it's very frustrating not to be heard when you get side effects. I told my oncologist that my left foot was numb after chemo and he said it wasn't caused by the chemo. I said that I would have noticed if my foot was numb before the chemo. Plus neuropathy is a side effect of Taxol, so I don't know what he was thinking. It wasn't neruopathy in all my fingers and toes which is more common so he dismissed it. Made me mad. I'm so glad that the steroids took care of it. You know your body so if something pops up don't be afraid to get the help you need.