Losing my Avatar

Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

After this update I'm not able to see my avatar on any posts if going back.  I've tried to reload it but it seems to keep disappearing.  Is anyone else having this problem?



  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    mine uploaded okay. 

    mine uploaded okay. 

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    Losing my avatar

    "Losing my Avatar," isn't that a song by REM?  But seriously, I think the size of the file you upload may cause the site to reject it.  Perhaps if you have a program where you can resize the photo (CSN puts it down to something like 150x150 pixels) you may have better luck with the upload.  I previously used the 150 pixel standard, but the quality of the photo degraded so much, I have been using a 3x5 inch size which CSN then automatically resizes.  It seems to work a bit better.

    Oh, and after you upload the photo, do not forget to scroll to the bottom of the edit page and click the "submit" button.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    This is what I did....

    Go in and delete the “ old“ one even if it isn’t there, hit submit....then reload your old avatar.....hit submit. 


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,288 Member
    I stuck a new one in there

    I stuck a new one in there okay, so it's doable........................................Dave

  • Butt
    Butt Member Posts: 352 Member

    What is old avatar? 

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    Butt said:

    What is old avatar? 


    The photo or graphic that appears along with your name to represent who you are.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Still won't work

    I'm not sure how to resize on my Samsung phone.  It says that it will automatically resize but every time it says the file exceeds 2 MB.  I'm not a tech geek and don't know how to change it - uggg. 


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Maybe find another picture

    Maybe find another picture that’s smaller.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I guess its better than losing your hair, or your head. 

    Hoep you figure it out soon. Love 'seeing' you. 


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    Still won't work

    I'm not sure how to resize on my Samsung phone.  It says that it will automatically resize but every time it says the file exceeds 2 MB.  I'm not a tech geek and don't know how to change it - uggg. 


    Okay google. . .

    I hate to admit I use it, but often I find the answers to my questions by asking google, for example, "how do you reduce photo size on a Samsung XYZ phone?"  Surpisingly, the answers are often useful.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Okay google. . .

    I hate to admit I use it, but often I find the answers to my questions by asking google, for example, "how do you reduce photo size on a Samsung XYZ phone?"  Surpisingly, the answers are often useful.


    Just got a google mini and yesterday was so frustrated with it was ready to take it back.  Stepped back today and just tried to get it to cooperate and I'm getting somewhere.  Yes Google is very helpful in a lot of ways, but newbies please do not look up stats on Google as a lot of it is old and inaccurate.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Trubrit said:


    I guess its better than losing your hair, or your head. 

    Hoep you figure it out soon. Love 'seeing' you. 



    Yup definitely agree.  I'm just not good with figuring out new computer stuff.  Just don't like not having a picture.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member


    Yup definitely agree.  I'm just not good with figuring out new computer stuff.  Just don't like not having a picture.



    you could send your picture via email, to someone on the forum that you trust, who knows how to re-size it for the forum. 


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Thanks Buddy for offering to help but after 3 hours of trying finally got it.  My phone wouldn't resize it but after getting it to my laptop it worked.  Ugg I'm not good at this stuff.  Thanks to all for your suggestions too.


  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    edited February 2019 #16
    I am happy

    To “see” you Kim! Love the new picture!!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    Glad you got it to work, and what a super duper picture. 


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member


    Thanks Buddy for offering to help but after 3 hours of trying finally got it.  My phone wouldn't resize it but after getting it to my laptop it worked.  Ugg I'm not good at this stuff.  Thanks to all for your suggestions too.


    You're welcome

    You are welcome.  It is hard to learn the new technologies, but once you do, you can keep adding skills.  I only learn things when I need them.   Nice to see you got it to work.

  • Sestra17
    Sestra17 Member Posts: 71 Member

    I think I like this dress even better than your yellow one, in any case you are so pretty!

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    I love your new picture! Glad

    I love your new picture! Glad you were able to figure it out.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Thank you all

    Thanks for all your help and kind comments.  Changed it again.  Buddy has me on a roll of trying to learn things now LOL.  You are all such a great group and I'm proud to be a member.
