How many lymph nodes? (Includes Recap of Lost Posts)

cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
edited February 2019 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

I found the variety of approaches taken by different doctors regarding lymph nodes very interesting, as reflected in the responses to Ribbons' original question posted on November 9, 2018. So I'm posting this recap for future reference. Please note that I couldn't recover any responses that appeared on "page 2" of this thread, but I was able to grab most of them from the web cache.



Nov 09, 2018 - 11:35 am

Just curious about how many lymph nodes other people had taken out during their hysterectomy? My Dr wanted to only sample the two signal ones, but she couldn't get to them, so instead she had to take others, 10 on one side and 12 on the other side, so a total of 22. None of those had any cancer, so that is reassuring I think? She said that is more invasive and wished she didn't have to do that, but with my kind of cancer, she wanted good samples. It did make recovery a bit more interesting.



Nov 09, 2018 - 12:16 pm

Lymph Nodes

I had 17 lymph nodes removed - all negative for cancer. No lymphedema so far (surgery done in December 2016).



Nov 09, 2018 - 1:13 pm

She took 6, 2 from the right

She took 6, 2 from the right and 3 from the left. Also one paraaortic, but per path that one was just tissue with no lymph node in it. Sometimes I wonder if it should have been more, but more also causes side effects. She also took 6 biopsies from peritoneum and omentum, and pelvic wash.



Nov 09, 2018 - 1:35 pm

I had 36 nodes taken and was

I had 36 nodes taken and was glad to see them go. Only one had cancer. My cancer is aggressive (Grade 3, Stage IIIc) and the surgeon was equally aggressive. I've never had any side effects from their loss. I strongly disagree with the whole 'sentinal node' approach and would personally never want that. When I had a recurrence, it was just up the line from the lymph nodes that were taken (e.g. 36 were removed and #38-40 later showed mets), leading me to believe that the previous ones were at risk as well...but that's just my opinion. I'm glad they got all yours!



Nov 09, 2018 - 2:20 pm


My surgeon took only the two sentinel nodes, one pelvic and one para-aortic.  Both were negative.  She found two fragments of tissue in a cul-de-sac, and two fragments attached to my colon as well.  The cul-de-sac ones were malignant and did not have clear margins.  The colon ones were just acute and chronic inflammation.  Apparently I had had endometriosis all exploded all over the place in there, but never knew it.  Pathology later reported cells in one of the tubes and cancer on the outside of the uterus as well.  Positive pelvic wash and lvsi, so I was staged at IVB.  They had assumed IA when they went in to do the robotic hysterectomy.



Nov 09, 2018 - 2:46 pm

Only two sentinel nodes taken

Only two sentinel nodes taken, one on each side.  The left one showed isolated tumor cells.  Pelvic wash was negative.  I asked my surgeon about taking many nodes, referring to studies that showed better outcome with more nodes removed, but she was worried about causing lower extremity edema.  I still don't know if she did the right thing.  The preop CTs I had showed no metastases, and her visual inspection at time of surgery showed no metastases.



Nov 09, 2018 - 4:21 pm

I had 35 lymph nodes removed,

I had 35 lymph nodes removed, half pelvic & half aortic. I have experienced lymphedema but mild. I’ve been told it can get worse over time. I grieved over tossing my sandals away as I was told they would contribute to edema. I love sandals. Oh well!

i hope your recovery goes well



Nov 09, 2018 - 6:00 pm

I had 27 lymph nodes removed.

I had 27 lymph nodes removed. The biopsy originally showed stage 1, but I ended up 3a,grade 2 cancer. I had surgery over a year ago and only had mild edema in one leg. Once I was done with chemo and could get exercising ok, it disappeared. Hope it stays away.



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  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member
    Thats awesome

    Thank you for doiong this.  So much great information was lost.   I restarted my account but used the same password, which was unique to this site.  I will change it now.  

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    cmb, again, you amaze me.  A

    cmb, again, you amaze me.  A sincerere THANK YOU

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    total of 43 so far

    25 from original surgery; 10 other surgery; 8 recent surgery and maybe  a couple in between