Life after treatment

gymgirl Member Posts: 1

I am almost 2 years out of treatment for stage 3 breast cancer.  I am really struggling emotionally.  I was naive to think that after treatment,  life goes back to “normal“.  There are a lot of things that I have experienced that were unexpected.   Anybody have similar experience?


  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    I am with you!

    Hi, gymgirl


         Like you I am almost 2 years out of treatment.  While I have regained most of my energy, there are still days that it is a struggle to last until night.  In my job I am constantly reminded of what I have lost and did not recover.  My mind is often at a loss for the right word, I find myself distracted, and I have a great deal of frustration when I try to multitask - a skill that I know I had mastery over before treatment.  

         I am so tired of hearing about “well at your age” - how could just age make me go downhill so fast?  I am now being treated for anxiety - side effect of Femara.  Joints and tendons ache, and every illness feels like it is magnified.

         I, too, know that there would be a new normal, but I think it would better be titled a new ABnormal.

          I hope knowing you are not alone brings you some peace.



  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    hello gymgirl

    hello gymgirl...we are all with you on have to find your "NEW NORMAL" and adjust some things . Lots of thoughts still go thru your mind..but I try and focus on the positive because things could be a lot worst as far as I am concerned!  I focus on positive things family around me ..paying it foward and talking and helping others (just like we are talking here) 

    God Bless Everyone..dont beat your self up ..just take it slow and remember you are still 100% WOMAN!!! dont let anyone tell you different.  Laughing


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    be kind to yourself..

    Trying to recover is rough in all ways.   For me it is up and down.  I try to stay positive and move forward with hope of a better day.  




  • anniemshe
    anniemshe Member Posts: 91 Member
    edited October 2018 #5
    Everyone here has been

    Everyone here has been through a lot. There are always ups and downs and we have our good days and not so good days. As Beepositive says look at the positive side of things. Let’s be grateful for the good things. God bless and it gets better each day. Find joy in the people with you. Laugh smile and enjoy what we have here and now. God bless you 

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    Teach76 said:

    I am with you!

    Hi, gymgirl


         Like you I am almost 2 years out of treatment.  While I have regained most of my energy, there are still days that it is a struggle to last until night.  In my job I am constantly reminded of what I have lost and did not recover.  My mind is often at a loss for the right word, I find myself distracted, and I have a great deal of frustration when I try to multitask - a skill that I know I had mastery over before treatment.  

         I am so tired of hearing about “well at your age” - how could just age make me go downhill so fast?  I am now being treated for anxiety - side effect of Femara.  Joints and tendons ache, and every illness feels like it is magnified.

         I, too, know that there would be a new normal, but I think it would better be titled a new ABnormal.

          I hope knowing you are not alone brings you some peace.



    “new NORMAL”

    i can certainly relate to the frustration.  I had another cancer with chemo 7 years ago and my brain was never the same. I had a career which required substantial brain power. After chemo, I was never the same person and could no longer function as I did. I wish there was a better treatment. Maybe someday, the medical profession will be able to fight cancer with less toxic treatments. The breast cancer dx, almost 2 years ago has really just done me in physically and emotionally.  I keep trying to get well, but I am not there yet. These treatments have long term effects for so many of us. BTW, I don’t like being told to “be positive”.  I know it may be well intentioned, but we don’t need to be preached to for keeping it real!  Feels like being told to just buck up!  Not helpful at all.