My menstrual cycle is normal before I was diagnosed of Colon Cancer. When I had my first 4 Cycles of Chemo, still my menstrual cycle is normal. But when I had my 2nd Chemo with Radiation, the entire 1 month I have my mens. Slow and then heavy flowing. After a month it stopped and until now it has not return. Doctor says its normal and it will be back soon because I am still young. (I am not pregnant)
Does this happen and does it really comes back? I am still 33 years old and I wanted to have kids too (hopefully).
I think radiation is the culprit
I haven't had radiation but from what I heard from women who had it, their menstrual cycle was also disrupted. I guess because radiation can cause some changes in the reproductive system (maybe the radiation reaches that area). But the good news is, their menstruation returned. If you're very concerned about your chances of bearing a child, you might want to bring this up with your doctor. Good luck.
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Its already running 5 months
Its already running 5 months but I can wait. Yes I really wanted to have kids though my doctor already warned me that radiation might affect my ability to bear a child but I am hoping for a miracle. This disease can't stop me from trying.
Thank you plsletitrain
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Definitely radiation
Hello there! I had 30 rounds of radiation zappings back in October of 2007, so that September was the last time I ever mentruated. I was 38 at the time. I don't know what the experts call it, but I always refer to it as radiation induced menopause. I recently had some spotting that puzzled me, but I do still have one, functioning ovary. I keep forgetting to mention that to my doc!
I see it as one of the good things that's happened as a result of my cancer. I had such horrendous periods.
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Yes, this can be possible. My period was done before going into treatment but have heard of others that it quit completely. Others will get it back after it (treatment) stops. Glad you talked to your doctor and also that you came on here. Sometimes they don't tell you everything that can happen so it's good to come on here to ask. Keep asking away as we can answer a lot of questions but it's also good you are in communication with your doctor as well.
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Oh it really is radiation. By
Oh it really is radiation. By the way, may I ask when does you know that your stage 3c cancer became stage 4? I'm sorry i just wanted to know when was the "time lapses" or how does it happen. Does it happen during several check-ups or it recur after remission.
Mine is stage 3c but after 4 ctscan my lungs, liver, pancreas and ovary (wherein they expected my cancer to metastasize) where okay. they haven't found any mass or tumor. It pretty scares me reading several post wherein stage 3c cancer turns into stage 4. I've had one co-employee that his daughter is diagnosed stage 3 but a month after they found out that its already stage 4.
thank u so much. i hope i did't cross any line with my question.
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My unprofessional opinion
I think its stage 4 when the cancer has already spread to other organs upon initial diagnosis. However, I've seen people who weren't stage 4 at diagnosis but when it has metastasized, they're referred to as a stage 4. I don't know. I was called a stage 4 now. I was a stage 3B last year (around March) but a lung met removed this year probably elevated me to stage 4. Or I can be a stage 3B with metastasis.
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when did it happen or how didplsletitrain said:My unprofessional opinion
I think its stage 4 when the cancer has already spread to other organs upon initial diagnosis. However, I've seen people who weren't stage 4 at diagnosis but when it has metastasized, they're referred to as a stage 4. I don't know. I was called a stage 4 now. I was a stage 3B last year (around March) but a lung met removed this year probably elevated me to stage 4. Or I can be a stage 3B with metastasis.
when did it happen or how did it happen? is this during several check-ups that they had found out or have you initially have ctscan before surgery or just colonoscopy?
what happen to me is i undergo several test. when i had stomach ache it started june of 2016 on and off. i thought it was just gas pain, there is no blood in my stool yet until another attack happen. i wanted to defecate that moment but i just can't it was like air is running all over my stomach and i can't let it out. i forced myselt to have a bowel movement and that's the time i had blood, bright red to be exact. i was sent immediately to the hospital and they thought it was just hemorrhoids, i had several test - blood, ultrasound, x-ray, even cea but everything came out negative. i had severe allergy attacks too. my gastro thought it was AMEBIASIS and they treated it with antibiotics. August of 2016 i was sent again in the hospital because of stomach pain, another test which included ctscan, endoscopy and colonoscopy. CEA is only 2, had high WBC and rest are normal. Endoscopy negative for H.pylori but when i had colonoscopy, the tube didn't went through because of the tumor/mass found in my sigmoid, same with my ctscan they have found mass in my sigmoid colon, the rest were negative.
I noticed that after surgery, normal value of cea was being observed. i did not went for chemo because i was feeling normal. Months pass by and i was scheduled for series of follow-up check-ups and lab. test. cea started to elevate until october 2017 they found another tumor/ mass. i received 10 cycles of chemo treatment and 28 days of radiation. still i am scheduled for follow-up check-up jan.2019 since the mass seen was no longer indicated in my current ctscan. is this considered stage IV or stage 3c metastasis?
am I going to expect another metastasis in my next check-up? when will it stop? am I a stage3c colonc cancer patient or stage IV? i hope someone could help me understand my situation.
thank u
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Stage III B
I was initially diagnosed as Stage III B. I did have a questionable spot on my liver, that was watched over the course of treatment. It stayed the same size, until treatment stopped, and then it started to grow, and that is when my Oncologist told me that I was indeed Stage IV.
But you know, we can get too caught up in labels. I think that, while it important medically to be stages, we as patients need to sort of blur out that part - if only we could - I have known people who have heard they were stage IV, and immedietely they 'knew' they were going to die. My friends father was given one year to live (like the Doctor's really know). He was doing well on chemo and radiation, but when that one year hit, he sat down, literally, and waited to die. When she went to visit him, she said 'Dad, whats wrong? You are doing so well.' And his answer was 'The Doctors said I had a year, and that is up.'
So you see my point. If only we could try to put that staging to the back of our minds, and concentrate wholly on wanting to live. Telling ourselves we're going to beat this. We're going to live, and not thinking 'only four months to go'.
My advice to you - and its not easy advice - is to stop looking ahead and live this moment. If you think its going to happen, it will happen. Your enegy needs to be in the now.
Right at this moment, I am facing a possible recurrance. My CT Scan is scheduled for the 29th, so on Sunday I'm heading off on vacation, I'm enjoying life. I tell everyone I am doing great. Sure, every now and again I consider the 'what if', I give myself a 10 mintue slot of worry time, but I will deal with the recurrance WHEN I get my results, and not before.
Also, there are countless forum members who were staged at III and are doing well, years, and years out. They just don't post any more, so what you normally see here on the forum, are people who are still fighting the fight.
So to answer your question am I going to expect another metastasis in my next check-up? when will it stop? I would say no, do NOT expect another metastasis. But yes, you will always worry, just learn to put that worry in its place, or it will eat you up.
I hope this all makes sense.
Tru - P.S. My period came to a holt on my second chemo. I was done, but at 54, it was no big deal. I hope yours come back, and that you are able to have children.
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Stage III metastasissylvia_mae said:Oh it really is radiation. By
Oh it really is radiation. By the way, may I ask when does you know that your stage 3c cancer became stage 4? I'm sorry i just wanted to know when was the "time lapses" or how does it happen. Does it happen during several check-ups or it recur after remission.
Mine is stage 3c but after 4 ctscan my lungs, liver, pancreas and ovary (wherein they expected my cancer to metastasize) where okay. they haven't found any mass or tumor. It pretty scares me reading several post wherein stage 3c cancer turns into stage 4. I've had one co-employee that his daughter is diagnosed stage 3 but a month after they found out that its already stage 4.
thank u so much. i hope i did't cross any line with my question.
My metastasis was discovered almost a year after my initial diagnosis, but it's believed it had been there since diagnosis, it was just too small to detect at that time. I've had several metastasis since the initial diagnosis, so it's something that keeps popping up after I've had a stress event that lowers my immune system's ability to fight it off. There's no guarantee that you will, or won't, get a metastasis. 3C has about a 60% recurrence rate. I stopped doing chemo back in 2008, after the initial 6 months, and have treated recurrences with surgery and/or lifestyle adjustments. I currently maintain my health with a vegan diet. I currently have a spot at the original tumor site that's been lighting up off and on for a couple of years. I've been debating about whether or not to let them (the docs) have a go at it since there are a lot of high risks involved if I do, and Lord knows I don't need any 'new' problems. As long as it stays stable, I'm good with it. I've been dealing with this for so long, I've learned not to worry much about anything anymore.
The best thing you can do for yourself at this point is try not to let the worry and fear about getting a metastasis stress you out. Definitely keep vigilant on your scans and keep researching and learning everything you can, but def don't let it interfere any more in your life than it has to. I get scanned every three to four months (PET/CT), with an annual brain MRI, and that seems to be working well.
What other issues are you experiencing? My period wasn't the only thing radiation messed with.
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GREAT HELP!Trubrit said:Stage III B
I was initially diagnosed as Stage III B. I did have a questionable spot on my liver, that was watched over the course of treatment. It stayed the same size, until treatment stopped, and then it started to grow, and that is when my Oncologist told me that I was indeed Stage IV.
But you know, we can get too caught up in labels. I think that, while it important medically to be stages, we as patients need to sort of blur out that part - if only we could - I have known people who have heard they were stage IV, and immedietely they 'knew' they were going to die. My friends father was given one year to live (like the Doctor's really know). He was doing well on chemo and radiation, but when that one year hit, he sat down, literally, and waited to die. When she went to visit him, she said 'Dad, whats wrong? You are doing so well.' And his answer was 'The Doctors said I had a year, and that is up.'
So you see my point. If only we could try to put that staging to the back of our minds, and concentrate wholly on wanting to live. Telling ourselves we're going to beat this. We're going to live, and not thinking 'only four months to go'.
My advice to you - and its not easy advice - is to stop looking ahead and live this moment. If you think its going to happen, it will happen. Your enegy needs to be in the now.
Right at this moment, I am facing a possible recurrance. My CT Scan is scheduled for the 29th, so on Sunday I'm heading off on vacation, I'm enjoying life. I tell everyone I am doing great. Sure, every now and again I consider the 'what if', I give myself a 10 mintue slot of worry time, but I will deal with the recurrance WHEN I get my results, and not before.
Also, there are countless forum members who were staged at III and are doing well, years, and years out. They just don't post any more, so what you normally see here on the forum, are people who are still fighting the fight.
So to answer your question am I going to expect another metastasis in my next check-up? when will it stop? I would say no, do NOT expect another metastasis. But yes, you will always worry, just learn to put that worry in its place, or it will eat you up.
I hope this all makes sense.
Tru - P.S. My period came to a holt on my second chemo. I was done, but at 54, it was no big deal. I hope yours come back, and that you are able to have children.
Thank you Trubit. Thinking of what you said, you're absolutely right, uncertainties and changes are the only constant thing in this world. Might as well live what I have today and worry not about tomorrow because what tomorrow brings is always a surprise.
As cliche as it may sound there is a prayer that comes to my mind upon reading your response "YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN". I am not religous type of person but I am holding onto my faith. I admit at times it drag me down, it was like these fears are eating me alive yet seeing my parents and siblings, imagining what it would like be not to include me in the picture terrifies me. I needed to brush it off. I needed to fight as long as my body won't give up on me there is still chance, a chance to live and a chance to be with them.
These forum is a great help to people like me, I had my cancer in a young age, not yet married, not a fan of unhealthy life style, not stressed (because i love my job and i enjoyed it a lot) and etc. I expected to live a normal healthy life in the longest period of time but I had cancer. No one, as in nobody expected that I have it in me. I had nowhere to go, it is not easy to share, people has different perspective when it comes to cancer. There opinion would hit bottom, its like your dying already, you have no chance. No its not just opinion but they expect you to die. That is why I find it difficult to share. I have to keep it within me, the fears, anxiety, the panick attacks. I wanted to cry but I can't. I need to show them I am stronger than what this disease they all fear about. But in the end of the day it was just me my own battle, own my fight.
These forum made me realize a lot of things; our choice to live, to be happy, to savor every moment, to get every chance we have and to embrace life. Value the people who are there during our battles. Throw away negative thoughts and do not give them a single ounce to hamper the happiness you have. Everybody has its own war to fight with and we should deal with arms wide open.
Thank you Trubit
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