Has anyone had leg pain after pelvic radiation?



  • dawnj
    dawnj Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2017 #22
    z said:


    I too had leg pain and buttock pain.  On 6-30-14 it will be 5 years ned from the end of tx.  I think the leg pain lasted up to the 2nd year.  It was more like it felt better if I pushed on it like breaking up tissue, I really don't know.  I hope you will find out and let us know.  I wish you well, Lori

    Leg and buttock pain

    Wondering how you resolved this. I've had it for about five weeks now and nothing is helping. Thank you.

  • dawnj
    dawnj Member Posts: 4
    RoseC said:

    I had/have a lot of buttock

    I had/have a lot of buttock pain too. In the beginning (I'm over five years out of treatment) it felt too that I should be pushing against it. Walking up a slight inclimb felt good. But the PT said I shouldn't do anything that causes pain. So I didn't. And I still have problems with walking distances more than 250 ft. My hips and leg (right leg) clamp up then I have to stop and rest for about 10 minutes. I often wonder if I should have listened to my instincts and pushed further, walked up the hill rather than not. Z, how is your walking now?

    buttock pain

    Wondering how you resolved this. I've had it for about five weeks now and nothing is helping. Thank you.

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    Yes, me too

    I got pain and tightness in my leg muscles, and like others everyone acted like they didn't know what I was talking about. I asked for a physical therapy consult which helped even though the therapist had never heard this complaint either. I believe the cause of the symptoms is scarring and tightening of all those ligaments and tendons in your pelvis- just like vaginas get scarred and shortened, the leg muscles do too. Elasticity and flexibility are affected. I found a couple stretches really helpful and I can now sit cross-legged after stretching. 

  • rlr000dc
    rlr000dc Member Posts: 51
    edited February 2017 #25

    I have a hard time still and its been almost a year. Seems like everytime i get started i have setbacks. My hip hurts alot but am pretty sure it was from sitting with my leg crossed underneath me to keep my rear off the seats because of the pain. I still have trouble getting up from the floor as well.


  • Gem 5
    Gem 5 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2017 #26
    Muscle and joint after radiation treatment

    I am coming up on 2 years post radiation treatment. I think I'm just now starting to make the connection between my unusual (for me ) leg pain in my quads and hamstrings & possible long term side effects of radiation treatment. Unfortunately I've also been having a lot of joint pain as well. Knees, hips, and foot joints - ouch. I'm 50 and have always been physically active with running or tae bo workouts. Never have I had this much post workout pain. Do you know if anyone else has joint pain along with the muscle pain after having pelvic radiation?

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited March 2017 #27

    Welcome to this site.  I went through treatment back in 2008 and am a runner and weight lifter.   I have had quite a bit of leg/knee/hip/pelvic pain since undergoing treatment.  While I cannot know for sure that the radiation caused any of this, I did not have these issues prior to treatment.  A lot of people have similar complaints after this treatment, so you are not alone. 


  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member

    yes life is very painful below the waist.  I am a surfer, fast walker.

  • Victoria2360
    Victoria2360 Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2017 #29
    Leg Pain

    Hi Nancy, I have had pelvic X-rays last June and am suffering with leg pain in addition to chronic hip, groin and back pain. Don't know how to resolve the issue. I have read that exercises Or visiting a chiropractor might help. Good Luck! Victoria 2360i

  • Crosby14
    Crosby14 Member Posts: 1
    eihtak said:


    Hi, yes I did notice unusual leg pain about 3-6 months post treatment. I definately felt better when walking or stretching. (Funny how the body naturally knows whats best at times) I also was able to find a gentle yoga class specifically for cancer recovery that was wonderful. I am 3yrs post treatment now and as long as I do at least some light physical activity daily, though I usually do more, I have no more pain.....at least for now!

    Although the radiation is targeted at the tumor site, I always compare it to a fire pit and how the heat and ashes burn and singe the area far from the center of the pit. Sometimes that field is permanently damaged, but much will re-grow with a little work and attention. So, in that way, the muscles, tendons, bones, etc. in your hips and legs have suffered some trauma and need regular exercise to rebuild.

    Thats just my thinking of course so please run it past your doctor to rule out any serious conditions.

    Be well.


    Both legs are badly hurting at noght

     i am desperate and don't know who to turn too. At night time both legs become hard and every movement hurts. So concerned about it. I had rectal cancer 3 years ago. what can I do?


  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member
    hip/leg pain

    have had back/hip/groin pain since treatment ended nearly 3 years ago.

    have been to see both hip specialist and back specialist plus ct scans. MRI. Xrays

    They have both recomended osteopaths & accupunture 

    both said pain from hip & groin is from radiation but i also have cartilage loss in my hip since my scans at treatment which is either from my age (56) or falling over lots at the beginning of the year . 

    Also recently found out i had vitaiminB12 deficiany , had to have vit B injections. google says it can be from radiation but my doctors say it's not but doctor google says it can make you fall over . i have stopped falling over since injections. who knows? every one is learning what happens if you are survive cancer but i am cancer free so all the part of the price you pay for this...


  • horsepad
    horsepad Member Posts: 146 Member
    I have had leg (mainly thighs

    I have had leg (mainly thighs) pain since treatment and mentioned it to a few doctors.  No explanations, no suggestions.   Actually, it never occured to me that it could be from radiation.  My legs feel very heavy and weak.  I feel like I have been walking for hours instead of minutes.   I have flat feet and saw an orthopedic surgeon thinking it could be the cause of my leg pain.  When I explained to him how my legs feel, he told me to get active and it'll go away.  I was so mad!!!!   This was the first time I met the doctor and he knew nothing about me or how active I was.  When I told him I am very active, taking care of a 70 acre farm, farm animals, raising grandchildren, volunteer work etc. he said well get more active!!!  How can I get more active when my legs feel like they weigh a ton!

  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member

    after doing acupuncture followed by massage weekly , taking chinese herbs the acupuncturist recomended for the last 4-5 weeks & cupping (x2 times) i am now painfree for the 1st time in 3 years. added bonus never ending cigarette cravings have gone. I feel so good. I highly recommend trying. 10/10.