Numbness in neck

Hello all I have a question last day of treatment was June 15th can anyone tell me how long before the numbness in the neck goes away. First let me explain I had 3 lymp nodes and cyst  removed back in March and the surgeon said he had to go in deep due to the fact of the size and how it was growing. Then add the radiation for 7 weeks. I feel good taste buds returned, still very tired, was scoped by my ENT two weeks ago no sign of cancer or new growth. GREAT NEWS!!! Was told numbness was normal but was wondering what any of you experienced in terms of recovery?? PET scan set for September 10th results on the 12th, was told not to be nervous but we all know it’s only normal to freak out after the ordeal of what we have gone through. I hope this post finds you all well and thanks in advance for all replies. 



  • momall25ofu
    momall25ofu Member Posts: 81 Member
    Charlene, I'm sorry for what

    Charlene, I'm sorry for what you're having to go through.  I can't help you, since my husband has only had the surgery so far .... but hang in there.  Prayers for you.

  • tex1kirk
    tex1kirk Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2018 #3

    My right side of my face ang mouth are numb. I'm on my last 5 radiation treatments. I wonder the same thing.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member

    Not sure if you want to read this.  I had a radical right neck dissection in '12 and my neck is still numb on that side.  Never did ask my surgeon how long it would last.  Just assumed forever I guess.  It has lessened a bit and I don't think about it at all as it doesn't affect my life at all.  

  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    If it is nerve damage.....

    it may never fully disappear.

    I was diagnosed in March of 2012 with stage IV-A base of tongue cancer, with involvement of the left lymph nodes.  No surgery at the start, Induction chemo followed by radiation and then selective neck dissections (yes, 2).  The first one produced some tingling in the ear, jaw and cheek area, the second made it numb.  Here we are some 5 and a half years after that second procedure and it is numb but now tingling with a 'waking up' aspect. 


    My ENT said that it may come back, but because of the amount of dissecting they had to do, it will never come all the way back. 

    It gets irritating as hell at times, and can be funny.  I use a wireless telephone headset at work and many times I find myself in my car on the way home, only to discover that I forgot to put the headset back in the charger.

    Sorry to be the bearer of what could be poor news, but for me, I'm still fairly numb on that side though well recovered from the ordeal, 65-70% of saliva came back, taste came back too though some heavily sour flavors are extremely challenging.


    As always, check with your physician and express your concerns.  There may be something that can be done.

  • Mavish
    Mavish Member Posts: 94 Member
    yensid683 said:

    If it is nerve damage.....

    it may never fully disappear.

    I was diagnosed in March of 2012 with stage IV-A base of tongue cancer, with involvement of the left lymph nodes.  No surgery at the start, Induction chemo followed by radiation and then selective neck dissections (yes, 2).  The first one produced some tingling in the ear, jaw and cheek area, the second made it numb.  Here we are some 5 and a half years after that second procedure and it is numb but now tingling with a 'waking up' aspect. 


    My ENT said that it may come back, but because of the amount of dissecting they had to do, it will never come all the way back. 

    It gets irritating as hell at times, and can be funny.  I use a wireless telephone headset at work and many times I find myself in my car on the way home, only to discover that I forgot to put the headset back in the charger.

    Sorry to be the bearer of what could be poor news, but for me, I'm still fairly numb on that side though well recovered from the ordeal, 65-70% of saliva came back, taste came back too though some heavily sour flavors are extremely challenging.


    As always, check with your physician and express your concerns.  There may be something that can be done.

    Hi Charlene

    I am sorry that you are here. I was diagnosed with stage IV scc in February 2016. Had two surgeries in February and March 2016 followed by RT. I had significant numbness in the right side of my neck. I have still some but it is gradually getting better. Give yourself a year or two. Healing is extremely slow. Time to time I feel itchy, probably nerves endings are coming back. Wish you the best.

  • Charmit
    Charmit Member Posts: 87
    Thank you all for replying...

    Thank you all for replying....I will take the numbness over the cancer any day thats for sure!!! Just was curious how others have healed from all the treatments. This site has helped me so much in this journey. I go for my first PET scan Monday nervous as anything praying cancer is gone and I can put all this behind me and start to breath again with no fear. Not true I guess we will always have the fear!! 

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    You may research acupuncture as a treatment for your symptoms. More often, it is used to ease pain and such but it might help stimulate nerve growth. 

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    Charmit said:

    Thank you all for replying...

    Thank you all for replying....I will take the numbness over the cancer any day thats for sure!!! Just was curious how others have healed from all the treatments. This site has helped me so much in this journey. I go for my first PET scan Monday nervous as anything praying cancer is gone and I can put all this behind me and start to breath again with no fear. Not true I guess we will always have the fear!! 

    PT and deep tissue massage can help...

    Check with your MD's first though...