Once again seeking encouragement

Diagnosed in May 2017. 28 chemo/radiation treatments Summer 2017. Rectal removal and permanent colostomy surgery October 2017. Mets to liver, multiplying. Folfiri Spring 2018. Interrupted by broken hip early July of this year.

Got some lab work done at my PCP and he sent me to the ER today to check for a blood clot. No blood clot, but 3 nodules on lungs. I feel so defeated and scared. I will see my Onc next Friday to discuss options. Can anyone provide me with some shreds of hope? I will continue and enhance my natural protocols; but my strain of CRC seems chemo resistant. I want to keep fighting for my husband, children and grandchild.



  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    What have you been on besides

    What have you been on besides Folfiri? Have you tried Folfox? 

  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    2 nodules

    My cancer returned in my right lung. Surgery got rid of it. I've read some stories on here about 2 and 3 lung surgeries. Multiple recurrences and somehow they are still here. Never give up!

    Sending good vibes your way. Wait to see what your doc says.

    Hang in there


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I've had lung mets for

    I've had lung mets for several years now. They're kept under control with chemo but will likely never be gone. I am not a candidate for sugery so it's my only option. Despite them I'm told I still have 8 to 10 years so that's not bad.


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    So sorry you are facing tough news that we all dread.  I have no experience with stage 4, but know first-hand the stories of countless people who have gone on for years after the diagnosis despite what the doctors told them.  From my perspective, there is no choice but to keep on fighting, keep on surviving and to keep savoring each delicious minute of life.

  • mountainhiker
    mountainhiker Member Posts: 54
    Stay strong

    Hey Beth,

    Other than what you've noted above, I really don't know what your journey has been to date so forgive me if I'm saying something you've already done.  Have you received a second, third, or even fourth opinion?  Are you being treated at a major cancer center?  The reason I ask is because I was told by several doctors that the only treatment for me was chemo for life.  That was prior to heading up to MSK and having liver resection and HAI pump implant surgery.  Larger more experienced centers can do things others can't.


  • BRHMichigan
    BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368
    Thanks, everyone

    I am considering switching to University of Michigan, or at least getting another opinion. I have been to two traditional Oncologists and see an Integrated Oncologist who retires in November. I appreciate the encouragement to keep fighting. I was going super strong with the Folfiri until my hip broke (had to stop so hip would heal). Feel like taking 3 months off may have been a bigger setback than we expected. 

    They found the liver mets a year ago and I'm still here. Just not sure if surgery will be an option for my lungs until I see the docs. If they leave me few options I may seek other opinions. We also have Karmanos nearby and Cleveland Clinic is a car ride away.

  • plsletitrain
    plsletitrain Member Posts: 252 Member
    Keep fighting

    I totally understand the feeling.  These setbacks make me question also if I will beat it but please try to distract yourself.  Come up with a plan, and don't stop with oncologists that don't give you hope.  Continue searching for other opinions, keep the healthy lifestyle, and do everything you can to beat this.  I don't know if you're a believer but in times when I feel like there's no way out, God (or anyone you adhere to) rescues me.  That's why whenever I hear these lines:  "When there seems to be no way....God will make a way....He works in ways we cannot see".  This is so true.  So many times I've witnessed him do miracles in my life that not even my mind can fathom how these things came about but it did.  So trust that He works in ways we don't see.  There's hope.  He will make a way. Remember:  He works in ways we cannot see.  

    (I don't mean to sound religious so forgive me, I'm not trying to impose faith in anyone, I just want you and everyone to know that despite the odds, someone will make a way, and He works in ways we cannot see).

  • BRHMichigan
    BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368

    Keep fighting

    I totally understand the feeling.  These setbacks make me question also if I will beat it but please try to distract yourself.  Come up with a plan, and don't stop with oncologists that don't give you hope.  Continue searching for other opinions, keep the healthy lifestyle, and do everything you can to beat this.  I don't know if you're a believer but in times when I feel like there's no way out, God (or anyone you adhere to) rescues me.  That's why whenever I hear these lines:  "When there seems to be no way....God will make a way....He works in ways we cannot see".  This is so true.  So many times I've witnessed him do miracles in my life that not even my mind can fathom how these things came about but it did.  So trust that He works in ways we don't see.  There's hope.  He will make a way. Remember:  He works in ways we cannot see.  

    (I don't mean to sound religious so forgive me, I'm not trying to impose faith in anyone, I just want you and everyone to know that despite the odds, someone will make a way, and He works in ways we cannot see).


    Oh you are not imposing one bit. I do have faith in God and have seen His hand in so much of my experience so far. You are right. He gives us a great many tools to work with. I can't let negative thoughts take over. 

    I appreciate you and everyone on this board who understands these emotions. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm sorry to hear the findings in the lungs and hopefully they can find something to reduce them and/or surgery.  I'm not sure where you have been going but all my treatments, doctors and surgeries were done at Henry Ford West Bloomfield.  They have great doctors there.  UofM is an awesome hospital as well but didn't use them for treatment.  Praying for the best.

    Hugs!  Kim


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Prayers for you BRH. Positive

    Prayers for you BRH. Positive thoughts sent.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    *Deep sigh*

    We feel your pain; the pain that comes with hearing yet more discouraging words. 

    It is a worthy cause, to want to keep fighting for your loved ones, BUT, don't forget yourself in the process.  Fight for yourself also.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. 



  • Cindy225
    Cindy225 Member Posts: 172 Member

    Oh Beth so challenging to get those results. Take one day at a time continuing to fight for you and your family.  Prayers.


  • BRHMichigan
    BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368


    I'm sorry to hear the findings in the lungs and hopefully they can find something to reduce them and/or surgery.  I'm not sure where you have been going but all my treatments, doctors and surgeries were done at Henry Ford West Bloomfield.  They have great doctors there.  UofM is an awesome hospital as well but didn't use them for treatment.  Praying for the best.

    Hugs!  Kim



    I go to Providence/ St. John in Novi and Southfield. What a small world! 

    Thank you, and everyone here, for your prayers and well wishes. There is something very special about empathy, which we can't really teceive from friends and family. 

  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    I am so sorry Beth!

    i hoping they can find something to help get rid of the nodules! I worry about you and think of you often!

  • Twinzma
    Twinzma Member Posts: 236 Member

    When I am down in the dumps I turn to this song. Gives me strength to put on the strong face for the kids. Nate king cole, Micheal Jackson and Barbara Sristand all have variations of it. 

    Don't feel defeated you are so strong! Honestly, the challenges you have faced WOW I don't have half of the gusto you have had through all of this. You will prevail! Hugs....

  • BRHMichigan
    BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368

    I sure appreciate everyone's empathy, kimd words & prayer. I got some good news this week...it appears my largest tumor shrank a bit after 5 rounds of chemo (Irinotecan & Avastin). And my hip is now healed. So I'll start back asap, along with a supervised keto diet, and maybe add back IV vitamin C. 

    Amazing what a little hope does for one's psyche! The ups and downs are just so extreme with cancer.

  • Tunadog
    Tunadog Member Posts: 235 Member
    Great news

    Best of luck!

     I will pray for you and all of our friends 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited September 2018 #19


    I go to Providence/ St. John in Novi and Southfield. What a small world! 

    Thank you, and everyone here, for your prayers and well wishes. There is something very special about empathy, which we can't really teceive from friends and family. 


    Oh what a word.  No one knows it like us.  It's sad how most just ask how we feel and never really even think about what we've been through.  This Board (and all on it) are in my prayers everyday.  Even at Church tonight, extra prayers for this board.  Wishing you the best and good luck with seeking a new opinion.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member


    I sure appreciate everyone's empathy, kimd words & prayer. I got some good news this week...it appears my largest tumor shrank a bit after 5 rounds of chemo (Irinotecan & Avastin). And my hip is now healed. So I'll start back asap, along with a supervised keto diet, and maybe add back IV vitamin C. 

    Amazing what a little hope does for one's psyche! The ups and downs are just so extreme with cancer.


    Great news on the hip.  I'm not sure I'd be doing the happy dance right now, but thats a good sign.  Good to hear about the tumor as well.  Shrinkage is good.  Wishing you continued healing and recovery.
